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Web that changed the world, the birth and dawn -ZDNET JAPAN

 Most of us are currently purchasing life, work, love, and products through the web.In other words, the web has become a matter of course for us.But it hasn't always been the case.In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee came to think about his own way to create a unified structure that crossed various computers and associate information.He called it "Information Management: a Proposal".He later came to call it "World Wide Web".This is not a completely new idea, and its source is the concept of "MEMEX" released by Vannevar Bush in 1945.MEMEX is a desk -shaped device that follows the linked page to search for microfilms stored in the library and display the documentation.Do you remember hearing a similar concept?There must be.

 The idea was further pursued by others, such as Ted Nelson and Douglas Engelbart, in the 1960s.And in August 1991, BERNERS-Lee developed this theory into a system that actually operates, a World Wide Web.With that in mind, the world has changed dramatically.

 As of 1989, the Internet was only used mainly by researchers, scholars and military.However, by 1993, he began to take the path to what is currently known as the Internet.There are two factors that caused these changes.It is the development of web technology and the establishment of a much less famous organization called the Commercial Internet Connection Association (CIX).In the following, the background is explained.

世界を変えたウェブ、30年超を経て今振り返る誕生と黎明期 - ZDNet Japan

 The Internet has evolved from the late 1980s to the early 1990s into public networks for military officials, scientists, researchers, and scholars, from US military networks.The network was available if you were enrolled in a specific school or had a specific job, but most people were not accessible.

 Even if this early Internet can be used, e -mail is ASCII text -based applications such as "PINE" and "ELM", and for searching and sharing files, UNIX such as "FTP" or "Archie".I had to use the command line / shell program.The most advanced tool that was used was Yahoo -like "Gopher", a guide for Internet resources.But the invention of the web by BERNERS-Lee has changed everything.

 At first no one noticed that it was a big revolution.At that time, this web, which was operating on NEXT's computer (designed by Steve Jobs, the ancestor of the "Mac" today), could only be used in a few technology groups in the Internet.。In other words, the web was created to support internal sharing research results by scientists of the European Nuclear Research Organization (CERN).Cat photos will be shared later.