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What kind of person is a brain scientific smart person?| Zuu Online

This article is a part of Kenichiro Mogi's book, "The Story of An interesting illustration brain that makes you can't sleep" (Nippon Bungeisha).

What kind of person is a smart person?


Humans have developed this much civilization, although they have a variety of inferiors than other animals.If you look at this fact, you may want to think a little "smart".What is the "smartness" of humans derived from?

In modern brain science, I think that the smartness is good with others.It is the essence of human head to create society by communicating with others and working together.The smartness is deeply involved in sociality.

The ability to read others' hearts is called "theory of heart" in technical terms.No matter how fast the computer can be calculated, it does not have a mental theory.Humans are much better than computers in the ability to read the hearts of others and communicate well with those who meet for the first time.

There is no doubt that human social intelligence is excellent compared to animals that create a herd such as monkeys.In terms of knowledge up to now, it is said that only humans can read others in a strict sense of all animals.

Even if the other person's thoughts cannot be easily judged, only humans can feel the invisible opponent's heart.It can be said that words such as "Aun's breathing" describe such a delicate relationship.

Acceptance and coexistence of others will lead to "smartness".In other words, being able to get along well together makes you smarter.

(画像=『眠れなくなるほど面白い 図解 脳の話』より)

Is there a way to improve the so -called "ground"?

A psychologist, Charles Spiamant in the UK (1863-1945), has a G factor that is common to many human abilities, and that people with high G factors have high academic ability in various fields.It was shown by the method.In other words, it can be said that the G factor is high = the ground is good.

Subsequent research on brain science revealed that people with high G factors work well in the concentration of frontal lobe.

So how do you train your concentration?I tell the children, "When you study, you can do it at the top speed."It may be painful before you get used to it, but as you continue, you will suddenly be able to study at top speed.By doing so, the concentration of the frontal lobe is trained.

In addition, it is also recommended to study (work) where there is noise.Osamu Hayashi is "When will you do it now?", But in my case, "Where do you do it? The living room!"

By concentrating and doing something in a place with a lot of noise, the living room, the function of the frontal lobe memory is enhanced.In fact, many people have heard that "many people who passed the University of Tokyo studied in the living room".

In brain science, the human frontal lobe is designed so that it can be concentrated in any place, so if you need to concentrate on it, you will be addicted to your brain at any time.By continuing such training, the ground may grow.

(画像=『眠れなくなるほど面白い 図解 脳の話』より)茂木健一郎(もぎ・けんいちろう)1962年生まれ。脳科学者。ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所シニアリサーチャー、東京大学、日本女子大学非常勤講師。東京大学理学部物理学科、同大学法学部卒業後、東京大学大学院理学系研究科物理学専攻課程修了。理学博士。理化学研究所、ケンブリッジ大学研究員を経て現職。専門は脳科学、認知科学。「クオリア」(感覚のもつ質感)をキーワードとした、心脳問題についての研究を行なっている。全国各地での講演活動や、テレビ出演、雑誌への寄稿など精力的に活動し、Twitterのフォロワーが140万人を超える(2019年12月現在)など、その発言は若者から中高年まで多くの日本人に注目されている。※画像をクリックするとAmazonに飛びます眠れなくなるほど面白い 図解 脳の話
  1. 脳科学的に頭がいい人って、どういう人?
  2. 脳のストレスを解消する方法と、脳が活性化するゴールデンタイム
  3. 脳力を最大限に高める方法とは? 脳もほめると成長する?
  4. アイデアが次々とわく脳になりたい!
  5. 忘れたり、思い出したりする脳内の記憶のメカニズム
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