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Fire can save money (Diamond Online) --Yahoo! News



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FIREすれば、お金を節約できる(ダイヤモンド・オンライン) - Yahoo!ニュース

 How will life change when FIRE (economic independence and early retirement)?While working for the company, we talked to Hiroki Nishino, the author of "Introduction to FIRE from 3 million yen annual income", which realized FIRE with various investments.● If you are free from human relationships and time, you will not use extra money, and when you become free from money, time, and relationships, use "time assets" and "human -related assets".The opportunity to spend money will definitely decrease.The way you don't spend money is a matter of course, but don't go shopping.However, in the present era, if you have a smartphone, you can deliver everything in the world in a few days just by tapping.By being connected to online, we continue to be exposed to advertising 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.Your interests and habits are shared on search engines and SNS platforms, sophisticated recommended algorithms will introduce various products, and try to buy them impulsively without leaving the house.In addition, office workers are built on the human relationships without permission and incorporated them into the human relationships.You have to go to a drinking party or dinner that you do not want to participate, you have to expand sales and quota at the company, and buy the latest smartphones and suits according to your workplace.If you do Fire, you will be able to get out of the loop that you were addicted to in the human relationships of the company, so you will not access what you do not really want, and you can leave the recommended algorithm.You just have to react only to the algorithm that you really like, so you don't have to buy it impulsively.

 With Fire, your favorite trip can be cheaper by shifting the time when salaried workers are flooded.For example, I stayed in Hawaii for two weeks before and after the first week of Sunday in December (about one month) to run the dream of the dream of the dream of the dream of the Honolulu Marathon, but I took a long vacation.I was able to stay cheaper than the Honolulu Marathon tour for 4 nights and 6 days for those who do not.In addition, since I have time to do FIRE, I will treat what I have now.In my case, I fix the holes of jeans, add more PC memory, and replace rechargeable batteries.By changing the oil of the car regularly, the life of the car can be longer.Removing the dust of the refrigerator or air conditioner will increase the performance of the machine and avoid breakdowns.Since the machine has no natural healing power, if you ignore the noise, it will always cause a major failure.Clothes and tools are now used up to the end.What you can do is do DIY as much as possible.I have been wearing fashion for a long time by wearing my favorite clothes.I rarely wore a suit, so I left all the summer and winter after FIRE and thrown them all.Suits are also fashionable, and even if you are still wearing them, you will not want to wear it because it is popular.Even if you can use it without breaking, it will not be worn when it is swept away, so it is a waste.Armani and Trasaldi's double suits I bought when I was a new employee were not holes, but I couldn't wear them anymore.Even if you can repair it, you can still see a new car by looking at the company's colleagues and junior cars.Some people buy new cars so that they are not stupid, but if you do Fire, you will be released from such a synchronization pressure.If you feel comfortable, you can use a used car of 500,000 yen.If you can ride a car you really like and you like surfing, you can customize the surfers as you want.You can put your favorite stickers without worrying about the surrounding eyes.● Why do you bother to do DIY after Fire?Some people say, "Why do you do DIY for Fire? Isn't it more efficient to do such outsourcing?"You do whatever you want because time is free.While thinking about efficiency and money, I don't think it has been released from the spell of money yet.Really doing Fire and living like yourself is to spend money and time for what you want to use.I like doing DIY because I like it.It's true to make your own gifts, repair furniture, replace car headlights and batteries, create bookshelves, exchange screen doors, and spend money and time on what you want to do.I think it's Fire.

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