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What is IoT?, Possibility of the future seen in cases of utilization in the world | TECH+ Mynavi News Mynavi

General IoT utilization cases

Demand for IoT devices is increasing.The research company's IDC predicts that connected IoT devices will increase to nearly 42 billion units by 2025, and that industrial and car sector will grow significantly.In other words, 127 devices per second will be newly connected to the Internet.

Most people already use IoT.For example, smart speakers are used in 31 % in the United States and are expected to increase to 75 % by 2025.From home lighting to travel by air, IoT steadily improves daily lifestyles without noticing.

That's not all.Devices such as motion sensors on the sidewalk and smart thermostat at home are an application example of IoT.The IoT market is growing with fierce momentum.Within the next two years, it is expected that the percentage of cars equipped with Internet connection will reach 70 %.

Utilization cases around the world (use case)

With high cost efficiency chip technology and improvement of wireless networks, so -called digital intelligence has been added to the device because things that were not connected to the Internet can be connected through the sensor.In addition, the need for IoT technology has been increased by the corona, and educational institutions, companies and governments are operated remotely.In addition, technological innovation is expected to increase sales significantly for each growing chip market in the top 10.Here are examples of IoT utilization examples around the world.

In India, the agricultural sector is growing significantly through IoT technology.Farms exceeding about 40 square kilometers (10,000 acres) with FASAL IoT devices saved more than 3 billion liters of water.This device provides unprecedented insights (knowledge) to farm managers about how to operate farms to improve productivity.Specifically, the sensor and transmitter are used to observe the water content so that white molds can be confirmed before the occurrence, which helps to save water.Several Indian farm owners have increased their yield by 20 % by using this device by 20 %.

China utilizes IoT to strengthen home appliances, automation, industries, transportation, and medical initiatives.In fact, in 2015, we started initiatives for "China Manufacturing 2025", which emphasized IoT development, and China is expected to surpass the United States as the world's largest IoT market within the next three years.China accounts for about 27 % of the world's IoT spending.China invests in the automotive industry to monitor traffic -related elements, such as traffic, navigation, and automobile driving speed.

The United States is also excited by the IoT technology.Utilizing IBM's Watson to incorporate IoT into the vehicle, it supports not only connections, but also space recognition, adaptive cruise control, and blind spot recognition.Connected cars that use the sensor can provide drivers with insights and appropriate vehicle statistical data to measure driving history, share real -time analysis, predict vehicle failure.

In Europe, the development of IoT technology is seen, especially in consumer goods and manufacturing fields.The size of the European IoT market is growing rapidly, accounting for 23 % of the world's IoT spending.In addition to the consumer goods market, a large amount of investment in public works is being made to develop smart grids with the aim of efficiently supply electricity, water and gas.

As the city and technology continue to develop, the number of industries that make the IoT ability will continue to increase.The automotive industry based on chip technology, the medical industry, and agriculture have already developed dramatically, and are expected to continue to evolve.

IoT is realizing a more smart, safe and sustainable world.As the number of connected items increases, the number of data collected increases, creating a possibility of continuous change in daily life.