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What Hokkaido can do to sustain the space business -digging needs fosters industry-

Hokkaido is gathering advanced initiatives in the private space industry in Japan, including the Space Development Company Interstella Technologies.In 2018, he was selected as the Cabinet Office's "Space Business Creation Promotional Government (S-NET Promotion Municipal)".We asked Ri Maruyama, the Industrial Promotion Division of the Hokkaido Economic Department, which supports the space industry in Hokkaido, about the early activities of the S-net promotion local government and the support of the space industry in Hokkaido.

――Please tell us about the activities of the S-NET promotion local government from 2018 and the changes in your efforts and results.

Maruyama: Hokkaido was adopted by the S-NET promotion local government in 2018, and has been working on four goals: "improving technical skills", "promoting human resources", and "digging up businesses".。The purpose of the Hokkaido Space -related Business Creation Creation Conference (formerly Hokkaido satellite data usage business Creation Council) has also begun to expand the data use.Through this initiative, since last year, we are trying to keep not only using data, but also in the industry that makes equipment.In Hokkaido, there is a movement to start a rocket launch experiment in Taiki, such as Interior Technologies, and we want to proceed with the development of the shooting site.。

The use of satellites is a business for the whole world, but if a shooting place and space port will be created in Japan in the future, and the rockets are created, customers will come and satellites will be launched more and more.I don't think that's the case.We are currently focusing on the need for the demand for the launch of satellite to Hokkaido, and what level it is.

In order to frequently launch a rocket, it is necessary for businesses that are affected by the surrounding area, especially in the fisheries, to fully understand.In the case of a fisheries industry, it is very likely that the use of satellites that can observe a wide area can cover parts that cannot be drones or aircraft more than ground industries.I think this point must be focused on.

In the past three years since it was selected as a S-NET promotion local government, the number of members of the Hokkaido Space-related Business Creation Creation Creation Creation, which was initially 54 organizations, increased by 33 groups to 87 organizations as of March 2021.Since April this year, the system has changed, and the jurisdiction has moved from the Science and Technology Promotion Division to the Industrial Promotion Division.As a result, it has changed from a system centered on seeds and development to a phase that nurtures business.


――The universe has built various connections of businesses in Hokkaido.

Maruyama: With the activities of S-NET, I was able to connect with players who use the interests of the Remote Sensing Technology Center (Restec) and Pasco Co., Ltd., which had never had a network.In addition, we were able to catch the latest trends of the Cabinet Office and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and to cooperate with each other to make up for the missing parts.

In addition, by conducting classes, etc., it has led to the acquisition of the participants.Examples of our involvement in promoting commercialization include Space Aguri Co., Ltd.'s demonstration project and the development of the “Innovative Remote Sensing Business with Spectral Measurement Technology” developed by Dr. Yukihiro Takahashi of Hokkaido University.There are project team cooperation.There are still some parts of the development of specialized human resources, but in the future, we will use the framework of cooperation conference to develop human resources in the actual situation of in -Hokkaido venture companies and educational institutions such as Hokkaido University and Muroran Institute of Technology.I'm thinking of providing topics.In particular, I would like to aim for the younger generation to be interested in space and lead to human resource development.

―― Regarding the support of satellite in the fisheries industry, what is the significance?

Maruyama: In order to make a business sustainable, it is important to provide value that is worth the price.Nowadays, Kitami's sake -based production support project is also being used to use satellite data.As an entrance, we will use the Cabinet Office's "Advanced satellite Remote Sensing Data Use Model Demonstration Project" to solve the problem.Once the technology is mature, it can spread throughout Hokkaido, expand technology to other areas in Japan, and in some cases it can be deployed overseas as a service.The purpose is to help you create a business plan assuming that it will expand in this way.

In particular, the demonstration of fisheries related to the researcher and the local people began in a human connection.Therefore, we will spread such a result, for example, in the Hokkaido Fisheries Forestry Department to spread it in other jurisdictions.If it can be used throughout Hokkaido, it will expand from Hokkaido to the whole country.Hokkaido is one of Japan's major production areas in both fishery and agriculture.I think that there is a role to actively expand the use of satellite data from such a standpoint.In a society with a declining birthrate and aging population and a declining population, labor saving and efficiency are essential.I believe that the use of data, including satellites, will be the key to these issues that have not been solved.

――Is it focusing on coordination work as a support from Hokkaido for expanding space?Does it include legal maintenance in the form of an ordinance?

北海道が宇宙ビジネスを持続可能にするためにできること ~ニーズの掘り起こしが産業を育てる~

Maruyama: I think that the center of support is close to public relations that leads to information sharing, providing, and excavating players.I think that it is possible that it is not a amendment to the universe, but to support the growth industrial field, including the universe, in the industrial promotion ordinance, but in the case of the space business, even if it is demonstrated, it is large.There are many cases where initial costs are incurred, so there are some difficulties to continue support as local governments.Therefore, we would like to help you cross the first valley by using the demonstration projects implemented by the Cabinet Office and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

――What are the issues for data use?

Maruyama: I think it is ideal to improve the accuracy and time resolution of the current satellite data and become indispensable for users, but the current users may not have felt that much.Compared to existing drones and manual work, how much, how much work it was, and compared before and after the introduction of satellite data, at present, the conventional method is still lower.Isn't it easy to work?

Even though it is said that the introduction is boosted, it is difficult to turn around simply by introducing "you can use it like this" or "you can do this" at seminars.I think the minimum requirements for the provider to finish the solution to solve the task according to the needs of the user.

For that reason, it is an idea -based, but I think that there is also a form of providing the use of disaster response and normal time as a set.In the event of a disaster, we will prioritize information, and prepare a model that can be used for something in normal times.If there is no other way to use it in the event of a disaster, it may not be used for several years.

Alternatively, you can think about the business model on the Internet.There are many services in internet services that users are made of advertising revenue instead of paying fees.It is a model that can be used as a service by indirectly telling users to provide a business that can be expected to pick up the needs.However, this solution does not come out immediately, so it is necessary for the business to consider it.

――What kind of businesses will work if you come into consideration to create a “business model that works well”?

Maruyama: For example, in the case of the fisheries, I think that indirect businesses related to fishermen can enter there.If it is related to the fishery, it is a network manufacturer, and agriculture is agricultural and material manufacturers.I have heard that many businesses are already taking such efforts in the field of drone use.

Therefore, I think it is necessary to enter a place like a servicer planning company, rather than gathering and considering only the people in the space.In the current one -on -one, "I have this kind of satellite data, but do you need it?" Rather than "unnecessary", the idea is "I can do this with satellite data, and this kind of business scheme will be held."If there is a lot, the business may be quick.

In the first place, those who become end -users do not care about satellites or drones that provide data.It is important to what a service can be done and how much cost is required, and you are not interested in the explanation of the algorithm.At present, it tends to be "I can do this" and "I can understand this" based on the seeds.Originally, there is a need, and which data or satellite sensors that can be used for their needs?It must be a market -in idea.For the first time, it will be the first time that the expected user is too small or the sensor is not enough, it will be a company that provides satellites or develops new sensors.

This is an example of our involvement, and the examples of the "Innovative Remote Sensing Project" * based on the Hokkaido University other spectrum measurement technology, but in this case, "I can take data when the satellite is low and I want it.There is a solution to the task of "no".It is common sense for conventional satellites to face the camera directly below, and if you shoot from an angle, the reflective spectrum to be observed will change and the appearance (color) will change.Therefore, by building a "spectral library" such as "when viewed from diagonal 45 degrees" and "when viewed from direct", the accuracy of crop growth and pest diagnosis is leap.In addition to improving it, the observation frequency in actual operation can now be increased by magnitude.It is exactly the conversion of the idea.

* Reference: Creation of "Innovative Remote Sensing Business" by Hokkaido University's spectrum measurement technology

Whether these diverse ideas come out of universities and research institutes, or from corporate developers, but there are already many issues, so some of those who are not in the space field, "Use this.We hope that it may be solved, and we are looking for the opportunity to meet such people by conducting in well -known activities such as seminars.I think this is a necessary initiative even if it takes time.

* This article is the Space Business Information Portal Site S-NET "What Hokkaido can do to sustain the space business-Digging of needs fosters industries-Hokkaido Economic Promotion Bureau Industrial Promotion Division (Space Aerial Sangyo) MaruyamaIt was published in "Rice".