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  • Bitcoin's identity -"Flag games that consume electricity and calculation resources": Dancing Buzzwords -BEHIND THE BUZZWORD (7) Blockchain (1) (page 1/8)

Bitcoin's identity -"Flag games that consume electricity and calculation resources": Dancing Buzzwords -BEHIND THE BUZZWORD (7) Blockchain (1) (page 1/8)

The name of the technology called "industry trends" is often "buzzword".“M2M”, “Ubikitas” and “Web2.0 ", and" AI ". When an incomprehensible technology appears, it pretends to be understood with a" plausible name ". The world dances to the name made in this way, and we engineers.The fried phrase that was tossed, finally abandoned irresponsibly -there was no apology. Here, the author who continued to shout for two years, saying "AI" is once again.This is to ask and accuse your "understand".⇒ Serial back number

 In the episode 23 of the anime "Beatless", which was introduced in "Beatles" to "Steins Gate" and seriously verifies the feasibility of anime AI ", an interface of a different position (humans with humans).A scene where the humanoid robot for communicating) disputes each policy (by the way, the interface of the ultra -advanced AI is all beautiful girls).

 Super altitude AI "Racia" is

I claim.

 The other ultra -advanced AI "Astria" is

I claim.

 By the way, I (Egata) continues to argue that not only the current Neumann -type computer but also a non -no -man -type quantum computer appears, "neither Lacia nor Astoria will appear forever."

 AI is just a computer algorithm.The algorithm cannot be out of the solution specified by the algorithm itself.

 Therefore, even if the algorithm of AI technology may be "human use", it is impossible for an algorithm to "control human beings" (Reference: "Over the AI -Beyond AI".)

 So -I didn't think I would discover the "algorithm that controls humans" in this way.To be honest, I'm astonished.

 It is just an algorithm that does not take control of human desires or dystopia.

 Specifically, the algorithms exist only for the creation of money, wastes a huge amount of power and calculation resources, and the value of the money is unknown, and any will (good intentions and malice (both good faith and malice).) It is an algorithm -bitcoin that manufactures and operates an eerie virtual currency that makes us dancing only with the rules of the algorithm.

 As an IT researcher, I've been involved in this industry for a long time.Among them, one of the things that I learned,

―― We seem to like systems that are not managed by specific people (especially power side).

There is a thing.

 Well, if anyone knows his way of thinking or manages location information, he is disgusted.

 特に、我が国の国民は、太平洋戦争中の国民統制の歴史 ―― が、原因なのかどうかは、正直分かりませんが ―― もあって、本質的に「政府等の国家権力は、原則として信じない」とか「政治家のやることには、まずはケチをつけておく」をデフォルトとしているような気がします*)

*) If there are people who say that the Japanese government is always correct, or that politicians should always follow, I will certainly think that this person is scary.

 By the way, at the time of birth, at the time of birth, the "completely free distributed network system that is not managed by power" was advertised as the biggest cucumber (now many people who do not even know such a background.)


*) Since the Wi-Fi router and HUB are broken in the Eban family, the frequency of breaking the Wi-Fi router and HUB is about once a year, so in Japan alone, 130 million units and 350,000 units should break down a day.If the router has several times the durability of the router, it is, well, this is the case (Fermi estimation).

 On the other hand, in wars and civil war countries, the government controls it so that it can not connect to the Internet at all, and in neighboring countries in Japan cannot search for a specific word (for example, the "Tiananmen case").You can do it (the same applies to overseas servers).

 つまり、インターネットのネットワークは、分散システムであるにもかかわらず、権力のコントロール下にあるのです(興味のある人は、”IXP”で検索してみてください) ―― 私に言わせれば、『権力によって管理されない、完全に自由な分散システム』というのは、幻想です*)

*) "Well, even more, if you manage it with a powerful device, wouldn't it be possible to operate a" good, cheap, fast "network like a certain beef bowl?This is the one that is hit by the Internet International Conference (IETF).

 By the way, in recent years, "completely free currency that is not managed by power" has been tolerated.Bitcoin.

 I have been dating for decades with the truth of the technology that advocates such phrases, and basically, I have been involved in the system that sings such things.In the first place, I don't believe in "completely free currency that is not managed by power" from the beginning (although I happened to be in charge of business).

 However, while saying so, the stance of "talking about distrust without investigating properly" was an unacceptable attitude as an engineer, and I felt that it was back.

 In this series "Dancing Buzzword -BEHIND THE BUZZWORD", this "bitcoin" and "blockchain" have been listed -the reason is clear, "I don't know what bitcoin is.""Because it's continuing to make a noise." -It was a typical "buzzword".

 In addition to the intention of the EE TIMES JAPAN editorial department, I also wanted to understand this bitcoin (and blockchain) once.This time, the speculation of both parties agreed, and this series was reached.

 In this series, as in the previous series, we will continue in the "EE TIMES JAPAN editorial department approved) in the" Eta Game (as much as Ebata's interest) "(EE TIMES JAPAN editorial department).In the previous series (quantum computer), it wasn't because it wasn't as a serialization as originally planned -that in other words, it was "wasteful", and I thought neither the editorial department nor me (though I wouldn't say it).Because there is.
