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  • "It's because of Ajinomono because the game consoles are scarce".

"It's because of Ajinomono because the game consoles are scarce".

今年初め、ネット上で「ゲーム機が品薄で手に入らないのは味の素社のせい」というウワサが立った。味の素社は半導体パッケージに欠かせない絶縁材を生産しているため、それがボトルネックになっているという。たしかに味の素はパソコン用CPU向けの部材でほぼ100%のシェアをもつ。なぜ食品会社が絶縁材を生産しているのか。そして、本当にそれがゲーム機生産のボトルネックなのか。ライターの小口覺さんが解説する――。写真=iStock.com/Blue Planet Studio※写真はイメージです全ての画像を見る(6枚)

Due to the global shortage of semiconductors, a wide range of products, such as personal computers, game consoles, cars, and home appliances, are in short supply.The cause is a complex, and in addition to the growth of the original demand, such as network devices, it is an error in demand prediction due to the generation of new colonovirus (each manufacturer suppressed order and production, but demand recovers contrary to expected).Remote work has increased PC demand, as well as US -China conflicts.

Meanwhile, at the beginning of this year, rumors were on the Internet.The latest game console "PLAYSTATION5" and "Xbox Series X / S" are not available because they are not available because they are not available.What does it mean?

「ゲーム機が品薄なのは味の素社のせいだ」ネットでこんなウワサが流れたまんざらでもない理由 調味料研究から生まれた最重要部材

Speaking of Ajinomoto, it is a food manufacturer that handles processed foods such as seasonings, such as Ajinomoto, a umami seasoning, and frozen foods that everyone knows.The group company, Ajinomoto Fine Techno, produces the Ajinomoto Build -Up Film (hereinafter, ABF), an indispensable interconnection edge for various semiconductor packages.The CPU for personal computers, which is said to have almost 100 % share, could not keep up with the production of ABF, which led to the bottle neck for new game consoles.


Before talking about ABF, we will explain the basic knowledge of the semiconductor package substrate.

With a PC CPU as an example, the CPU IC chip is not directly connected to the motherboard.As shown in the photo above, the IC chip is placed on a small substrate called a package substrate and is a package.If the motherboard is a floor and an IC chip, is it easy to understand if the package board is like a cushion?

The package substrate plays a role in electrically connecting to the motherboard while protecting the IC chip.Thanks to the cushioning cushion, it is similar to the fact that human legs can be sitting firmly while being protected by the hardness of the floor.Since the electronic circuit of the nanometor -sized IC chip is connected to a millimeter -sized electronic component, the package substrate is made by stacking several layers of electronic circuits.The ABF of the insulating material is required in the manufacturing.