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Finish work on time with email & todo linkage function (Mynavi News) --Yahoo! News



Finish work on time with email & toDo linkage function

5 Tips to End Your Work Day The Right Way

仕事が終わって定時に帰るーーライフワークバランスの理想とするところだが、なかなか難しいという職場も多いだろう。定時に終えるなんてあり得ないと言わず、挑戦してみる価値はあるかもしれない。生産性が上がり、充実感も得られそうだ。Make Use Ofが「5 Tips to End Your Work Day The Right Way」として、5つのチップスを書き出している。【画像】Gmailの場合、メールを右クリックして[ToDoリストに追加]するとToDoリストに追加される。大量メールからでも簡単にその日にやることを抽出できるのだ!定時に会社を出ることはできても、仕事を持って帰っているのでは、ワークライフバランス的に理想の姿ではない。オフィスを出た後も仕事のことが頭から離れないのでは、ストレスにつながる。また、仕事を持ち帰らないまでも、その日やるべきことを明日に繰り越すと、オフィスを出て自宅に帰っても仕事のことが気がかりというのでは、やはりストレス。理想としては、就業時間内に仕事を終わらせ、会社を出たら仕事のことを考えなくて良い状態だ。残業癖がついてしまうと、そもそも定時に終わろうと思って過ごさないないようになってしまうかもしれない。本則を外れると、手続きや仕組みが煩雑になり、長年続くと様々なレイヤーでの弊害が生まれる可能性もある。まずは、就業時間内に仕事を終わらせるという意志を持つことから始めたいところだ。その上で、以下のアドバイスを試したい。1.The first thing to do after creating and reviewing the TO-DO list is to review your TO-DO list at the end of your work and create the next day's TO-DO list.When reviewing, first enclose all the remaining tasks in a maru.However, instead of copying the next day's TO-DO list, let's create a list with a priority in consideration of the assumed working time.Simply turning everything tomorrow creates stress.The point is to be realistic and prioritize.If you can't organize it because there are various things to do, it may be a good idea to use a tool like Trello to manage tasks and create a TO-DO list based on priority.It seems that it can prevent missing and leakage.2.In order to finish the "finish time", it is good to leave the 30 minutes of the end time as "finish time".It's time to complete a time -consuming job.If everything is going well and all the work is over, there should be something to do.You can reply to an email that was not able to respond, follow your colleagues, or start working on the next day.3.If you want to enhance your desk, desktop, and mind productivity, or want to reduce stress, first organize your desk.Next, let's organize the PC screen.As you are physically and visually organized, your mind will be refreshing.The article closes the tabs open on the PC after work (important things are stored in tab groups, etc.), and we advise you to shut down terminals such as PCs, tablets, smartphones, etc. used for business, and clear up your desk.。Furthermore, if you turn off your job -related ones, you will be able to completely leave the job.In this way, by doing the work that leads to the end of work, let's end the work mode in my heart.Four.Did you know the word Third Place to find a comfortable place? This is the third place, not at home or at work. Finding a cozy place between your home and the workplace is the point of work -life balance. Dr. Adam Fraser, who is studying peak performances, looks back on the day and switches between efficient working modes and relaxed modes, and how they worked well. We recommend that you think, take a deep breath, and what to do when you stand in front of your home. People who use trains and other vehicles for commuting may be a third place. If you don't get on the train, why not look for a place here, such as parks and cafes? Just a little bit may make you feel rich. Five.No matter what day you finish the day with a positive feeling, finish your day's work positively.You should be able to realize the end of work.I often hear that "Japan is low in productivity," but when discussing labor productivity, the results are roughly divided by working hours.In that sense, it may be said that acquiring "how to return after work on time" is an act of increasing productivity.Because the denominator is smaller.1."Creating and reviewing a to-do list" is a method of increasing efficiency, but it is also effective in clearly consciousness of "starting" and "end" of the day. Whether you are focusing on such issues, web service Gmail and Outlook implemented a certain feature. It is a function to create todo from email. In the case of gmail, select an email and click [Add to the todo list]. In the case of Microsoft 365 Outlook, turn on [Email with flags] from the Microsoft to Do setting, and flag the email flag. When you click, the title of the e -mail set in Microsoft todo set in [Email with flags] will be installed. Did you overlook it? I had never used these functions, but I immediately found it a useful function. Previously, these Web mailers have a function to set importance, such as stars and flags. However, there are various things in "important". Whether it's valuable information, you need to think about it, or you need to reply ... These are fragile and broken by the saturation of the email. The TODO linking function is likely to respond to these issues. You can create a specific list of "toDo" (what to do) from emails. Moreover, it is a special treatment that another screen is given. In other words, it is a function to equip the maller with the top importance. Both Gmail and Outlook can open the email directly from the toDo list, so you can do it without difficulty to write or transfer reply. In the morning, set the most important flag "TODO" by e -mail and process the task. Then, when the work of the day is calm, check the TODO list. You can check the completion/incomplete task and return home. It is a very effective function for those who are simple but have a large amount of email processing. I tried it, but in my environment, where there were 30 emails each minute, it was not very useful. If you calculate 30 minutes, it will be one per second, but it can be said that it is a particularly recommended function in such an environment.

Yataro Nagaoka
