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  • Dozens of years of calculation in dozens of seconds?Showa Electric Works, quantum inspired calculation for composition ratio calculation of semiconductor materials

Dozens of years of calculation in dozens of seconds?Showa Electric Works, quantum inspired calculation for composition ratio calculation of semiconductor materials



Explore the optimal composition with "Digital Anila"

数十年かかる計算が数十秒に? 昭和電工、半導体素材の配合比率計算に量子インスパイア計算活用

 On February 10, Showa Denko utilized the technology inspired by quantum computing and searched for the composition ratio of materials used to make semiconductors, but the calculation that had been theoretically required to take decades. It was announced that it was completed in tens of seconds. The semiconductor material is made in combination of materials such as resin and additive, and the performance depends on the combination. Showa Denko explores the optimal compound ratio by combining Fujitsu's computing machine "Digital Anira" and a unique development AI that predicts the characteristics of semiconductor materials based on the ingredients. It is said that the performance of semiconductor materials has been improved by 30 %. Digital Anila is a computer developed based on the quantum annealing -type quantum computers, and says that it can solve the "combination optimization problem" that finds the optimal answer from a large number of combinations. According to Showa Denko, the combination of semiconductor material materials exists more than 10 50 migration. In the past, it took several decades to find the optimal compound even if AI was used, but the use of digital anilla has reduced the search time to 1/10 of the conventional convention.