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  • Mobile phone, credit card ... Is there an obligation to pay for the dues and delay money incurred after the parent's death? [Lawyer explains]

Mobile phone, credit card ... Is there an obligation to pay for the dues and delay money incurred after the parent's death? [Lawyer explains]



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When your parents die, you have to do various procedures.What happens if you forgot the cancellation of the service you used? If you forgot the cancellation procedure, you should pay for the response and delays that have occurred.Tomoki Yanagawa of Authense Law Office, who is familiar with inheritance, will explain.


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What should I make a cancellation procedure after death?


How will the cancellation procedure after death proceed?

The procedure for canceling services after the death of the parent is mainly as follows. Confirm the contract to be canceled First, check the service to be canceled and summarize it in the list. Be careful not to leak, such as checking from the cancellation. At the same time, we will consider the timing of cancellation. For example, if a parent living alone dies, if electricity or water is stopped early, there may be hindrance to subsequent cleaning up. I will explain how to find the service to be canceled later. The cancellation procedure and the unpaid fee for cancellation and how to check the unpaid fee vary depending on the service. First, contact the support center or help desk. You may be able to confirm over the phone, or you may need to contact us from online forms. At that time, identification information is often required, so be able to respond immediately to name, address, date of birth, dead date, etc. It is smooth if you contact me in the state of it. If you can cancel only by phone, the cancellation procedure will be completed at this point. Prepare the required documents If you need to submit the documents to cancel, prepare the required documents. The necessary documents vary depending on the service, but in general, the following documents are often required.・ A notification of a predetermined cancellation and death notification ・ You may need to make a copy of the family register that shows that the contractor has died or copy the deletion copy ・ The person who performs the cancellation procedure may require more documents. Check for each service to cancel if you need a document and prepare. When you are ready to cancel, submit the documents and cancel. It is a good idea to check the submission method in advance. The cancellation is often completed by mail.


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