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Is it OK to handwrite Square job resume?Find More Articles Follow Us on SNS explaining the merits and demerits of each computer creation and handwriting creation

At the beginning

When creating a job resume, you will naturally have the desire to "create something that has a different impact from people" and "I want to remain as much as possible."Some people have thought, "How about writing by hand?"In conclusion, there is no particular rule or manner for a personal computer or handwriting.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages for making a personal computer and handwriting by hand.In this article, we will explain the creation of a resume in detail in each PC and handwritten pattern.

Is my job resume either handwritten or personal computer?

Regarding the creation of a job resume, whether to make it on a personal computer or handwritten, this question is "OK" is OK.There is no rule that you have to be here.Please be assured that handwriting will not violate manners.

However, it is natural that you should avoid making the other party unpleasant, such as "the condition of the personal computer and printer is not good or the print is out of print" or "the characters are too dirty and cannot be read".。Also, when making it on a personal computer or handwriting by hand, each has its advantages and disadvantages, so think about which method to understand after grasping it.

Advantages and disadvantages of creating a job history by hand

First, I will introduce the advantages and disadvantages of creating a resume by hand.

▼ Benefits of handwriting creation

1. Enthusiasm and personality are transmitted

The biggest advantage of creating a job history by hand is that you can communicate your enthusiasm and personality.In recent years, many people send application documents created on a personal computer because PCs are popular in their homes.

Among them, it is not easy to create a job resume by hand.Just looking at the application documents written carefully by hand, the recruiters are "polite people" "It would have been difficult to create such a lot of characters by hand.You will think.

2. It is easy to remain in the impression of the recruitment person

The recruiter is looking at the application documents per day.Among them, it is unusual to be handwritten, so it has the advantage that it is easy to leave an impression first.

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As a person's psychology, it can be said that the characters written by hand rather than the characters written on the computer tend to read the contents firmly like reading a letter.Even those that recruiters tend to skip, also include the merit that they can read the contents firmly if they are handwritten.

3. You can appeal that you can write beautiful characters

If you are good at writing letters, it will be an application document that has an impact just by writing by hand.If you are learning a ballpoint pen, calligraphy, hard brush, etc., you may want to try it.Handwriting alone has an impact, but if it is even more beautiful, the impression will be very good.

▼ Disadvantages of handwriting creation

1. If you make a mistake, you can't fix it

The biggest disadvantage created by hand is that if you make a mistake, you will not be able to fix it and rewrite it again from the beginning.Of course, you cannot use a correction pen or a pen that can be erased for the application document.

In the second half of your concentration, you may not want to write.Unlike resumes, job history tends to be very often written.Therefore, it is necessary to decide to create handwritten with some determination.

2. It cannot be reused by other companies

What you write by hand will not be at hand once you submit it to one application.Therefore, if you want to apply for several companies, you cannot use it.You need to write only as much as you apply.Depending on the volume of your resume, you will need physical strength.3.If the letters are dirty, it will be a negative image

Unfortunately, the job history written in dirty characters tends to be a negative image.If it is written in a dirty character that cannot be read even if it is written carefully, the recruitment person will feel the feeling of reading.If you are not confident in letters or who usually say that you can't read it, it's better to avoid creating it by hand.

Advantages and disadvantages of creating a job resume on a personal computer

Conversely, I will introduce the advantages and disadvantages created on a personal computer.

Benefits of computer creation

1. Easy to fix

If you enter a lot of companies, you may often notice mistakes after you have completed the application documents.If it is a personal computer, it can be kept as data, so corrections can be done in an instant.This is the biggest merit compared to handwriting.

2. Let us use when applying for multiple companies

If you have a personal computer, you can print as much as you want.It is possible to correct only the necessary parts, such as motivation, and reuse other basics.It can be said that it is an efficient way because it will save you a lot of time.

3. Layout adjustment is easy and looks beautiful

The job history created by Word and Excel has the advantage of being easy to read and beautiful.The fact that it is clean when you look at it can tell the other person what important and what you really want to convey.This is a great benefit.

▼ Disadvantages of PC creation

1. People with low PC skills are detected

Word and Excel have many useful functions for creating a resume.Also, even if you fill the items along the template, you must be careful about the layout.If you can't do them well, you'll give a negative impression of "Is it a person who is not good at computer operation?"

2. There is a possibility that you will be able to see the reuse

When applying for multiple companies, you need to change your motivation and self -PR for each company.If there is a mistake in the work, the fact that "re -use" will be broken, and the impression will be greatly reduced.It is okay to reuse your basic work history, but let's look back at important parts such as motivation and self -promotion many times so that there are no doubt.

4 points for creating a job history by hand

Finally, here are four points when creating a resume by hand.

1. If there is a specified personal computer, avoid handwriting

Depending on the applicant company, it may be specified to create on a personal computer to increase the readability and recruitment staff.In that case, avoid creating it by hand because it is designated by the applicant company.No matter how beautiful your resume is, from the company's point of view, you will have a negative image, saying, "I guess you can make it on a personal computer."

2. Write an easy -to -read character so that there is no typographical errors

Of course, if you write your job history by hand, be careful and conscious of easy -to -read characters.You need to be careful about typos and omissions.Be sure to read it over and over again after completion, such as a kanji mistake or a particle is missing.Of course, this can be said when creating on a personal computer, but be careful as it is especially easy to make mistakes when writing by hand.

3. Do not use correction tape or correction solution

If you write a lot of characters by hand, you may make a mistake.However, it is NG to use correction tape and correction solution.The application documents are the first official documents before concluding employment contracts with companies.Even if there is a mistake, you cannot use a correction solution.

If you make a mistake, you will need to recreate it again from the beginning.There are many items to fill in the job resume, so it tends to lose concentration.Let's devise a break, such as taking a break on the way.

4. There is no need to match your resume and handwritten

Writing a job history by hand doesn't mean you have to write your resume by hand.Somehow, I tend to think, "I wrote my resume by hand, so my resume was hand -written," but there is no such rule as a manner.

If you judge that you want to handwrite your job resume to convey your enthusiasm, but your resume is a good computer. "Use your computer as needed to change jobs efficiently.


When you look at handwritten things, you will feel personality and kindness ahead.The recruitment staff is the same, and the job history made by hand is more warm and enthusiastic than the one made by a personal computer.For this reason, there are great benefits, such as reading carefully and being easy to remain.

On the other hand, there are disadvantages such as having a negative image because of "unreadable and dirty characters".Consider the advantages and disadvantages, and adopt a way of creating that suits you.
