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Due to the optimization of quantum computing and delivery plan with supercomputers, logistics costs reduction of 30 % more efficiently over more efficiency -ITMEDIA NEWS



 It is NEC fielding, which is engaged in maintenance of ICT equipment and other devices, is found to find a chance to utilize such quantum computing technology.The company, which has been worried about how to deliver maintenance parts efficiently, is looking forward to optimizing a delivery plan using quantum computing.


 "The logistics costs are reduced by 30 % by quantum computing.""Normally, if you say" 30 % reduction ", the person in charge in the field will be very surprised. However, it is quite likely that you can use quantum computing technology."

NECの泓宏優さん(AIプラットフォーム事業部 上席事業統括)

 The quantum computing technology used in this initiative was used as the engine, "SX-AURORORA TSUBASA", the latest model of the NEC spa "SX" series.NEC's Hiro Yu (AI Platform Division Oura Senior Business Management) also reveals joy, saying, "I believed that this technology would be useful for the business site, but the day has finally come to be realized."

 The calculation has already been seen, and in February 2022, POC (Proof of Concept: conceptual demonstration) was launched at a delivery base in Tokyo.This time, we will deepen how quantum computing technology solves on -site issues.

 The maintenance work of ICT equipment is a game with time.If the response is delayed, it will affect the continuation of the customer's business, so it will be urgent from receiving the request to the completion of maintenance work.In order to respond promptly, NEC fielding has a custom engineer who is responsible for maintenance work nationwide, and has a logistics network that delivers maintenance parts for replacement.

 When delivering parts to multiple places with one truck, we want to make the delivery plan more efficient as possible.Calculating the candidate for the delivery route can be guided by a brute force, but as the number of bases and delivery parts increases, the number of combinations increases explosively, and the time required for calculation increases significantly, so the optimal solution for ordinary computers.It was difficult to put out.

 Therefore, in NEC fielding, veteran delivery staff judges the route and the number of trucks to be arranged while looking at the delivery amount and destination the next day.IT was only auxiliary auxiliary.

 Until now, NEC fielding has been continuously reformed on -site reform and DX (digital transformation), and has been working on improving support quality in conservatives.The company promotes business improvements such as diagnosis of failures and allocation of corresponding custom engineers, introducing smart glasses and providing instructions and support from remote areas.The last remaining was the optimization of the delivery plan.

 It is the tampering of the efforts of the field that we were able to derive efficient delivery plans in human power.When Mr. 泓 visited the delivery operation site, he found traces of ideas everywhere."Today, how many minutes should be kept to less?"

 Here, what is described as "quantum computing technology" is not exactly the technology that utilizes "quantum" itself.A computing method called "quantum animaling", which enables high -speed calculation by specializing in combination optimization issues, is a simulation of a supercomputer.While quantum computers are said to be still there, we simulate using SX-AUROROROROROROROROROROROROROROROROROROROROROROROBASA, which is a stable technology, to achieve high-speed processing of large-scale combination optimization problems.

 This technology, which NEC has continued to R & D, has broken through the "huge amount of calculations" in optimizing the delivery plan.

 "The idea of optimizing the delivery plan has been holding it for a long time, but the technology has finally come out." -Mr. Yamazaki looked back on this initiative.Mr. 泓, who saw the status of NEC fielding, proposed an optimization of a delivery plan using quantum computing technology.

 Currently, the delivery business in the Tokyo metropolitan area is based on a logistics center in Heiwajima, Ota -ku, Tokyo, and is played with about 100 trucks.Based on past data, the estimation of the delivery plan optimization was estimated that the truck was reduced by about 30 %.Mr. Yamazaki expects logistics costs by 20 to 30 %.


 In addition to the optimal delivery plan, the prediction accuracy of delivery time is expected to be improved.According to the methods that conventional people arranged, we planned a delivery plan with a margin so that the arrival time was not delayed.However, if the accuracy can be improved using SX-Aurora tsubasa, the time that has been given room can be reduced to make it more efficient."I didn't think I could do a way to reduce the accuracy and reduce the room. One of the great attractions I felt in this challenge is that I can try such an idea in a real field.(Mr. Yamazaki)

 NEC fielding has a strong hope for optimizing the delivery plan.In addition to reducing logistics costs by efficiency, reducing the number of trucks and mileage can also reduce environmental impact.In addition, the effect of eliminating the personalization of the delivery plan is also expected.

 "Optimization of the delivery plan is not only direct contribution to businesses such as efficiency and quality improvement, but also leads to social contributions such as environmental aspects.I think it will be a certain improvement "(Mr. Yamazaki)

 NEC fielding has expanded its business not only in ICT equipment, but also in fields such as maintenance of equipment for medical equipment and convenience stores.In the future, as we focus on non -ICT equipment maintenance services, we would like to solve issues associated with the increase in delivery parts through the delivery plan and DX.

 Even if the management expects new technologies, there is a possibility that there will be a rebound from the trouble of introducing it and the anxiety of "work deprived" on site.However, when I explained to the manager of the site, the positive reaction was returned, saying, "Let's try it because it looks interesting."

 When he talked to the leader in charge of the car, he was surprised, "Eh!?If you automate and open your hands, you will be welcomed to introduce an automated tool because you will have time to do other things you want to do.

 As in this case, the use of quantum computing technology is progressing as a new application of supercomputers.NEC Vector Annealing, a service that solves the combination optimization problem used this time, also operates software incorporating NEC's unique algorithm on SX-Aurorora tsubasa.

 This algorithm is efficiently solved because it can narrow down the optimal exploration range from various calculated restrictions generated in the combination optimization.The use of SX-Aurora tsubasa, which is good at large-sized matrix calculations, has achieved high-speed processing for large-scale combination optimal solutions.In the case of optimization of this delivery plan, the optimal route for the total delivery for one day will be solved in a few minutes.

 The effect is estimated in advance based on the conditions obtained by hearing to the site.In addition, in order to automate people's work, it is necessary to incorporate implicit rules that are not reflected in the formula, so the accuracy will be improved in the POC conducted in February.Mr. 泓 says that he is worried about applying it to the site, but can use the experience of solving similar problems in the past.

 "When dealing with supercomputer, most of the business negotiations with customers, such as calculation centers and university researchers, that's why I think it is groundbreaking to solve the problem of on -site, and this time quantum computing.I think that it is a really good use that makes use of the features of the NEC vector machine that can quickly solve large -scale calculations, so I would like to succeed. "

 NEC sells NEC Vector Annealing services overseas, and US customers have been evaluated as "vector type is better than others."The size of the problem that can be solved compared to other hardware is larger, so there are inquiries from companies and financial institutions in the energy industry.

 NEC will use quantum computing technology to support corporate issues in response to the results of domestic and foreign evaluations and NEC fielding and the results of POCs performed.First, we will focus on the work of moving things such as the logistics industry, transportation, retailing, and manufacturing that have logistics networks in -house.In addition, the company is also looking to work on the combination of combination that exists everywhere, such as making efficient production plans in the manufacturing industry and optimizing regular personnel changes.At the same time, we are considering providing it at a more flexible price in response to customer requests.


 In solving optimization issues, the spectrums of NEC's technology and experience and the vector machine called SX-Aurora tsubasa can be great.NEC offers a variety of services according to customer needs, including the NEC Vector Annealing service.Readers who want to solve their own issues and improve business by solving optimization issues, why not rely on NEC?

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