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  • Selected by the United Nations Educational Arts and Sciences International Research Center 2022 World Top 10 Artificial Intelligence Solution Plans

Selected by the United Nations Educational Arts and Sciences International Research Center 2022 World Top 10 Artificial Intelligence Solution Plans

Original title: Selected by United Nations International Research Center for Textbooks and Textbooks 2022 Global Top 10 Artificial Intelligence Solution Plans

Selected by the International Research Center of the United Nations Educational Arts and Sciences Organization 2022 Top 10 Global Artificial Intelligence Solution Plans

Text/Stephen Ibaraki

By the year 2030, artificial intelligence (AI) will have an unprecedented global impact, reaching over 85 million people on the planet, occupying more than 85 million people, and making the world a multifarious ecological system.

In 2022, artificial intelligence will be more than 70% global interconnected network usage basis, at the same time it will be connected to the equipment/calculation/automated explosion type booster, 400 multi-material network usage examples, 3D/photon and other new material computing core pieces New development, biomedical innovation, digital/heavy plasticity, new education system, original space (universal market), talent and re-cultivation training, social and cultural change, etc. Because of this, the United Nations Educational Sciences Organization (UNESCO) has recently received a lot of attention from a series of recent outbreaks of artificial intelligence solutions.

UNESCO for artificial intelligence

UNESCO completed in November 2021 and passed the first issue regarding artificial intelligence engineering, providing a basic global collaboration for artificial intelligence engineering. This is followed by leading governments, research institutes, business, industry, education, academia, non-profit organizations, allied countries, media, investment and investment in the artificial intelligence field. This is the final solution of the new artificial intelligence dynamic solution, which provides a large number of interested parties with a balanced amount of feedback, and provides benefits to people, which can be trusted, safe, and therefore the main solution.

IRCAI Selected Top 10 Global Artificial Intelligence Solution Plans

With the support of the United Nations textbook organization, the International Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI) has launched a previously unseen item, which has been rated and supported as one of the United States Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for global 100 major AI solutions. Directed by the website of the United Nations Foundation, "Economic benefits for SDG-oriented enterprises are 120,000 million yen." Good place. In addition, there are inequalities in artificial intelligence's ability to assist in solving problems, poor climate change, etc., and social harmony and environmental challenges. From the commercial angle, the accompanying company report its ESG (Environment, Society, Corporate Governance) and SDGs related activities, this one point is also important to come to Vietnam.

IRCAI is a worldwide network of organizations and professionals, and is also a center for global artificial intelligence related issues. The Republic of China provides partial funding, has global influence, and provides open and transparent discussion on artificial intelligence research, as well as policy support for providing benefits around the world, and an action plan for artificial intelligence research.

This item was published on December 17, 2021 on the IRAI website. The author's plan, the artificial intelligence solution plan for the owned area exceeded 6 million, which is why 100 people have been extremely concerned. In addition, IRCAI has created one of the 10 major global artificial intelligence solutions. This item includes government, industry, non-profit organization, original company, etc. Invented artificial intelligence solutions, so these 10 items are also very interesting. The following is a summary of the 10 proposed AI solution solutions (excerpted by IRAI network station):

1. UK Rewire Ltd.: Network safety AI items for social responsibility

Rewire is an artificial intelligence tool that is currently developed, and automatically checks the contents of the line to ensure the safety of people. Each line can be used to review content, and other interested parties (such as governments and private research institutes) can also be used to collect information and monitor activities. Rewire's AI is scalable and fast, and can be used anywhere in the world. It is only necessary to import texts from other sources, automatically output fractions upon receipt of texts, and include resentment or resentment about whether or not the content is correct. The company has developed an English language, which is currently being used by the general public. Rewire uses a unique human model cyclical method that comes from training artificial intelligence, while providing unparalleled performance, health and fairness. Presented at the scientific conference on computing science at the new core.


The reason for this item is the joint development and improvement of the Social Security Administration of the Republic of Daili (INPS). Civil servant. This system has been developed through innovative artificial intelligence technology and automatic analysis of the content of large-scale electronic mail. It is expected that more than 400 e-mails will be sent to INPS each year by the citizens of Dalian (increase in capacity during the epidemic period), which is why this one automatic e-mail has been sent to the INPS office for quick recovery.

3. Deguo dida Datenschmiede GmbH: ASMSpotter items

ASMSpotter is a machine-learning and artificial intelligence machine, using a new type of computing machine monitoring technology that automatically scans and scans a star image with a hand-crafted small scale model (ASM). ASM is the birthplace of 4,400,000 people in 80 countries and regions around the world, which is why this item has a huge potential to contribute to the creation of a real sustainable development target. At the same time, the management of the result is unfair, and ASM also has a huge negative impact on the development of the environment. Through the cooperation of Dida and Levin Sources, ASMSpotter combines the most advanced machine learning technology with ASM's industrial intelligence, providing a highly effective and effective artificial intelligence solution.

United States Textbook Organization International Research Center Rating 2022 Global Top 10 Artificial Intelligence Solution Plans_Rewire

4. Deguo GIZ GmbH: FAIR Forward——Face-to-face artificial intelligence

Deguo GIZ GmbH's "FAIR Forward-- face-to-face artificial intelligence" goal is a method of acquiring and expanding artificial intelligence on the international level, tolerating and sustaining it. At a glance, there are six other countries that have cooperated with each other: Korea, China, China, South Africa, China, India. Three major objectives to be jointly pursued by others: 1) Strengthening local artificial intelligence technical knowledge, 2) Assisting through the passage of open artificial intelligence cultivation data collection work digital public goods, erasing artificial intelligence entry barriers, 3) Enacting artificial intelligence Preliminary policy framework.

5. UK Logically Ltd.: Logically Intelligence items

This item Yuma Ministry of Science and Engineering (MIT) Wasakubashi University Schoolmate Harmful false information and intentional false information. The company's mission is to strengthen public language, protect democratic debates, and provide access to information.

6. Taiwan Cheng Kung Univ., China: MedCheX--Based on X-light chest automatic detection pneumonia e-Alert system

This is one of the AI ​​pneumonia patients with pseudo-new coronary pneumonia. Its goal is to provide one-second assistance for medical diagnosis and treatment of infected patients.

7. United States Maurilan University and NASA Food Safety and Agricultural Program: NASA Harvest Items

NASA Harvest items are currently being developed to provide agricultural production and land use information solutions, which are supported by some sustainable development goals, as well as through the global index frame and its actual situation. Since November 2017, NASA Harvest has launched or participated in about 30 items around the world, and has advanced tools and advanced regional and regional food safety capabilities. Harvest items are based on the Global Agricultural Management System (GLAM), which was jointly developed by the National Agricultural Department of NASA and Kazumi University. GLAM is a non-quantitative, international bank storm-financing insurance policy that is implemented in the region. In the end, this item is supported by Karamoja's 300,000 people, and it is a replacement substitute for a small farm. This system can be used to update the land map settlement plan provided by ML, comprehensive crop land map production volume measurement. Harvest's 2019 multi-crop distribution map was used for YOLIM items, which items were provided by 50,000 multi-persons.

8. NatureAlpha UK Ltd.: NatureAlpha Biodiversity and Nature Index Platform

NatureAlpha is an investor-provided basis for scientific natural biodiversity analysis, powered by Ushizu University research and development, advanced geospatial equipment learning technology. NatureAlpha's ability to influence and promote biodiversity protection has had a profound impact on dozens of millions of citizens around the world.

9. Ghana Aspire Food Group Darwin AI Co., Ltd.: New application of high-quality protein in advanced production method

Aspire Food Collection is a global leader in commercial production and processing for human, food and plant ingredients. Aspire has developed a kind of new technology, using minimal resources, modularized and scalable production, tight supply and low growth of original production special protein, and has a huge global impact. DarwinAI originates from the University of Waterloo, a world-class academic team. Human beings are in the middle of the road in artificial intelligence systems that are accessible to others. Darwin AI-Aspire deep learning solution analysis, more than 50 imports, more than 15 improvements since then, more than 15 exports. Simultaneous use minimization (such as water, natural air, electric power, etc.).

10. Helian SkillLab B.V.: SkillLab Items

SkillLab items are based on artificial intelligence solution plan envoys to master special skills, reach education and work opportunities, and apply for concurrent quantitative work. SkillLab provides a group of trainees to provide professional guidance, as well as a base for technical support and dynamic skills training. Based on the artificial intelligence face-to-face skill database, this database is based on European skills, abilities, and qualifications on the ESCO (ESCO) basis, the latter includes 13,485 skills, and describes 2,942 jobs.

This article was written by Fukubusi. Looking back, see more

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