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  • [YouTube] What is the price and payment method for "Membership"?Explains how to cancel and unsubscribe!(November 28, 2021) --Exite News

[YouTube] What is the price and payment method for "Membership"?Explains how to cancel and unsubscribe!(November 28, 2021) --Exite News


How can I pay when I become a membership on a channel on YouTube?Also, what kind of procedure is required if you want to cancel or unsubscribe?In this article, we will explain in detail how to pay YouTube memberships, cancellation of memberships and withdrawal methods.

[YouTube] What is a membership?

The paid function of YouTube has a membership function.What kind of function is a membership?Also, what should I pay when using a membership?In this article, we will explain in detail what youTube membership is, what to pay and how to cancel.

【YouTube】「メンバーシップ」の料金と支払い方法は? 解約・退会方法も解説! (2021年11月28日) - エキサイトニュース

・ System that allows you to pay a specific channel and support creators

First, I will explain what YouTube membership is like.YouTube membership is a function that can support by paying a specific channel.Membership is set for each YouTube channel.

The channel with memberships has video content that can be seen even if you are not a member of the membership.However, there are also videos that cannot be seen unless they become members of membership.

Channel operators who set up membership have various benefits for membership members who pay the fee.The main members of memberships include membership -only distribution and video viewing of memberships that can only be seen unless they join the membership, posts exclusively for memberships, and comments in the comments section.


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