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What is an Apple ID?-I can't listen anymore!How to use "Apple ID" correctly | Mynavi News Mynavi News Mynavi

In the first place, what is Apple ID?

Apple ID is an Apple service ID

When you start a setup for the first time after purchasing an iPhone or Mac, you will be created an "Apple ID" separately from the user name.For the time being, enter an email address and set the password, so many people use it as it is without knowing what this is.

The Apple ID is the account required to use the services provided by Apple (iCloud, App Store, etc.).You can think of it as an Apple version such as Google's "Google Account" or Microsoft's "Microsoft Account".There are many Apple services that require Apple ID, so the list below is roughly classified.

(*: Service has not been provided in Japan)

Apple IDってなんだろう? - いまさら聞けない!「Apple ID」の正しい使い方 | マイナビニュース マイナビニュース マイナビ

The "iTunes account" used for services such as iTunes Store and Apple Music can also be used as Apple ID.This area can be used on Windows and Android, so you may have acquired it even if you are not an Apple user.

In addition, the account of the ICLOUD web service, which is familiar to Apple users, can be used as an Apple ID (in addition, iCloud's predecessor, "ITOOLS"..The same is true for Mac "" MobileMe ").In this way, it is quite possible that you have an effective Apple ID without knowing, so you can use an existing account instead of taking the Apple ID again.

The features of each group are as follows.

I've been introducing it, but can you see that there are surprisingly various uses?Although iPhone users do not have the option of not using Apple ID at all, OS and hardware are designed to work together with Apple IDs, so they cannot be brought out.Especially if you want to manage the use of iPhone in a family with children, setting using Apple ID is essential.

In addition, if you want to use various services on the Internet in the future, authentication using Apple ID is often very useful.As for the similar authentication services, some people say that "Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook accounts are fine", but Apple ID is specified that user information is not used for advertising, etc., and privacy.The point is that it is highly secure for those who value.

By the way, this time we have briefly introduced the outline of the Apple ID, but next time we will introduce the notes related to the acquisition and setting of the Apple ID.