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  • The reason why smart watches are recommended for those in the customer service business

The reason why smart watches are recommended for those in the customer service business

A smart watch that takes exercise and walking logs and also measures heart rate and calorie consumption."Useful for health management and dieting" is a great attraction of smartwatches.Another attraction of a smartwatch is that it will deliver notifications such as incoming calls on smartphones and LINE.Therefore, it has the advantage of reducing unnecessary smartphones.In this article, the advantage of the smartphone is that people in the customer service business will live.

In the customer service industry, it tends to give the impression that "put out a smartphone in front of customers = rude"

If you are engaged in the customer service business and work in front of the customer, "That's the smartphone is trembling, but who is it from?"Even if you are worried, you can't take out your smartphone.Even if there is a possibility of urgent contact or work, it will give you the impression that you can take out your smartphone in front of the customer.


If you have a smart watch, you don't have to put out your smartphone in front of the customer!

Smart watches are useful in such a case.As mentioned above, it will deliver incoming calls to smartphones and LINE notifications, so you don't have to take out your smartphone.Also, if you look at the clock quickly, it doesn't give you a rude impression like playing a smartphone in front of a customer.In fact, some of my acquaintances said, "I bought a smartphone because I couldn't see my smartphone in the customer service business!"

If you are worried about your smartphone while serving customers, you often want to check your smartphone due to family circumstances, but you are in trouble because you can't see it in front of customers.With the introduction, you should be able to reduce such stress.

It is convenient to check the contents of the notification and reply!

Most smartwatches are equipped with a function to receive incoming calls on smartphones and notify LINE, but there is a difference in the content of the notification.If the screen is small and the price is reasonable, or a model that emphasizes fitness elements, it will only be displayed as "There is a new message" and "I do not know the content even if I reached who received the LINE."There is also a case.

Conversely, if you become a high -performance smartwatch like Apple Watch, you can check the contents of the LINE that arrived, and you will be able to reply simple by formal sentences, stamps, audio input, etc.

Recently, even for reasonable smart watches, the number of models that display a certain length with LINE notifications has increased.If you are thinking about purchasing a smartphone because of the use of notification function, check in advance how much the notification will be displayed!