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The lie of "quantum computers are faster than supercomputers" and the significance of installing in Japan is (page 1/3) --Itmedia News

 Many media reported that a commercial quantum computer from IBM was set up in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture on July 27, and started operation.Some reports such as "performance exceeding supercomputers" and reports introduced that "spa tasks can be solved in 3 minutes and 20 seconds in 3 minutes and 20 seconds" based on the results of Google's research, but these are literally.If you receive it, you will not be able to catch this news correctly.

 Researchers have long been complaining about overheating reports over quantum computers.Associate Professor Makoto Negoro of Osaka University (quantum information and quantum life research center) is one of them, saying, "The title is ..." in response to the report of "the performance beyond supercomputer."

 For some reason, it is easy to organize this news that it is not aware that "the performance beyond the spa -acons" or "the calculation that takes 10,000 years in 3 minutes and 20 seconds".

川崎市に設置された量子コンピュータ「IBM Quantum System One」

 There are several indicators to see the performance of the quantum computer, one of which is the number of "quantum bit".It is not always the case because there are other factors, but the more this number, the more complicated problems can be solved.

 "I solved a 10,000 -year calculation in 3 minutes and 20 seconds in a spa -acon" is based on a research paper published by Google in 2019, but Google's quantum computer is 53 quantum bits, and this time IBM.The quantum computer installed is 27 quantum bit.The number of quantum bits is smaller than that of Google machines.


 Since IBM has not announced that the calculation that takes 10,000 years has been solved in 3 minutes and 20 seconds in the 27 quantum bit, it is not appropriate to express this as a machine specification.

 IBM has already developed a 65 -quantum bit processor in 20 years, and has been developing to realize the 127 quantum bit in 2009.

 Some say, "But if there is a machine that can solve the calculation that takes 10,000 years in 3 minutes and 20 seconds, is it more than a supercomputer?"This is also misunderstood.


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