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  • Weekly publication news summary & column #505 (January 9-15, 2022), such as "Publishing-related trend forecast", "Weekly Bunshun electronic version brings article delivery 4 hours ahead", and "Sudden expansion of piracy site damage 4.8 times compared to the previous year" Day)

Weekly publication news summary & column #505 (January 9-15, 2022), such as "Publishing-related trend forecast", "Weekly Bunshun electronic version brings article delivery 4 hours ahead", and "Sudden expansion of piracy site damage 4.8 times compared to the previous year" Day)

January 17, 2022 Ryo Takano Weekly Publishing News Summary & Column
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《This article can be read in about 14 minutes.》 》

From January 9th to 15th, 2022, topics such as "Prediction of publishing-related trends", "Shukan Bunshun electronic version to deliver articles four hours ahead of schedule", and "Sudden expansion of piracy site damage by 4.8 times year-on-year" were hot topics. From the latest news related to publishing in a broad sense, editor-in-chief Takano picks up what he is interested in and comments from his own perspective (ISSN 2436-8237).



Publishing-related trends forecast for 2022 https://hon.jp/news/1.0/0/32010 It's a little late, but I wish you a happy new year. Thank you for your continued support of the HON.jp News Blog in 2022. Editor-in-chief Ryo Takano's annual predictions for publishing-related trends. Forecasts and Verification for 2021 The following five forecasts were made for 2021. Put the results of self-grading on the right side. Rapid advances in publisher-affiliated web media → ○ The digitization of existing publications is urgent (or rather, urgent) → ○ Further intensification of the competition for artists → ○ Electronic library ... hon.jp/news

 Annual annual New Year's trend predictions are now in their 10th year. As I wrote in the article, when I first started writing, I was pretty carefree and scattered with the feeling of "New Year's Day Kakizome", but as the years went by, I became more cautious and serious. I started on New Year's Day again this year and spent almost 10 days.

 There is also the fact that I know more than before, but anyway, I would like to do a little deeper analysis, PEST analysis, and confirm the events of the year. It is said that once he got stiff, he couldn't stop. Well, I would appreciate it if you could take it as a "keyword" that Takano is focusing on this year rather than a "prediction".

New Year Lecture What will happen to electronic publishing in 2022? ── JEPA seminar materials will be released https://hon.jp/news/1.0/0/32067 This is an annual seminar that is well received every year. HON.jp News Blog Editor-in-chief Ryo Takano looks back on the major trends related to electronic publishing in 2021 and forecasts for 2022 from the Weekly Publishing News Summary & Column, which is distributed every week. Date and time: Tuesday, January 11, 2022 16:00-17:30 Fee: Free Venue: Online (Zoom / YouTube Live) Organizer: Japan Electronic Publishing Association (JEPA) Contents 2021 predictions and verification Publisher Rapid advances in web media that have already been published electronically... hon.jp/news

 And this is the 7th year that I have been on stage at the JEPA seminar. We will release the slide materials again this year. There is also an archived video on JEPA's official channel, so if you are interested in me talking, please take a look.


Thinking about "Independence" and "Trust" of Media from Choose Life Project, Yomiuri Shimbun and Osaka Prefecture (Nobuyuki Okumura) - Individual - Yahoo! News https://news.yahoo.co. jp/byline/okumuranobuyuki/20220108-00276372In the news, a comprehensive agreement between Osaka Prefecture and the Yomiuri Shimbun Osaka head office, which occurred at the end of the year, did not disclose that the Choose Life Project received financial support from the Constitutional Democratic Party. Think from the consumer's perspective. news.yahoo.co.jp

 Political genre because of the relationship between political parties and the media. The two "incidents" featured in this article made me rethink the attitude of the media. To put it simply, "Can you write a bad word about a big customer?" The possibility that the content of the article will be affected by a conflict of interest should be eliminated "in advance" as much as possible. I want to learn from "Pro Publica".

 I admit that I am the kind of person who writes without hesitation or hesitation, but I don't know that from the outside. By the way, HON.jp does not make large donations, we clearly indicate corporate members, and when we favorably mention corporate members in articles, we add the word "information disclosure". That's the only way to steadily build trust.

Publishing Trend Forecast

``Priority plan for realizing a digital society'' was decided by the Cabinet | priority plan. I have only skimmed through it so far, but I felt that the emphasis was placed on consideration of the digital divide as it repeatedly emphasized that "no one should be left behind."

Priority Plans for Realizing a Digital Society | Digital Agency https://www.digital.go.jp/policies/priority-policy-program We present a summary of the plan. www.digital.go.jp "Using the Library with My Number Card" App Experimented in Kitakyushu https://k-tai.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1380309.html NEC Solution Innovators and Kitakyushu The city will start a demonstration experiment of a library application that verifies the identity with my number card. k-tai.watch.impress.co.jp

 A related article came up just in time, so we picked it up together. For example, this kind of usage is oriented. Instead of handwriting and mailing for user registration, you can instantly confirm your identity online with your My Number card and an NFC compatible smartphone.

 By the way, although it says that "the library service is the first in Japan to use a public personal authentication service to verify identity and use a smartphone app", the Shizuoka Prefectural Central Library is a precedent example for "Web application for user registration, etc." there is. It's not an "initiative using a smartphone app", so it's definitely not a mistake. but!

Weekly publication news summary & column # 491 (September 26-October 2, 2021), such as “DeNA sells Everystar to Media Do” and “Osaka prefecture’s expression guidelines are on fire” https://hon.jp/ news/1.0/0/31445# Shizuoka Prefectural Central Library, Library DX Demonstration Experiment 2nd "Web Application for User Registration" and 3rd "Digital Library" from October 1 September 27, 2021)> From September 26th to October 2nd, 2021, "DeNA sells Everystar to Media Do" and "Osaka prefecture's expression guidelines are on fire". From the latest news related to publishing in a broad sense, editor-in-chief Takano picks up what he is interested in and comments from his own perspective. Politics "Osaka Prefecture Bans Moe-e"? Osaka Prefecture, which is ablaze with guidelines, is already "considering corrections" https://news.careerconnection.jp/news/soci...hon.jp/newsApple, suffering concessions South Korea accepts external app payments https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOGN123I60S2A110C2000000/ [Silicon Valley = Takeshi Shiraishi, Seoul = Kotaro Hosokawa] Apple has monopolized app payment methods on the smartphone "iPhone" is partially open. According to the South Korean law enacted in 2021, we informed the Korean government by the 11th of our intention to allow external payments for the services we provide in the country. Similar regulations are being strengthened in Europe and the United States, and there is a possibility that Apple's business transformation will spread. This was announced by the Korea Communications Commission. Apple has told the government that it will comply with Korean laws and regulations and accept external payments in the app store. Allowing third-party payment methods in the app store instead of external links is a big deal from Apple's point of view. No matter how big a company is, it cannot go against the power of the state. Is it possible that other countries, including Japan, will follow suit? By the way, Google "started to ask (Korean) app operators to pay a 26% fee under the pretext of using the app store." What a feat!

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications | NHK News https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20220114/k10013431421000.html [NHK] Based on internet site browsing history Regarding the so-called "targeted advertisement" that displays advertisements, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is in order to protect users...www3.nhk.or.jp

 I watch the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications every day, but this news came out. I didn't notice an update like "to introduce targeting advertising regulation" on the day. The panel of experts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, whose proposal was presented on that day, was the Telecommunications Business Governance Study Group, so I checked the materials. Here it is.

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications | Telecommunications Business Governance Study Group | Telecommunications Business Governance Study Group (16th) https://www.soumu.go.jp/main_sosiki/kenkyu/sd_governance/02kiban05_04000491.htmlwww.soumu.go.jp

Separate from the Personal Information Protection Law, the Telecommunications Business Law is also a direction to cast a net. It seems that they are concerned that they are not subject to the Telecommunications Business Act, even though the scale of telecommunications carriers (category 3 businesses) that do not have telecommunications circuit facilities has grown by an order of magnitude. . It seems that LINE's personal information problem, which is described on page 17 of the report (draft) PDF, was the beginning of the tightening of regulations.

By the way, I searched the PDF of the report (draft) for the keyword "advertisement", but the only thing that came up was the footnote "Japan Interactive Advertising Association". Perhaps the description on page 54 of the PDF, "Information about users (omitted) may be sent to third parties regardless of the user's intention," is linked to the introduction of targeted advertising regulations. I think that ... it is difficult to read it from here. Isn't this the "Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Experts' Meeting" in the NHK article? The more I think. hmm?


E2465 - What does the collaboration between university libraries and Wikipedia bring? | Current Awareness Portal https://current.ndl.go.jp/e2465current.ndl.go.jp

About attempts to use Wikipedia in education. It seems that a report on collaboration cases with Wikipedia (and its sister projects) by university librarians around the world has been published, and this is an introduction article. It is said that skills such as information literacy, writing skills, and critical thinking can be acquired in the process of writing new articles on Wikipedia and editing existing articles. Rather than low-level talk like "copying and pasting Wikipedia into a report," it can be used effectively if it is viewed as a "place to train as an information provider." wonderful.

Estimated damage to pirated manga sites exceeds 1 trillion yen Rapidly expanding 4.8 times year-on-year: Asahi Shimbun Digital https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASQ1G7HT4Q1GUTIL03Z.html Damage caused by manga read on pirated sites in 2021 According to a survey by ABJ, a general incorporated association made up of publishers, etc., the amount will exceed at least 1 trillion yen. It expanded rapidly to 4.8 times the previous year (about 210 billion yen). ABJ...www.asahi.com

 According to ABJ General Incorporated Association. Aside from the validity of the damage amount of 1.6 times that of the regular market, the rapid increase in the relative figure of "4.8 times compared to the previous year" is surprising. terrible. I think that there is demand for people to stay at home due to the corona crisis, but does it mean that the "STOP! Piracy campaign" and other mechanisms that aim to educate users are less effective for the "online type" of stream distribution?

 By the way, the ``severe piracy damage'' page of the Publishing & Public Relations Center still lists CODA's past calculation of ``320 billion yen in damage caused by Mangamura,'' so it's probably 2018. It's been that way since the last update. It looks like it should be updated soon.

Serious Piracy Damage|Publishing and Public Relations Center https://shuppankoho.jp/damage/The Publication and Public Relations Center is a website of an organization that conducts public relations activities aimed at promoting understanding of rights related to publications (neighboring rights). Introducing the serious piracy damage shuppankoho.jp


1.8 million copies decreased last year, the end of the unstoppable decline of ``newspapers'' | Media industry https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/ 500413According to the latest data published by the Japan Newspaper Publishers & Editors Association at the end of 2021, it has become clear that the total circulation of general newspapers has fallen to the point of breaking 30 million copies. Japanese newspapers hit the 30 million circulation level in 1966 during the period of high economic growth, and then reached 5,000 at the end of the 1990s...The era of toyokeizai.net "paper newspapers" is over - 17 years in a row, the number of circulations has declined sharply (Tomoyuki Isoyama) @moneygendaihttps://gendai.ismedia.jp/articles/-/91392According to the “Changes in Newspaper Circulation and Number of Households” announced by the Japan Newspaper Association as of October 2021, the circulation is 3302. 7,135 copies, a decrease of 2.06 million copies or 5.9% compared to a year ago. This is the 17th straight year of decline. Advertising expenditures in 2021 are expected to be the first year in which Internet advertising exceeded the combined total of the four mass media (newspapers, television, magazines, and radio). There is no future for newspaper companies that cannot abandon their faith in paper. gendai.ismedia.jp

Especially in the last few years, the circulation of newspapers has decreased dramatically. Although the big letter has other sources of income such as real estate business, it seems to be a matter of time before it becomes unsupportable. Where should people fleeing a sinking ship go?

Bungeishunju: ``Weekly Bunshun electronic version'' article delivery time brought forward to 12:00 the day before the magazine release date - Bunka Tsushin Digital https://www.bunkanews.jp/article/253134/ Bungeishunju will start ``Weekly Bunshun Electronic Version” announced that the article distribution time will be changed from 16:00 to 12:00 (noon) the day before the magazine is released. By moving forward the delivery time of the article by 4 hours, … continue www.bunkanews.jp

4 hours forward. When I saw the press release, I thought it was nothing more than "hmm", but the bookstore side has a strong shackle of ``regulations on early sales at miscellaneous cooperatives. I just realized that. From the agency/bookstore side, it would be a conversation, "Since the information is out digitally first, is there any point in keeping the release date of the paper?" The reason why we have strictly adhered to the release date so far is collapsing.

By the way, at my old house, we have been working on the initiative of "publishing fresh information on the web before it is published in the magazine" for about 20 years. At first, it was provided as an option to post on the web before the magazine was released, but in the end, it changed to a system in which the client himself entered the information directly and published it online. The reason why I thought that "Shuukan Bunshun Electronic Version" was 4 hours ahead of schedule was only "Hmm" because I saw such a process with my own eyes. For more information, please see my 2013 contribution to Magazine Ko, "Will general books follow the path that information magazines have taken?"

Will general books follow the path that information magazines have taken? https://magazine-k.jp/2013/06/10/will-books-follow-the-same-fate-as-information-magazines/I have worked in the publishing industry. Having said that, I have never dealt with the mainstream of general books and comics...magazine-k.jp

 In terms of information freshness, digital is overwhelmingly stronger than paper, so if you want to keep paper, you should do it in some form. I think it is necessary to try to differentiate Is it about "storability" that paper is strong? However, in trying to emphasize this, newspaper companies have 'deleted old articles' and cut their influence on the web. I wonder if it's better to switch from free to paid members only for a certain period of time without deleting it.

IG Port, which is doing well in e-books, has revised its full-year earnings forecast upwards, with net sales of 11.8 billion yen. announced. animationbusiness.info

 The name is not mentioned in the article, but IG Port's publishing department is Mag Garden. 60% of sales are e-books. Wow. I also checked the financial statements, but "The Ancient Magus' Bride", "Reincarnation Petals", and "Magical Tool Master Dahlia wa Downwards ~ Dahliya Wilts No More" were listed. Since electronic products can be sold on virtually unlimited shelves, unlike paper products, there is no need to think about reprint decisions, distribution time lags, and opportunity losses. So, if you have already published a hit work, your earnings will be stable. wonderful.

IG Port | Briefing materials http://www.igport.co.jp/ir/materials.htmlwww.igport.co.jp Shueisha's fashion magazine "Marisol" restarts as "commerce media" by linking e-commerce and magazines | EC Mikata https://ecnomikata.com/ecnews/33335/ Scheduled to start on April 1 (Friday and time undecided). We have enriched the web original special features and serials, and provide beauty and lifestyle information, mainly fashion information such as trends and dressing techniques of fashionable professionals. In addition, through the blog post of Marisol's official reader blogger "Beauty Gumi", you can get a glimpse of real women around the world and go to a place where you can sympathize. We are also planning to hold an online seminar to respond to the willingness of women of this generation to “learn”. | EC's Mika...ecnomikata.com

 The fashion magazine, which ended its regular publication last year, has undergone a major renewal of its web media, making it linked to a mail-order site, and attempting to restart it by publishing it twice a year. It is scheduled to start on April 1st. I think that it is one direction of the survival strategy of "magazine". I hope it'll go well.


NFT Media "NFT Media" Issues Editor-in-Chief "Position NFT" Distribution of revenue to holders https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2201/11 /news116.html On January 7, Treasure Contents (Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo) announced that it had issued an NFT with the title of editor-in-chief at its NFT specialized media "NFT Media". It will be the first time in Japan that NFT will be implemented for positions, and the NFT is scheduled to be transferred to the current editor-in-chief. www.itmedia.co.jp

NFT conversion of job titles. In this article, at the time of writing this article, it says "Mechanism for distributing edits to successive title holders", but as far as I read the press release, it seems to be a mistake of "Mechanism for distributing compensation to successive title holders". . The public place is "OpenSea", a major NFT platform, and anyone can refer to it. In other words, it can be said that this is a case where the contract between the parties concerned, which is the promise of revenue sharing, was publicly announced to the world after making it public in a way that the history of the title holder could not be tampered with.

 We don't sell NFTs to the general public, so it may be an extra concern, but can the point continue to fulfill the promise of revenue sharing? I guess. Even if it was automated with a smart contract, I noticed a vulnerability that an outside person (assuming someone who quit) could not confirm whether the "1% of sales", which is the essential resource for distribution, was really that amount. I was.

About the e-mail magazine

 This article is distributed at the same time as the content published in the HON.jp e-mail magazine (ISSN 2436-8245). If you would like to receive the latest information by push, please subscribe to our newsletter. Free. In addition, the number of the title of this article is the total number from Ryo Takano's personal blog, and the number of e-mail magazines is the number of publications on HON.jp.

Miscellaneous notes

The number of people infected with the new coronavirus has increased rapidly since the beginning of the year. It's so rapid that I can't keep up with my senses. Everyone, please be very careful (Takano)

*This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license. Please let us know if you intend to use it for commercial purposes.

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