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  • If you understand the "style" of Word format batch, you can use it more easily!

If you understand the "style" of Word format batch, you can use it more easily!



 How long are you in front of your computer during your daily work? If you shorten it by 10 minutes a day, it will expand to about 43 hours a year (for 105 days on holidays). If you could spend that much time to another job-. How can it be understood for those who see the materials? And is the Microsoft Word (Word) or Excel (Excel), which is often used by business people, can be finished faster and cleaner? Let's hold down the basic points with Mr. Shizuko Shigei, a computer instructor. [Beautiful Word document] A difference is given with "line and number of lines"! Click here for how to make it. It is a function that sets the format batch, but I hear many voices that this "style" is difficult to use as a function. This time, we will not only learn the "style setting" procedure, but will also introduce what style is in the first place.

The style is specified at the time of blank paper

Photo: Nikkei style

Wordの書式一括設定 「スタイル」をきちんと理解すれば、もっと楽に使いこなせる!

 If you open Word and try to create a new document from new creation, it starts with a blank document.In fact, the style is already set at this time.Because Word has a "theme" of the document, and the normal new document is "Office theme".Design tab → You can check from the theme.

Photo: Nikkei style

 In this "theme", fonts, colors, styles, etc. are set.Of course, it is possible to customize them after deciding the theme.It is also possible to register as a new theme by specifying your favorite font, color scheme and style.In other words, by changing the theme, you can change the style format.For example, if you select "Organic", it will look like the following image.

 If you compare "Office" and "Organic", can you see that the colors, fonts, and lines are different below "(business content)"? The paragraph with "・" on the left margin is where the style "Heading 1" and "Heading 2" are set, and the paragraphs where there is no mark is set with "standard" in style. When the theme changes, the style format is different. The first thing you need to know is that when you try to create a new document, the Office theme is applied ・ The Office theme is already set up in the style.・ If you clear the format, it will be a “standard” style. Then, the following story is "What does it mean to set the format using a pre -built style?"


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