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Robert Patrick, T-1000, "I am not good at things", there is no terminator!-Front Roux -Overseas celebrities & overseas culture information

I hate Robert Patrick

 The movie "Terminator 2", which was released in 1991, has a surprisingly high quality VFX technology even now, even now, but has more than 30 years.One of the reasons.

 In particular, the liquid metal terminator T-1000 played by Robert Patrick is very popular because of Robert's acting ability.

 However, Robert's reaction when I first read the script for this work seemed to be positive.He revealed in an interview with US/Film.

 "I really hate the progress of machines. I can't afford something like iPhone or computer. I'm grateful to my wife. If my wife didn't help me, I couldn't do it.Anyway, for the visual effects, it took 5 hours when I read the script for Terminator 2. I couldn't understand what was going on.what?what's with that?""

Robert's role in "Terminator 2"

 Robert hated machinery and couldn't understand the script for this work full of visual effects!The actor who played the mechanical terminator is ironic, but Robert's understanding of film production is deeply understood, which seems to be one of the reasons he is attractive to his T-1000.

 He talked about this analysis of the visual effects of this work and their abilities and roles.

 Robert says, "I hate machine progress," but he enjoys Instagram.

 "(Director) James Cameron was about to exceed the limit. He was able to do it, what he could, and what was possible, Steve" Spaz "Williams, Mark Dippe, Dennis, Dennis.・ Moran, (VFX's production company) I knew it would be possible if I put it on ILM. Put them on them and push them up the liquid CGI used in the movie Abyss to the next level.What can you do if you use it for the liquid metal of "Terminator"?

 He used it to overlap with the (artist's) Effect Effect, the animatronics dolls he had, and the animatronics created for my character.And the effects of that movie are all over the actual stunts and my body, and all of them are summarized.

 It feels like four parts.I, Cameron, ILM, and Stan Winston (visual effect artist).There were four elements, and my job was to connect, maintain, and keep all of them, and continue to move the characters.I was the character's face.I think the work is still evaluated by them. "

 My role in Terminator 2 is to summarize various factors.He can be said to have achieved it brilliantly.Behind the masterpiece, which is said to be a masterpiece, there was a very high level of technology and understanding.

(Frontro editorial department)