YouTube hides low ratings-AV Watch


From YouTube official blog

On November 11th, YouTube hid the number of low ratings pushed for videos posted. This change will be rolled out in stages from the same day.

The low rating button itself is displayed as before, and you can press the button. Viewers can give detailed customizations and adjustments to "recommended videos" by giving low ratings to videos. Creators posting videos can see the exact number of low ratings from YouTube Studio, along with other metrics.

YouTube、低評価数を非表示に - AV Watch

YouTube has been testing low-rated buttons since the beginning of this year, and found that hiding low-rated numbers reduces the number of low-rated buttons pressed to boost numbers.

Furthermore, it is said that small creators and creators who have just opened a YouTube channel have reported that they are unfairly targeted for "low-rated vandalism", and in this experiment, such vandalism is a small channel. It was also confirmed that it occurred at a higher rate.

The company recognizes that some viewers are deciding whether or not to watch the video based on the number of low ratings published, and it is possible that such viewers do not agree with this decision. "I'm sure this is the right choice for YouTube," he said, recognizing that there is.

"This change is just one of many measures we take to protect creators from harassment. This is not the end of the effort, and YouTube will continue to do so." There is.

YouTube low rating changes