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  • Economic and security issues that are overwhelmingly lacking in discussions (News Week Japan Edition) --Yahoo! News

Economic and security issues that are overwhelmingly lacking in discussions (News Week Japan Edition) --Yahoo! News




The Kishida administration positions "economic security" as an important policy ... but YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/Pool/Reuters

The Kishida administration has positioned "economic security" as an important policy, and is trying to enact its legislation, that is, the "economic security law." I think it's an important theme, but there is overwhelming discussion. [Video] If the back of the moon is clear and the moon passing by the earth is photographed, it is very simplified. First of all, the first is that Japanese technology is taken out by foreign countries and it is a military diversion that hosts Japan. There is a position that it is difficult to be used, and there is a request from allies, so it should be regulated. This would be an aggressive promotion group. On the other hand, many companies in the Japanese manufacturing industry have a manufacturing base in China and the like, and the use of technology is completely commonplace. Under such circumstances, it seems that there is anxiety that the law is suddenly applied, and if the officer of the Public Security Intelligence Agency comes to monitor with a scary face, there is anxiety that everyday work will not go around. In other words, I think that the real intention is that the business community is generally slightly more reluctant. It is this position that it is said that the penalty provisions will be alleviated. In the business community, there seems to be some parts of the business world that welcomes economic security policies among the public investment of munitions. Municipal demand is private, so it turns backwards to innovation, the market is limited to allies, the finances of its own country are damaged, and eventually it falls into a dead merchant and welcomes the opposition between the nations. If you depend on, it is not "security of safety". However, some industries have an extension of the circumstances that could not be helped in the past industrial decline, and there is a power that will be active beyond the line. The difficult thing is security for computer software. In particular, the problem of "cyber terrorism", which uses cutting -edge programming technology to make significant damage to the target server or the like and cause significant damage to society, is limited by simply creating and cracking down. Specifically, you must win the "battle between wisdom and wisdom", which is not the "power and power" of "defense with higher technical capabilities" in individual phases. It is necessary to foster the necessary human resources and make them trust and play an active part. Furthermore, I think it is necessary to reflect on the act of selling the technology developed by pouring huge amounts of money and efforts to foreign countries. Regarding semiconductors and LCD technology, many of the basic technologies have leaked many know -how due to lack of business and lack of funds, despite the fact that many of the basic technologies were inventions in Japan. The growing furnace technology, which was promoted as a national policy, has been sold cheaply overseas. In this way, it is necessary to think that selling a technology that makes up the nation itself is against economic security even if it is non -military.


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