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  • The ingenuity of being able to play three games on Japan's first home-use game machine is amazing

The ingenuity of being able to play three games on Japan's first home-use game machine is amazing

"TV Tennis" (1975) and "TV Baseball Game" (1978), Japan's first home video game consoles. The TV baseball game was launched with a "built-in microcomputer" touted. Equipped with μPD777C made by NEC.

Even the world's earliest computers ran games

Japan's first home video game console "TV Tennis" is surprisingly flammable!

Japan's first home game machine Amazing Ingenuity to Play 3 Games

"You can play alone" (computer battle), which is considered to be a major feature of video games from the perspective of play culture, can be done in auto mode. However, it is the two-player match that burns surprisingly hot.

"GAME ON - Why are games so interesting?" held at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation in 2016. My TV tennis that was exhibited at ~. A playable display that has been remodeled to a coaxial connection to transmit UHF waves. Cassette Vision is on display, and Atari VCS on the right.

■ “Block de Gadget by Satoshi Endo”: https://youtu.be/5anGTfF9Oww ■ Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZRpVgG187CvTxcZbuZvHA1V87Qjl2gyB ■ “in64blocks”: https:// www.instagram.com/in64blocks/

Satoshi Endo

Twitter: @hortense667