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  • Talking at a distance of 50 cm is a high risk even with a mask on. Droplet infection analysis of Fugaku including Omicron strain

Talking at a distance of 50 cm is a high risk even with a mask on. Droplet infection analysis of Fugaku including Omicron strain

Ventilation alone isn't enough. Agitation of the air reduces the risk of infection in the entire store

<The third risk of droplet infection in restaurants is a small store that can accommodate about 16 people. One infected person stayed in the room and simulated the infection probability of those in the room. It is assumed that the stay time is 1 hour and the infected person is talking loudly for 30 minutes. Everyone is in an environment where masks are not worn.

If you talk at a distance of 50cm, you will wear a mask But high risk. Droplet infection analysis of Fugaku including Omicron strain

Restaurant (mechanical ventilation system only) Restaurant (mechanical ventilation system + air conditioner) Restaurant (mechanical ventilation system + kitchen duct + air conditioner)

Restaurant (mechanical ventilation system + kitchen duct + air conditioner + partition)

For winter (mechanical ventilation system + kitchen duct + air conditioner)