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  • "Public network" is also recommended at home. Check the network setting screen of Windows 11

"Public network" is also recommended at home. Check the network setting screen of Windows 11

Difference between Windows 11 and 10

 The settings related to networks in the Windows 10 era are also possible from [Settings], but after all, it was more convenient to use the Control Panel [Network and Shared Center].

 For example, if you want to change only the DNS settings or switch to the validity / disabled network adapter, you need to set it in [Network and Sharing Center].

 In general usage scenes, there are not many network adapters and used, so it was actually not a problem (I often use it for test purposes ...), but still [Settings] and [Share with the network].The center] was necessary.

 On the other hand, in Windows 11, the network -related settings are completed almost only [Settings].

 Specifically, let's compare what has changed.

Windows 11Windows 10

 On the screen indicating the current status, the connected status is changed to an icon format, and the buttons in the property and data usage status are displayed side by side of the connection.

 The setting items are listed under the icon, but Wi-Fi and in-flight mode can be turned on / off immediately on the switch from here.

Windows 11Windows 10

 On the screen that shows the details of the connection, you first notice that the network profile has been changed.

もう自宅でも「パブリックネットワーク」が推奨です Windows 11のネットワーク設定画面を確認する

 In Windows 10, the standard is [Public], but [Private] is "for reliable networks such as home networks or internal networks."

 On the other hand, the standard for Windows 11 is the same as the standard, but it will be described as [(recommended)], and the explanation will be "if you connect to a network at home, workplace, or public location.I will use it. "

 In other words, network profiles for using "home" or "home network" were previously [private], but Windows 11 has been changed to [Public].

 This is in line with the so -called Zero Trust's concept.As before, it is recommended that your home protects the connection regardless of location, rather than separating security at the boundary.

 So, from now on, it would be better to use it at home, unless you need to share files between PCs in your home.

Windows 11Windows 10

 Regarding IP addresses, the information displayed is almost the same, but the editing function has been added.

 In the conventional Windows 10, only the editing button of the IP address was changed from here, and the IP address and DNS were changed together, but in Windows 11, only the DNS is changed in addition to the edit button of IP address (including DNS).The editing button that can be done is added separately.

 In addition, a new item called [Authentication setting] is prepared, from here..It is now possible to set 1x authentication.

 Items that have to be set individually from the network property, etc. can be easily set from [Settings].

Windows 11Windows 10

 For the setting of the network adapter, Windows 10 needed to use the control panel, but the list of listed adapters, switching, and changing names was possible from [Settings].

 I don't usually use it much, but I'm welcome to be able to use multiple network adapters and test them, so it's easy to enable / disable.

 However, in order to change the parameters of the network adapter, Windows 11 must also rely on [Network and Sharing Center] (or device manager).It would be perfect if you could do this, but it is a function that you rarely use, so it will be inevitable.

Windows 11Windows 10

 As for Windows firewalls, Windows 10 and Windows 11 are not large because of the "Windows Defender" settings.As mentioned earlier, the recommended network profile has become Public, but the contents have not changed.

 The setting method is as before, and the detailed settings use the Windows Defender firewall settings, and there is no change.