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  • Immediately before the invasion of Ukraine, Russia was launching Japan on television broadcasting in Japan ... The attack on Japan begins with cybermen!

Immediately before the invasion of Ukraine, Russia was launching Japan on television broadcasting in Japan ... The attack on Japan begins with cybermen!



On February 25, Kyiv was attacked by a missile.Local authorities urged citizens to evacuate to the shelter (photo, Afro)

ウクライナ侵攻直前、ロシアがテレビ放送で日本に仕掛けていた “情報戦”…対日攻撃はサイバー戦から始まる!

"Anyone trying to get in the way from the outside will face a big result in history," Russia's remarks that Russia will not use nuclear weapons or quit. Is shook the world, but it is not only the nucleus that threatens to Japan. Writer and former Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs chief analyzer Yu Sato says that Russia has already been "information warfare" in Japan. "On February 10, a documentary program," Japanese spies are in the northern territory, "was broadcast in Russia. The program was arrested in 2019 in 2019. It was reported that it was interrogated. It was also accused of hiding a scene where a Japanese embassy was meeting with a Russian dissidents, and that the Japanese Public Security Intelligence Agency was conducting spy activities. Sato analyzes the message emitted by the program. "This program will be a" response "to the ambassador to Emmanuel in the United States on February 7 that" the United States has acknowledged Japanese sovereignty in the northern territory since the 1950s. " If Japan is involved, it is a signal in which Russia has a secret information that Japan will do everything in Japan. "In addition, Toshihiro Yamada, an international journalist, will be a threat to Russia in Japan. It is a "cyber attack". "There is a" DDOS attack "that is exactly what is being done in Ukraine. This is a way to send a lot of data to the server to reduce the movement of personal computers. In addition, a virus called" wiper ". There is also a way to send it in and erase the data and system itself. Ukraine has been attacked many times by Russia in the past, but it has been severely damaged, such as actually stopping power. " He pointed out that the threat may already be lurking in Japan. "There is a possibility that the" seeds "of attacks are already scattered in Japanese infrastructure facilities and financial institutions. There is a risk that the virus is embedded in such an institution and can be activated at any time." The invasion of the Ukrainian this time has the impact of Russia's gas and oil soaring, but it is a surprising place. "In the invasion of the Russian Army, the occupation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is concerned about the delay in the reconstruction work of the Fukushima nuclear power plant," says Mitsuhiro Sera, who is working on many international press reports. "Since the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in 2011, the Fukushima nuclear power plant and Chernobyl have been closely related. It has already been more than 10 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake, but it will take decades in the next and second aircraft. The work is still in the early stages. In order to proceed to the next step, the data that Chernobyl has still need. In response to this occupation, the schedule for the decommissioning of Fukushima nuclear power plants is significantly significant. It may be delayed "(Mr. Sera)

Weekly Flash March 15, 2022
