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Seven superstitions about "connecting TV" ads | DIGIDAY [Japanese version]

In 2018, Unicom TV surpassed Mobile to become the screen with the most impression of digital video.

But the formal channels of streaming, advertisers and the public also delve into exaggerated stories. "connected TV" is a comprehensive term for watching things posted over the Internet on a TV screen, and there are many superstitions that should be eliminated.

In this report, these seven superstitions are collected.

Advertising (Advertisement)

Superstition: connecting TV and OTT is the same

TV is a device for audio-visual animation and advertising. In contrast, OTT (OTT) refers to the method of sending animation and advertising. OTT existed before TV, the first TV network to explain bypassing the boxes of cable and satellite broadcasts so that programs can be watched online (I don't know why it's "over-limit" rather than "over-limit"). If you are streaming Hulu through a mobile app, that means you are accessing content through OTT and watching it on your phone and tablet. If you are streaming Hulu through an application installed on Samsung Smart TV, that means you are accessing content through OTT and watching it on a connected TV.

Superstition: connecting TV has as many listings as TV.

Applications have been prepared for connecting to TV platforms such as Apple TV, Roku and Amazon Fire TV, but Internet research company Kom score (ComScore) shows that video viewing time on connected TV accounts for 75 per cent of the four applications: Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu and YouTube. Among them, Netflix and Amazon Prime Video have no advertisements. In addition to standard advertising-based services, Hulu and YouTube offer ad-free subscriptions.

"compared with television, what is really supported by advertising is very limited in terms of volume," said David Morgan, CEO of Simulmedia. There are many things with no or almost no advertising. If he thinks, "the huge list of premium videos connected to TV is expanding," that's different from the truth. "

Superstition: the list of connected TVs is cheap

The list of connecting TV is much higher than digital animation, no different from linear TV (traditional TV broadcasting). "I'm a little surprised because it's expensive," said CEO Ali Parparo (Ali Paparo) of Adetek Enterprise Pearl Wax (Beeswax). The average CPM of Unicom TV is about $20. Rafael Rivera, a partner in media and connectivity planning at Marcus Thomas (Marcus Thomas), told me that this is comparable to linear TV and even a little higher than linear TV.

Superstition: TV-connected ads can be tracked like other digital ads

Advertisers also know that Unicom TV doesn't have cookies. However, some advertisers believe that mobile in-app ads can also track ads without cookie, so it should be the same with connecting to TV. Unfortunately, it is not the same. Rivera said, "A lot of advertisers think that buying digital ads is the same, but what I can track now is the action on the website and the trip to the store. That's superstition. "

If advertisers can collect IP addresses connected to TV, a suboptimal strategy is to link TV-connected campaigns to devices such as laptops and smartphones that use the same Internet connection. However, as the largest corner of the TV platform, Roku limits the collection of IP addresses of devices by advertisements, which is becoming more and more difficult.

Tracking is limited, which means it is difficult to launch desktop digital advertising tactics such as frequency cap setting and ad positioning using third-party data in Unicom TV campaigns.

Superstition: high-quality connected TV catalogs cannot be used in programming

Advanced technology companies such as The Trade Desk, bead wax, spot X (SpotX) and Telaria are preparing a programmable means of buying and selling to connect to TV lists. Rivera says there is a lot of list user-generated content (UGC), but TV networks such as HGTV and DIY networks and other senior members of the public have also added a list of connected TV that can be bought programmatically.

Nonetheless, programmable open markets do not always take advantage of high-quality listings. Morgan says there are places in television networks that offer lists of connections to TV only in the spending market to avoid being contaminated by lower-quality listings that are more fraudulent.

Superstition: Unicom TV has no fraud

Wired TV is also out of touch with people who deceive advertisers and try to get them to pay for impressions that no one has actually seen. According to the fraud prevention service Pixalate, 19% of Unicom's TV ads were displayed globally in the third quarter of 2018, and 18% were fraudulent in the United States.

If connected TV has the possibility of having the same advertising budget as TV, it will become a charming treasure mountain for swindlers. If it is the initial advertising infrastructure, it is difficult to detect and invalidate fraudulent impressions, and it is especially easy to be cheated. Ads connected to the TV generally use server-side ad insertion. In other words, advertisements are glued to the content and distributed to the device. In this case, the measuring company, etc., collects information about the device, and cannot verify that the advertisement is displayed on the screen connected to the TV or on the screen connected to the TV, and the swindler is easy to advocate the display of the connected TV. Amin Bandry, CTO of Pixar Wright, said: "We have measured Unicom's TV display over the past two years, but in the past year and a half, more and more fraudulent entries such as server-side ad insertion (SSAI) have entered."

Superstition: only video ads are connected to TV.

In the list of connections to TV, most of the videos posted on the connection TV have pre-ads and medium-volume ads installed. However, this is not the only directory available on the screen that connects to TV. "the advertising experience is not entirely limited by the app itself," said Kyle Turner, senior director of strategy at United Entertainment Group (United Entertainment Group). For example, there are many Samsung smart TVs with home screens that can send ads.

Tim Peterson (original / translation: Galileo)