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People who know the quantum computer are overwhelmingly profitable

The practical use of quantum computers is realistic

With Google achieved "quantum transcendence" in October 2019, the future, which is drawn at the end of the current technology, has become more realistic than ever.。

However, those who do not usually touch "quantums" will not be able to predict what changes can be visited in our lives, if quantum computers have appeared.

Therefore, here are some easy, but we will introduce the progress that will be brought about by quantum computers.

The first is "speed" that can not be used for existing computers.

Expectations for quantum digital computers on the high -speed speed have increased at a stretch due to the discovery of the integer factor -decomposed algorithm by the shore of the 1994 Bell Institute in the United States.

Think of an algorithm as "a finite procedure to reach a certain destination."You've heard that electronic digital computers also have the work of programming, and that what is created is called a program.

The concept of algorithms supports the program, and in order for a program to reach and end, if there is no algorithm, that is, there is no algorithm.Not.

Now, the story is returned to "integer factor decomposition", but as the number of integers increases, the calculation time is enormous.For example, it has been shown that a 10,000 -digit integer factor requires a realistic time of 100 billion years, even if it has the current highest electronic digital computer (that is, a supercomputer).

This ensures the safety of the public key encryption method currently used on the Internet (when locking is used, the encryption method that requires a secret key when unlocking).In other words, breaking through the public key encryption method requires a huge amount of calculations that takes about 100 billion years, so it will not be broken.

However, it is assumed that a quantum digital computer that uses the argorism of the integer of the shore integer can also be calculated in several hours.

Therefore, the public key encryption method introduced earlier will break through in a few hours if a quantum digital computer is realized, and faces a situation where the safety cannot be maintained.

That said, don't worry, even if a quantum digital computer is realized.

This is because the technology to realize a quantum digital computer is a technology that realizes a public key encryption method, but also has a quantum crypto method.

In short, don't worry because the key skills should be improved more than the improvement of the skills that break through the key.

By the way, as a basic theory of such technology, I would like to introduce the quantum state called "quantum tangling = quantum entanglement", but in order to explain the "bell state" and "GHz state" as a typical example, Ket Vector first.Introducing the tensor of the tensor, and the explanation that is not the main line will increase in the snowball method, so I would like to refrain from here.

If you are interested, please try books that have been explained in detail, such as Yoshinori Uesaka's "Basic Mathematical Mathematics of Quantum Computers" (Corona).

Even if it is a challenge, only two of the three, 0, 1 and imaginary units I, only two multiplications are followed in order, so if you think that it is a mere symbol operation, the science subject is unfamiliar.It is a content that can be followed by the person.

As a result, we can understand the tremendousness of quantum computers, which are considered to have a major impact on society in the future, so we recommend that you try to expand your horizons.

Elucidate "What is me?"

Another great expectation is to elucidate "self -consciousness."The elucidation of quantum mechanics and the quantum computer may solve "what is me?"

First, let's consider the "consciousness" we usually feel.

"I" is a big two things, "My body" and "my heart".For now, let's just pay attention to "my body".

Now you can see something.I can hear some sound.You may smell something, or you may not smell anything.You may taste something in your mouth, or you may not have any special taste.

Somewhere in your body may be painful, itchy, cold, or hot.This may not feel anything special, just like the smell and taste.At least, the feeling that somewhere in your body is touching something will surely be.

In this way, your body sensory organs can be stimulated from the outside world.The body can also receive the stimulus inside the body, such as hungry, thirsty, or peeing.

However, the stimulus inside the body is not just a sense, but it is already a "meaning", such as being empty, dry, or dry.


Of course, the stimulus from the outside world received by the sensory organs, for example, the sound of the TV, "the voice of Suzumushi", or for example, the smell of dinner curry.For example, if it is a taste, some "meaning" will be given immediately, such as "the rest of the candy you sucked", or, for example, the mouse you are holding.

Are you doing it or just observing?

By the way, is that a series of ways to do what you are conscious, "I", who are the subject of "I am"?Or is it just "observing"?

Next, let's look at my heart.

You are now

"Murakami is always interesting, but this theme is interesting with a circle."

The impression may have come up.That may make you feel a little grumpy.You may be driven by the urge to close the book as soon as possible.

vice versa,

"Murakami always says something interesting, but this theme has changed more and more interesting."

The impression may have come up.That may make you feel a little pleasant.You may be motivated to read further ahead.

Here, the same questions arise as when you pay attention to your body.

Is the thought that arises in my heart here, is the conscious "me", which is the subject of "I am"?Or is it just "observing"?

There is a theory of "promotion consciousness hypothesis" proposed by Professor Takashi Maeno of Keio University Graduate School (Graduate School of SDM).

In a nutshell, the passing consciousness hypothesis is, in a nutshell, "I", who is the subject of each human being, who is conscious of "I am", "I" usually feels like that.It is a hypothesis that "something passive" is not a "subject".

"I (= my heart") is not my "command tower", but a mere "observer" that is happening in me (= "my body" + "my heart").That's it.

It was such a hypothesis that I asked earlier what I was doing or just "observing".

"Wait a minute. I'll give you a hundred steps, and let's say the passing consciousness hypothesis. But more active, for example, moving your fingers is the" I "in me., I don't think I'm doing it! "

It seems that you can hear the voice.However, there is an experimental result that it is not so.

An experiment conducted by Professor Rivet at the University of California at San Francisco's School of San Francisco, published in a 1983 paper.The details of the experiment will be given by the example, and I will only say the results.

"0.What means "2 seconds difference"

Comparing the time when the signal in the brain "move the finger" is emitted toward the finger muscles, and the time when you want to move your finger in your heart, "fingers are" in the brain.The time when the "move" signal is emitted is 0.It was 2 seconds early.

In other words, after a short time when the "move your finger" signal was emitted in your brain, "I wanted to move my finger" in my heart.In other words, unfortunately (not), I didn't think "I" in my brain, "I want to move my finger actively".Observed what was emitted toward the finger muscles, in a hurry (0).Because it is 2 seconds late, it is the theory that "I" in me wanted to move my finger actively. "

Even if you don't have an extreme or active self -consciousness, I am moving on its own, but why was passive consciousness born?I need to think about this, so let's explain.

It feels like you're far from quantum, but please keep up with this self -conscious story for a while.

How to make AI with self -consciousness

The reason why passive consciousness was born is Professor Maeno's hypothesis

"In order to carry out" episode memory "to remember experience, the subject of the episode needed the subject of the episode."

It is supposed to be.

As I explained so far, "I", who is conscious, simply observing the result of me, "I did it" "I felt it."I just think that "I thought".

To remember the episodes of "I did", "I felt" and "I thought".

In recent years, humanity has been overwhelmed by artificial intelligence and AI development, but it is said that it is said that it is particularly difficult to develop among them.

What kind of process is achieved by giving AI self -consciousness?I believe that the passing consciousness hypothesis will greatly contribute to the solution of this issue.

Until now, the construction of AI has failed with the aim of creating a command tower as a method for giving AI self -consciousness.

On the other hand, if you want to build AI based on a passing consciousness hypothesis, you are simply observed the output that creates elements that fulfill various part functions and output the individual functional elements."It means that you should make it.

Then it is how to make the "observer", but it is finally the main subject, and it is shown that quantum mechanics may be greatly involved.