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The popular illustrator Asema explained the way to depict mini characters! Warcom "Winter Pen Tab Project course" | my navigation news, my navigation news, my navigation

The webinar "Winter Pen Tab Seminar" held by Warcom, the lecturer on the first day was Eromartha.

Mini character making videos posted on YouTube are popular illustrator Eromartha. In the webinar, the liquid crystal handwriting board (hereinafter referred to as "liquid label") "Wacom One liquid crystal handwriting board 13", which is very popular among illustrators and cartoonists, is explained in a simple and easy way, from rough ideas to the completion of illustrations.

By the way, at the beginning of the online lecture, the head of Warcom introduced Google's Chromebook + Warcom Wacom Intuos combination on Amazon. He said frankly: "in fact, the illustrations used in the advertisement are Asema's works."

Let's start with roughness. Asema's software is "CLIP STUDIO PAINT" (hereinafter referred to as Krista). I will draw lines in the pure white campus. Brushes are your favorite "PETPEN" and can be downloaded from the material distribution website "CLIP STUDIO ASSETS".

PETPEN is like the texture between a pencil and a pen. The line drawn quickly will become thinner, on the contrary, if you draw slowly, it will become thicker. Because it gives people a soft impression, I personally like it very much. Even the penholder is drawn like this. "(Eroma).

Mr. Asema's rough drawing method is to draw the head circle first, and then draw the A word of the body to determine the root of the foot, in this order. At first, the nuances of the feet are used to determine the impression of the illustration, the waist should be omitted, the arms should be drawn later, and so on, to illustrate the transformation methods that only second-class mini characters have.

On this day, Chromebook put it on the table and decided to take the composition of Hi-uni DIGITAL for Wacom. While chatting, we discuss various compositions happily.

"Ralph is always rough. Describe it with momentum and courage. If you want to draw something, today you will paint with a brush, then grow hands, and then grow arms. "(Araoman)

Here, viewers made comments such as "they have been watching the contribution video" and "the clothes are very cute and valuable for reference". When asked about the position of the eyes, "when you are low, just draw the eyes slightly lower than the center of the face." Narrow the distance between the eyes and the chin and you will become cute and young. "

When it comes to mini characters, Asema values "mouth" most.

"with your mouth, you can see the character of the character. What kind of person is this person? considering this idea, if you can change the shape of your mouth according to your personality. It is precisely because it is a mini-character that is more difficult to show expression than an eight-body character, so the expression of the mouth is very important. "(Eroma)

For the audience's question of "what to do when I can't figure out what to do when I can't think of a painting composition", "I often get lost while painting." It is also a hand to put "how about this kind of thing" on the picture. There will be things that can be used later.

Occasionally, outrageous lines are drawn on the screen, and the "accidental poging" that connects the lines that can be used will be caught.

Give this answer to the voice that "what you want to draw is different from what you want to draw". "I know it's good, there is. I'm painting a handsome guy, huh? It seems that way. However, I think the painting is improved through completion. Although I feel different along the way, I'd better try to draw it again. On this basis, it is compared with the paintings of the target characters to sort out different places. "are your eyes too big? What are you taking notes at the same time?

When I was in the doldrums, I looked back at my notes and found that I had a tendency to worry in this place. "next, as long as you paint your own good place, you will like your painting more and more. It's gradually becoming a personality. "he talked about experience.

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In the annoying voice of hand painting, "although it is a way to depict lovely hands in mini characters, it is not intended to draw joints, but omitted." It's like bread and butter. "

The length of the arm is also the theme of "forever." As I stretched down, I drew an image of my fingertips coming to the soles of my feet. When you bend, if you make it a little shorter, it will become more like it. It is recommended to draw two empty cans from shoulder to elbow and from elbow to wrist.

By the way, when there is a sense of disharmony, such as the length of the arm, you can try to confirm the length separately with the parts.

"when I didn't have the money to buy a doll, I drew a doll on paper and cut and pasted it together to confirm it. Although it has become the topic of simulation, the work can also be done with numbers. "(Airoman)

In addition, "a well-painted miracle" was preserved, and later the analysis said that "it is drawn in this proportion", "the length and position is like this" and so on.

Usually, the penholder is mostly done from the eyes, followed by the body and hair. Continue to use the PETPEN of "slippery painting" (Airoman).

For the trouble of the audience that the size of the eyes will change, "it is also a hand to draw from the eyes that are different from those of the people who usually draw." If there is someone who can draw very well, it is also good to draw a guide line to adjust the size of the eyes. "

With regard to the design of clothes, "there are not many opportunities for men to see their clothes, but they go to the department store to see the clothes, type it into their heads and go home and draw at the same time." Because it is familiar, it will become something different from the real thing, but I like it here, this part is made with the head, "it describes the production style.

Here, digital painting can be said to be the classic topic of "which to use, board label or liquid label". Asema used board labels from the beginning of painting to a certain period of time, and now the "Wacom Cintiq16" of liquid labels is inseparable.

After talking about his own experience, "recently, there has been an increase in the number of people who draw on smartphones." I recommend such people to use liquid labels from the very beginning. With regard to the Wacom One LCD handwriting board 13 used in the production of this illustration, "this is a product enjoyed in the home appliance market before." It's easy to draw, and the mood is high. "

When asked which size of product to choose is better, "actually touch it and draw a picture with your arm shaking." The smaller the picture is, it will not wobble when you draw, and you will like it. The person in charge of Warcom said: "Shinjuku Marui Annex (Marui Department Store) has Wakom Blandstore Shinjuku, which we operate directly. Please sit down slowly and try the product. "I've introduced it before.

Hair, considering the position of the braids, like painting onion skins, put the line down with a gentle curve. The volume of the hair is easy to increase, so it is good to draw the outline of the outside first. When sending at will, it is often alternating, while saying, "getting smaller and smaller, be aware of deviation and unity."

After the line drawing is finished, start the coloring work from here. Start with what the character wears underneath, and it stands out a little bit. Then put on the coat, the exposed part can disappear, this idea.

In the process of drawing, the one who has been holding the left hand of Asema is Selsis's "CLIP STUDIO TABMATE" (Krippsio Tabmet). The enlargement and reduction of the picture, the return and forward of the homework, etc., can all be carried out with only the left hand. "you can't draw without this" (Airoman), describing your loving attitude.

Miss Asema's desire to become an illustrator is actually recent. Self-study has been painting. I started posting videos on YouTube 2 years ago. Soon I wanted to try the illustrations I enjoyed as a job. This mood changed.

"now on YouTube, a lot of people are contributing illustrations. Full of gratitude. Because I use the place where I feel to speak. "(Eroma)

Make full use of the scheduled time to show a lot of tricks while completing the illustrations. The drawing scene is fleeting. I had a great time. "

Mr. Asema's seminar is currently being publicly archived. Those who are interested must see it.