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Satoshi Nakamoto's first post, Bitcoin was born here

Take a journey through the history of Bitcoin

Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of Bitcoin. After sending out bitcoin to the world, he suddenly disappeared one day and was not heard from. No one knows who Satoshi really was.

The global Bitcoin network, the whitepaper that it was based on, and Satoshi himself, published on mailing lists and forums for about two years from November 01, 2008 to December 12, 2010. The sentence is the property left to us now.

In this series, I will translate Satoshi's published sentences over the past two years into Japanese and publish them in chronological order. Those texts by Satoshi can be found in the 2017 out-of-print book Bitcoin Bible: Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? It is based on Phil Champagne (Author). And Mr. Miyu Komiya, the publisher of this book, adds commentary to each of Satoshi's sentences.

A person called Satoshi, who is wrapped in a mysterious veil, does not know whether he is really Japanese, whether he is an individual or a group, even though he calls himself a Japanese name. What kind of person is he, and what is the feeling he entrusted to Bitcoin? Read this series and set out on a journey to explore the depths of Satoshi's heart and to trace the history of Bitcoin.

Satoshi Nakamoto's first post

Now let's take a look at the original text of Satoshi Nakamoto's first post. The history of Bitcoin began with this post.


Satoshi Nakamoto

I have developed a new electronic cash system that is completely peer-to-peer with no third party trust.

The main features are as follows.

・Double payments are prevented in a peer-to-peer network.・Neither a mint nor a third party is required.・You can participate anonymously.・New coins will be created by hashcash type proof of work. • Proof of work for new coin generation also helps prevent double spending to the network. Bitcoin: a peer-to-peer electronic cash system

Satoshi Nakamoto first post, bit The coin was born here

Gist. A pure peer-to-peer version of electronic cash allows online payments to be sent directly from one side to the other without going through a financial institution. Digital signatures are one such solution, but their main advantage is lost if trust in a third party is required each time to prevent double-spending. We propose to solve the double spending problem by utilizing peer-to-peer networks. Network transaction timestamps use a technique that hashes transactions into an ongoing hash-based proof-of-work chain, creating a record that cannot be altered without redoing the proof-of-work. The longest chain witnesses a series of trading events and at the same time proves that it was produced from the largest pool of CPU power. If honest nodes*1 control the majority of CPU power, they will generate the longest chain and outsmart attackers. The network itself needs minimal configuration. Message broadcasting is done on a best-effort basis*2, and nodes are free to leave and reconnect to the network, but the longest proof-of-work chain is used as proof of the fact that progress has been made in the network during their absence. must approve.

Read the full paper here. http://www.bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf

Satoshi Nakamoto Cryptography Mailing List

*1 A node that does not commit fraudulent acts such as falsification of information. A node is a computer that holds Bitcoin transaction data and communicates with other nodes.

*2 We do not always guarantee a certain level of quality, but we should try our best to do our best.



This is Satoshi's first post. On November 1, 2008, Satoshi abruptly released the Bitcoin white paper. The term “proof of work” is defined at this time.

In the middle of the gist, it says "a method of hashing a transaction and incorporating it into an ongoing hash-based proof-of-work chain, creating a record that cannot be altered unless the proof-of-work is redone." , which is exactly the definition of blockchain.

The basic mechanism of crypto assets, such as how to solve forks (branching of the chain) and mining, is all described in this white paper. This 9-page paper has created a crypto asset market with a market capitalization of several hundred trillion yen (as of December 2021).

Free Komiya

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Article update 2021/12/22 13:05

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