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Started a member store system with housing maker and renovation companies nationwide |

Mechanism of the member store system 1. Member store companies introduce the solar power generation service “Hachidori Solar” with an initial cost of 0 yen to customers who are considering new housing or renovation ➁ Hachidori Solar provides individual estimates We provide a one-stop solar service with a long-term guarantee and an initial cost of 0 yen, from making proposals to arranging installation work. Businesses involved in housing equipment such as housing manufacturers and remodeling companies We can provide solar leasing services with an initial cost of 0 yen and full long-term guarantees to our customers, maximizing added value for customers. can. 2. Customers considering purchasing or renovating a home Customers can use Hummingbird Solar at a lower lease rate than usual because they can install solar power generation when building a new home or when renovating. After installation, you can freely use the electricity generated at home. 3. We believe that by cooperating with business operators as a member of the promotion of natural energy, we can expand the spread of natural energy throughout Japan and lead to the solution of global warming.

With housing manufacturers and renovation companies nationwide Start of handling member store system | Solar power generation with initial cost of 0 yen

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Initial cost 0 yen There is no initial cost required when installing solar panels. You can install equipment such as solar panels and construction costs at the time of installation without any cost burden. Unlimited use of generated electricity You can use the generated electricity at a fixed monthly rate without any restrictions. As a result, there is no need to purchase electricity for the amount of electricity generated, which reduces electricity bills. The surplus electricity is sold to generate income during the day, and the surplus electricity is sold to the customer. 15 years later, after the expiration of the contract for the free transfer of the solar panel set, we will transfer the solar panel set to the customer. Click here for the Hummingbird Solar website ↓ https://hachidori-denryoku.jp/solar/15-year disaster insurance Hummingbird Solar will prepare its own disaster compensation, and in the unlikely event that it breaks down due to lightning or fire, it will be repaired free of charge. I will. Reliable long-term warranty A long-term warranty unique to domestic panel manufacturers. 15 year equipment warranty and 25 year solar panel warranty. Always worry-free support You can use Hummingbird Solar's customer support not only during the 15-year contract period, but also after the contract period expires.

Residential Renovation Company Company A We have heard from customers that they would like to add a solar power generation system when they proposed remodeling, but there were also customers who felt hurdles when it came to purchasing. By becoming a member store that handles Hummingbird Solar, I am grateful that I am able to make solar proposals that will please our customers! New construction builder

Click here to apply for a member store that handles Hummingbird Solar ↓ https://hachidori-denryoku.jp/solar/contact/

We believe that Hummingbird Solar affiliated stores are a community of companies that work together to create a 100% renewable energy society. It is difficult for a single business entity to solve global warming and climate change, but we believe that by combining the strengths of companies and companies, and companies and customers, we can create a significant impact. For that reason, we would like to increase the number of business partners all over Japan by continuing to be a service that makes people think, "I want to install solar power in my house because the Hummingbird Solar service is good." We will strive to improve our services so that our customers will feel that the introduction of natural energy is good for both the environment and their household budgets. (Representative of Hummingbird Solar