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The significance of distributed infrastructure seen in the resurrection of the NFT Market Place (Coindesk Japan) --Yahoo! News



Significance of distributed infrastructure seen in the resurrection of the NFT Market Place

Significance of distributed infrastructure seen in the resurrection of the NFT Market Place(CoinDesk Japan) - Yahoo!ニュース

NFT (Non -Fan Jull Token) Market Place "Hic Et Nunc" suddenly stopped operating without explanation last week. All the related URLs were broken, and the official Twitter account's profile column showed a cold word "suspension of operation". The community fell into a panic. One user said, "I'm sorry," and another user lamented, "NFT is the end." There were concerns that if the website was not working, it would not be able to access NFT. "What happened from the 11th to the 12th was that most people did not understand the NFT mechanism," said the founder of Tech Company Bastari, which specializes in art. , Bernadine Brécker Wooder, says. "Because the front end was down, people thought they had lost everything." The reality is not so simple. The website is gone, but most of the data is already a blockchain called Tezos, and the code is located on the open source development platform GitHub, so it is encrypted to some extent, but can be accessed to live data. It is in a state. This was an unintentional stress test for distributed infrastructure. NFT can rescue, but it takes a community effort to do so.

What is "distributed" infrastructure?

"Distribution" is especially web 3.Although it is a buzzword that is often linked to 0, it tends to forget the exact meaning. Theoretically, the so -called "distributed" infrastructure is about the structure of the blockchain itself. Each minor keeps a complete and independent copy of the ledger, and the data is not "centralized" in the hands of a single holder. It is the opposite of the familiar understanding of data on the Internet. If Amazon decides to stop the cloud computing network, one -third of the Internet will be unable to recover. On the other hand, truly dispersed websites only withdraw data from blockchain. Even if such a website goes down, raw data can be recovered. However, in reality, "distributed type" is generally an expression that quickly represents "cryptographic assets". It is a way to attract investors by pretending to be a solid system, a more solid system, without committing 100%of the real ideas of diversification. This tendency is particularly remarkable for NFT, which is only a data that indicates media files. There is no guarantee that the image file that is the source of NFT is placed on a corporate server and the company breaks down. The NFT (that is, the line of the characters indicating that it is yours) is "owned", but the image itself may disappear. The question, "Hic Et Nunc", was the inventor of the developer Rafael Lima, and he built it from scratch on Tesos blockchain. He was virtually centralized authority. However, after giving up on the project, he made a decision, and decided to create a mirror site using a new top -level domain, with the support of the Venture Capital, DNS. The domain name is "Hicetnunc."Hicetnunc" from Xyz.It became "art". On the 14th, the new domain management authority reached Joseph Magly, a community member. Magley, called Manitcor, is a developer who supports Rima's main site. The new website looks almost the same as the old one, and the basic smart contract uses the same, so creators can create and trade HIC ET NUNC NFTs. Images linked to existing NFTs are still available because the media file is stored in a storage system called IPFS (Interplanetary File System). In IPFS, the data is transferred directly on the blockchain. "Because (Mr. Lima) uses IPFS in the original file, strange URLs do not get caught in between. Weeder explained.


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