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  • The real names of the famous doctors of "Respiratory Surgery", "Stomach Surgery", and "Colorectal Surgery" called "God's Hand" in Japan will be disclosed.

The real names of the famous doctors of "Respiratory Surgery", "Stomach Surgery", and "Colorectal Surgery" called "God's Hand" in Japan will be disclosed.


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In the first part of the article, "The doctors of" brain surgery "and" heart surgery "who are called the best doctors in Japan are released by name ...! ], We will continue to reveal 10 doctors who are called famous doctors in Japan. [Photo] "Surgery that I don't want to have if I'm a patient" revealed by famous doctors with their real names


The "ultimate form" of cancer surgery

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Along with Mr. Shinnami and Mr. Amano, Mr. Shuichiro Takanashi (62 years old), a vice director of Kawasaki Saiwai Hospital and a professor at the International University of Health and Welfare, who is said to be one of the best doctors in Japanese heart surgery, has seen a remarkable increase in heart among the elderly in recent years. He is an expert in valvular surgery, especially "valvoplasty". "For valvular disease surgery, there are methods to install artificial valves such as biological valves using bovine and pig tissues, metal mechanical valves, and valvuloplasty to reconstruct valves using surrounding and internal tissues. There are two types. For elderly people, it is desirable to perform valvular surgery because the artificial valve makes it easier for foreign substances to form blood clots and the anticoagulant cannot be released after surgery. It's difficult to make. ”Inside the heart, there is a valve to prevent backflow of blood. Valvular disease is a disease in which this valve becomes stiff due to aging and the like, causing disturbance of blood flow and reflux. If left untreated, it causes chest pain and dyspnea, and may cause sudden death due to heart failure. "Identify the valve that is causing the disturbance of blood flow, cut out the loose or degenerated part, and in the mitral valve, gore-tex (water resistant) a filamentous tissue called" chordae tendineae "that supports the valve. It is important not to just remake the valve, but to prevent it from being overloaded with blood flow and breaking again. The size and joint condition of the valve must be adjusted in millimeters. I can't make a long-lasting valve for 10 or 20 years. ”The National Cancer Research Center Central Hospital, a sacred place for cancer treatment in Japan, towers over Tsukiji, Tokyo. Even in the hospital, there is a well-known doctor who boasts the largest number of surgical operations, 320 cases a year. It is Shunichi Watanabe (56 years old), the chief of respiratory surgery. At the National Cancer Center Hospital, which boasts a history of 60 years, all kinds of surgery have been performed. Mr. Watanabe himself operates a total of 5,600 cases. Based on his knowledge, he has reached the "ultimate form" of lung cancer surgery. "It's a technique called'hybrid butts'. In the armpit, make a 5-6 cm incision in one place and insert the surgical instrument, and in the other place, insert the endoscope through a hole of about 1 cm. The important thing is from the incision. The point is that you can touch the affected area with your finger. For endoscopic surgery, you have to rely on camera images and CT (computer tomography) images, but that alone can accurately identify the extent and location of lung cancer. It's difficult to do. However, when you touch it, you can clearly see it and you can't leave it behind. "In recent years," minimally invasive ", that is, surgery with a small wound, using an endoscope or a robot has become the mainstream. However, because he cares about his wounds, he has no children and no one to leave cancer behind. "Hybrid Butts is a method that was born as a result of pursuing a balance that allows us to be discharged as soon as possible while performing thorough surgery to prevent recurrence." In 2015, he also operated on metastatic cancer of Mr. Koizumi Ohashi (81 years old at that time). It was the fourth recurrence for Mr. Oizumi, but he returned to performing arts activities immediately after the surgery. Immediately after his surgery, the manuscript he submitted to this magazine's column "Wills of the Week" was radiant. ---------- ---------- Mr. Oizumi unfortunately died in July 2016, It can be said that it was a great death due to Mr. Watanabe's skill. Another base of national cancer is the National Cancer Center Hospital East in Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture. Takahiro Kinoshita (52 years old), who is the director of gastric surgery at the hospital, is a leading expert in gastric cancer robotic surgery, which has rapidly become widespread in recent years. His annual number of operations is 250, and he also teaches overseas doctors by live surgery. "In robotic surgery, we believe that medical knowledge, engineering knowledge, and procedures can only be combined into a trinity to provide accurate treatment with less burden on the patient. For example, how much voltage is applied to an electric scalpel and a delicate force is applied. There is also a trick to cutting the tissue while adding. From experience, setting it to 200 volts or less is the most effective cutting without bleeding. If you minimize the damage and burning of the surrounding tissue, Patients should recover faster. "

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