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[Windows 11 Convenient Tech] Make use of Windows 11 snap layouts that line up the windows and neatly -PC Watch

Windows 11 Convenient Tech


 "Snap layout" is a common feature of Windows 11 as a new feature of Windows 11.It is easier to align the window, but by customizing this function, you can make your own operation more.

Snap layout that allows you to freely place windows

 In Windows 11, when the mouse cursor is combined with the [Maximum] button at the top right of the window, a "snap layout" that allows you to select where the window is lined up on the desktop is displayed.

【Windows 11 Convenient Tech】ウィンドウを縦横きれいに並べるWindows 11のスナップレイアウトを使いこなす - PC Watch

 The window can be arranged by selecting the two screens on the left and right, the top, bottom, left and right screens, the three screens on the left, right, and left, and various layouts.


 This feature seems to be a function that can be clearly separated from likes and dislikes, and I do not use it very much personally, but some people say that it is "very convenient because it is uncomfortable if it is not lined up. It is very convenient".It seems like it's a "appropriate" or a sieve that distinguishes humanity.

 The operation with the conventional shortcut key is also alive, and it can be snapped with [Win] + [Alt] + [←/→], but it is true that you can select the placement location in one shot, so the operation from the snap layout.But convenience seems to be high.

Customize snap function

 Window snaps can be turned on/off from [Multitask] in [System] in [Settings], and you can customize detailed movements.

 Specifically, the following functions can be turned on/off.The standard is all on, so if you have unnecessary functions, you should turn it off.


 As mentioned above, snaps are a divided function of preference, so all those who use it can remain on the standard, but if you want to always maximize the window, turn off the snap layout. right.

"Shake", which caused the misalignment, is invalidated

 In the Windows 10th era, while dragging to change the position of the window, the mouse is often blurred on the left and right, and it is often the tragedy of minimizing all windows.there were.

 In Windows 11, this "shake" operation is disabled as standard.Of course, it is possible to turn it on again, and if you turn on [Title Bar Window Shake] in [Multitask] in [Settings], just swing the mouse left and right during a window drag, all windows are one.It can be minimized based on the basis.If you want to use it again, turn it on.
