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  • Maybe you pay a waste every month!?Fixed cost savings checklist that former bank employee YouTuber should be released and absolutely reviewed

Maybe you pay a waste every month!?Fixed cost savings checklist that former bank employee YouTuber should be released and absolutely reviewed

Once reviewed, it is effective for saving considerable savings!I will teach you how to recommend it!


Fixed cost reduction, which is said to be the savings that should be tackled at the highest priority.Certainly, if fixed costs can be reduced once, it will be much cheaper afterwards, so I would like to aggressively review it, but many people do not know how to do it.Therefore, his book, "It's okay if you do this! First -year asset formation students who have no worries about money" will be talked about, and Ryohei Kobayashi, a former bank employee and asset management YouTuber, will teach you how to reduce the recommended fixed costs.In addition to reviewing the smartphone fee, which is particularly effective, we will also introduce a checklist that will help you review fixed costs, so please refer to it![See images] Saving fixed costs is troublesome ... but if you review the smartphone, it may fall so much!■ If you switch to a cheap SIM, the smartphone fee is half price?It is a smartphone fee that accounts for a large percentage of fixed costs in household budget, but if you change it to a cheap SIM, it may be about half the price.If you hear that it is a cheap SIM, you may have an image that the communication speed is slow, but let's first know that there are two types of two.The first is the service of the MVNO (virtual mobile telecommunications carrier), which borrows the communication line of a major mobile phone company, and the second is a low -priced service called a sub -brand, developed by major mobile phone companies.MVNO is attractive because of the low price plan, but the amount of communication lines rented from major mobile phone companies tends to be unstable depending on the time of day.On the other hand, since the sub -brand uses the line of a major mobile phone company as it is, the strength of the communication speed is relatively stable.For example, let's take a look at a simulation from a major mobile phone company to a sub -brand UQ mobile.You can see that 4,444 yen per month is cheaper, and the effect of reducing fixed costs is large.■ Major mobile phone company A company stage fee plan (monthly 4GB month -7GB monthly fee): 5,980 yen terminal fee800 yen consumption tax (10%): Total 928 yen: 10,208 yen ▼ If you switch to a cheap SIM, 4,444 yen per month will be cheaper!: 2,480 yen terminal charges * Installation payment to Company A continues: 2,500 yen through speech feeUsage and calling charges are calculated on the premise of making 10 minutes of calls.LALA CALL, the calling application, introduces the cheap SIM recommended for the recommended cheap SIM for 30 seconds.The price of each plan changes depending on the amount of data communication, so log in to the usage statement or the My Page of a mobile phone company.First of all, if you are MVNO, you should consider mineo.5GB per month, 1,980 yen for 20GB per month, and the cheapest price plan unique to MVNO is attractive, and there is also unlimited packet plus that uses all -you -can -use data.Next, UQ Mobile is recommended for the sub brand.Although it is a little higher than MVNO like MINEO, it has a reputation for the speed of communication speed, which is a little higher than the MVNO like mineo, and it is also popular that the surplus data capacity can be carried over to the following month the following month.* From September 2, 2021, UQ Mobile has changed the plan name to "Kurikoshi Plan+5G".In addition, the denki set discount will be changed to the home set discount, and discounts due to joining the target Internet service are added, and there are also Y! Mobile options for sub brands.Although it is a little higher than UQ mobile, there are family discount services, so it can be said that it is suitable for families.By the way, Rakuten Mobile, which is often seen in commercials, has a popular step -based price plan, but the Rakuten line area is scheduled to be expanded sequentially, so check in advance on the Rakuten Mobile website to see if your area is eligible.prize.If you talk about the precautions when switching to a cheap SIM, you will not be able to use the e -mail address provided by a mobile phone company, which is said to be a carrier mail, but if you use free emails such as Gmail, you will not be particularly troubled.In addition, there are many cheap SIMs that have actual stores in consumer electronics retailers, so you can feel free to listen and have them support the procedures.In addition, the new rate plan of major mobile phone companies, such as NTT DOCOMO AHAMO, KDDI POVO, SoftBank LINEMO, is also a topic, so let's compare it together and choose a service that suits you.■ Let's use a fixed cost review list, finally, please use a check list that allows you to review the current fixed costs.Check out the fixed cost review list! □ Rent (housing expenses) → 25-30%of the monthly income, but if it exceeds too much, consider moving □ Smartphone fee → latest fee for mobile phone companies usedConsidering the confirmation of the plan and changing to a cheap SIM □ Maintenance costs of the car → Depending on the frequency of riding, consider the use of car sharing * Major car share services are about 200 yen for 15 minutesConsidering changes by comparing the power companies, gas companies and other companies and other companies □ Insurance premiums → Knowing about national social insurance and not needed for private insurance □ Statent distribution services such as videos → Depending on the frequency of useConsidering cancellation □ Learning (self -investment) → Thinking if it is really useful, carefully selected the continuation □ Subscribe to the newspaper → morning edition, or changed to an electronic version.If you do not have to subscribe, you will cancel □ Credit card annual membership fee → use of credit cards with free annual fee * If you use the Rakuten Economic Area, the Rakuten Card Recommended Review, as a criterion, you really need that fixed cost.It is important to think about what.When you hear that fixed costs are reduced, many people feel troublesome and become heavy.However, as I mentioned first, if the fixed cost can be reduced once, it will be much cheaper afterwards, so if you think about it, try to act immediately.Sentence = asset management YouTuber
