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  • What is the idea of ​​a "change leader" that will not go away even if the times change? Leadership textbook "CHANGE LEADER" taught by a former Accenture consultant will be released on October 22nd!

What is the idea of ​​a "change leader" that will not go away even if the times change? Leadership textbook "CHANGE LEADER" taught by a former Accenture consultant will be released on October 22nd!

It's been less than 20 years since Peter Drucker advocated "change leader". What is required now is the realization of "diversity" and "all participation".

Cross Media Group Co., Ltd.
Cross Media Publishing Co., Ltd. (Location: Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Koichiro Kobayakawa) published the book "CHANGE LEADER How to Learn Leadership to Realize Diversity and Everyone's Participation" on October 22nd. increase. This book is a collection of the mindsets and ideas required of a "leader" in a broad sense by three authors who were active in Accenture.

時代が変わっても廃れない、「チェンジ・リーダー」の考え方とは? 元アクセンチュアのコンサルタントが教えるリーダーシップの教科書『CHANGE LEADER』10月22日発売!

"Change Leader" was advocated in the "Management Challenges for the 21st Century" by economist Peter Drucker, who was called the "father of management" in the early 2000s. The author defines change leaders as follows: Change leaders can always pursue change and determine if it is really worthwhile. And those who can exert that valuable change influentially inside and outside the organization. Twenty years have passed since the advocacy of change leaders, and now that the world is showing a big swell, change leaders are required by both companies and society.

In the past, there was a need for strong-pull leadership, such as "Let's remember work by looking at your back," but now that alone does not work. Recognize the diversity of all involved members while responding to flexible changes. And leaders are required to create an "all-participation" organization that moves forward while gaining sympathy. This book focuses on "society," "company," "leader," "individual," and "working style," and shows one of the ideal leaders in the future. This is a must-read book for both leaders and those who aim to become leaders in order to change the organization and society.

As can be seen from the following statistics, it is said that as the diversity of management increases, corporate innovation improves in both quality and quantity. That is why future leaders are required to realize "diversity." The idea of ​​a change leader is necessary for all business people, not just those who are already in the role of leader. Through this book, let's acquire leadership that will never go away even if the times change. This book focuses on mindsets and ways of thinking, without being biased towards acquiring the skills necessary for leaders. In addition, in order to make the change leader's idea his own, at the beginning of this book, he touches on social conditions and trends, and is structured so that he can acquire leadership from the beginning. This is a book that we want to deliver to those who demonstrate all leadership. Motoki Nakamura CEO of Moon Pride Co., Ltd. He started his business after working as Managing Director of Accenture's Communications, Media and High-Tech Headquarters. Utilizing the consulting human resources and entrepreneur network, he is striving to solve problems of various companies and create new value. His hobby is running with his favorite smartwatch, earphones and shoes. Seiji Nishimura CMO, Representative Director of Moon Pride Co., Ltd. He started a business after engaging in business reforms and strengthening sales capabilities centered on high-tech manufacturers at Accenture's CRM strategy group and telecommunications, media, and high-tech headquarters. He is also active as a small business consultant. On holidays, he goes to small theaters, musicals, and live music regardless of genre, and has a long life as a bite horse owner. Yuuki Kawakami Director, CSO of Moon Pride Co., Ltd. He started his business after working in the marketing department of McDonald's, Accenture's strategic group. He is good at strategy formulation and data analysis, and is good at the healthcare industry and the telecommunications industry. His recent hobbies include Sunday programming, as well as immersing himself in a previously unknown world through audio media and books such as Koten Radio and The Pitch. Publisher: Cross Media Publishing (Cross Media Group) Price: 1,738 yen (tax included) Release Date: 2021/10/22 Book (Softcover): 248 pages ISBN: 978-4295406136 Amazon : https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4295406139 Rakuten Books: https://books.rakuten.co.jp/rb/16858709/ * The following is special information for media personnel only. Please refrain from disclosing information on personal SNS etc.
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  3. What is the idea of ​​a "change leader" that will not go away even if the times change? Leadership textbook "CHANGE LEADER" taught by a former Accenture consultant will be released on October 22nd!