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What is Google My Map?Introducing the method of creation and sharing and examples of utilization | Word -of -mouth lab

The Google Map used for route searches to your destination and nearby store searches have a function called "Google My Map".

Google My Map allows you to create an original map on Google Map, and share or co -edit the created maps online.

In this article, I will explain in detail how to use Google My Map and use it.

  • How to use Google My Map
  • Utilization case of Google My Map
  • Create an original map with Google My Map
  • What is Google My Map?


    It also explains the difference from the "list" function of Google Maps.


    It can be used for free, and the map of the created Google My Map can be shared and co -edited with other users.

    For example, you can co -edit the map of Google My Maps with members who travel together, set the itinerary, and check the store information and routes on the shared map while traveling.


    In addition to the default set, the label can be added yourself, and the created list can be shared with other users.

    The Google My Map is similar to the list, but the list and Google My Map have the following functions.


    How to use Google My Map


    First of all, as a premise, you need an environment where you can use Google Maps and Google Spreadsheets, so you can get Google accounts and log in to Google.

    1. パソコン版のGoogle マップにログインし「メニュー」をクリック2. 表示されたメニューから「マイプレイス」をクリック3. 「マイマップ」をクリック4. 下部にある「地図を作成」をクリック5. 「無題の地図」をクリック6. 地図のタイトルを変更して「保存」をクリック7. 「無題のレイヤ」をクリック8. レイヤ(カテゴリー)名を変更して「保存」をクリック9. 作成した地図に追加したい店舗や場所を表示させて「地図に追加」をクリック10. マーカーの色を変更したりナンバリングしたりする場合は「個別スタイル」から変更Googleマイマップに場所を登録する際に一つひとつ登録していく方法以外にも、複数の場所を一括で登録する方法があります。

    Other data can be imported into Google My Map layers, and the format of files that can be imported includes CSV, TSV, KML, GPX, XLSX, Google Spreadsheet, and photos stored in Google Drive (or Google Photos).is.

    Here are how to import Google Spreadsheets data.

    Enter the data you need to import in the Google Spreadsheet in advance.At this time, the data is prepared so that the first line becomes attribute names such as "place name, store name" and "address".

    1. Create data such as "place name and store name" and "address" in Google Spreadsheet

    2. Googleマイマップを開きデータをインポートしたいレイヤの「インポート」をクリック3. インポートするデータを選択して「選択」をクリック4. Google マップ上に目印(マーカー)を配置するための列を指定、ここでは「住所」にチェックをつけて「続行」をクリック5. Google マップ上の目印に表示させるデータを指定、ここでは「名前」にチェックをして「完了」をクリック6. インポートしたデータが反映され、レイヤと地図上に表示される

    Click "My Place" from the Google Map menu and display "My Map" to display a list of maps.

    The map displayed here is displayed in the order in which the maps that were browsed in the past or the map created by yourself were browsed.

    Click the name of the map you want to display and click "Open with My Map" to display the map selected on Google My Map.

    If you want to delete the maps and unnecessary maps you have viewed in the past, you can delete them by the following procedure.

    1. Click "My Place" from the Google Map menu

    2. 「マイマップ」から「マイマップをすべて見る」をクリック3. 削除したい地図の三点リーダーをクリックして「ゴミ箱に移動」または「ビューから削除」をクリックGoogleマイマップの地図にルート(経路)を追加する方法を解説します。ルートの移動手段は「車」「自転車」「徒歩」が選択できます。

    1. I want to add a route I want to add a map of Google My Map and click "Add Route"

    2. 表示された「無題のレイヤ」で車アイコンをクリックして「移動手段」を選択、Aに「出発地」Bに「目的地」を入力3. AからBへのルートが地図上に表示されるGoogleマイマップで作成した地図は、複数人での共有と共同編集が可能です。ここでは、地図の共有方法やその範囲、閲覧者と編集者の設定方法を解説します。

    1. Display the map of Google My Map you want to share and click "Share"

    2. 表示された画面左下の「変更」をクリック3. 共有する範囲を「制限付き」または「リンクを知っている全員」のどちらかで選択4. 編集権限の有無を「閲覧者」「編集者」のどちらかで選択し「完了」をクリック共有する範囲で「制限付き」を選択すると、地図にアクセスできるユーザーは地図の作成者が登録したGoogleアカウントのユーザーに限定されます。

    Also, if you select "Everyone who knows the link", anyone who knows the URL of the map will be able to access the map by anyone who does not have a Google account, and copy the URL from "Get link".You can send it to the person you want to share.

    If you select "editors", you will be able to edit the map in the same way as the creator of the map, and if you select "Viewer", you can edit the shared map and only browse it.It will be.


    First, display the map you want to publish in Google My Map, and set the scope of sharing the map you want to publish from "Sharing" to "Everyone who knows the link".

    After that, click "embeds on your site" from the three -point leader on the right of the map title, copy the displayed HTML code and embed it on a blog or web site, all of which have accessed it.You will be able to view the map of.

    Utilization case of Google My Map


    Here are some examples of the case.


    It can also be used as a record of your own visit.

    Googleマイマップ:吉祥寺ラーメンマップ(きちログ) Googleマイマップで作成した地図のレイヤ名を「交通」「宿泊」「レストラン」などで設定し、家族や友人と共有すれば旅行のガイドブックのように活用できます。

    In addition, some local governments are divided into tourist attractions and stamp rallys separately by layer, and publish them as sightseeing guides.

    In Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture, the stamp rally stamp points held in 2019 in the movie "In the corner of this world" and the nearby movie models are published in Google My Map.


    Layers are color -coded in "designated evacuation centers" and "welfare shelters", and the layers are divided into "emergency evacuation centers (floods)" and "emergency evacuation centers (tsunami)" depending on the content of the disaster.The necessary information is created to make it easier to understand.


    In Minakami Town in Gunma Prefecture, the shuttle bus transfer route to Mizukami Station or Norn Mizukami ski area is displayed on Google My Map and summarizes the route.


    Create an original map with Google My Map


    In addition to personal use, local governments publish useful information such as tourist attractions and evacuation sites on the official website, and provide Google My Maps as a useful service for consumers.It is widely used.

    It is a function that anyone can use for free if you have a Google account, so be sure to create and take advantage of the original Google My Map.

    Google: Google My Map Map Map Help: Create a list of location

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