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  • [Singapore] Omicron stock cluster, at the bar in the center (NNA) --Yahoo! News

[Singapore] Omicron stock cluster, at the bar in the center (NNA) --Yahoo! News


【シンガポール】オミクロン株クラスター、中心部のバーで(NNA) - Yahoo!ニュース


 The Ministry of Health in Singapore announced on the night of the 25th that a new Coronavirus, a new Coronavirus, a cluster (infected group) has occurred. Ten people were infected via an American man who traveled using a framework that can enter the country without waiting. A total of 448 infections of the same stock were 448, of which more than 80 % were brought in from overseas. The Omicron strain cluster was confirmed at the bar "The Vinyl Bar" along the center River Valley Street. A man who traveled from the United States was negative in the Corona test after entering the country on Tuesday, but was positive on the 18th. A colleague, who had been in a rich contact with the man on the 15th, visited the bar on the 17th, and one clerk and three visitors were infected. Four of the same households of the store were infected, resulting in a total of 10 clusters. Both have completed vaccination, and their symptoms are mild or asymptomatic. The Ministry of Health orders the bar clerk or visitors who have been in a rich contact with the infected people. People who were in the store during the time when a American male colleague came to the store will have a PCR test. Omicron strain infection in Singapore was 448 as of the 25th. Of these, there were 369 infections for those who traveled abroad and 79 domestic infections. The number of infections has increased rapidly due to the change in the confirmation method after the inspection from the 24th.
