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  • "Is it a lot?" I was stunned by 4 suspensions and 12 traffic violations!What is the content of the violations repeated by the former Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Kinoshita?

"Is it a lot?" I was stunned by 4 suspensions and 12 traffic violations!What is the content of the violations repeated by the former Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Kinoshita?


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Kinoshita Mototo Metropolitan Assembly's repeated traffic violations!What is the content

In late January 2022, the first trial of Fumiko Kinoshita (hereinafter referred to as the former Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly), who was accused of violating the Road Traffic Act, was held. Her first trial revealed that she had been driving seven times without a license and was arrested in February 2021 for using her cell phone while driving. In addition, although the license has been suspended four times, such as ignoring stop signs, ignoring traffic lights, and overspeeding, we have repeated traffic violations a total of 12 times, including unlicensed driving. So, in general, what would you do if you committed such a traffic violation? [Image] I don't want this to be taken up! See the super rare "pink driver's license"! (13 sheets)

Image of being arrested by the police

Let's take the traffic violation committed by the former Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly as an example. First of all, if you ignore the stop sign, you need to stop just before the stop line at the place where the stop sign is specified, such as an intersection or a place with a road sign, and if you do not observe this, you will be subject to a violation. .. In addition, when driving a car, it is necessary to drive at the legal speed specified by road signs and signs. If you drive at a speed higher than this, you will be subject to a violation, but if you exceed the speed, you will be punished depending on the degree of the excess. According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department website, the number of violation points is 1 point for 20km / h (hereinafter: km / h omitted), 2 points for 20 or more and less than 25, 3 points for 25 or more and less than 30 (high speed 40), and 30 (high speed 40) or more 50. Less than 6 points, 50 or more points are 12 points, and the penalties are divided according to each. Regarding speed violations, a police officer in the traffic department said: "The higher the speed, the higher the risk of overspeeding, so the disposal differs depending on the speed. When driving a car, please keep the specified speed." Even if it is 1km / h Regarding whether it will be a violation if it passes, the person in charge mentioned above said, "It depends on the situation whether it will be subject to crackdown because it has passed 1 km / h momentarily, but if it exceeds the stipulated legal speed, it will be a violation. It will be targeted. " If you commit such a traffic violation, you will be issued a document (commonly known as a ticket) in a different color depending on the number of violation points, and the disposition will also be different. In the case of a relatively minor traffic violation with a violation score of less than 6, a blue ticket (traffic offense notice) will be issued and you will be held liable for administrative sanctions. Many are required to pay a penalty. In the case of the above-mentioned suspension, 2 violation points and a penalty of 7,000 yen will be charged. In the case of overspeed, if the excess is less than 15km / h, 1 violation point and a penalty of 9000 yen will be charged. (* For ordinary cars) On the other hand, if you commit a serious traffic violation with a violation score of 6 points or more, a red ticket (traffic offense notification slip) will be issued and you will be liable for criminal penalties in addition to administrative sanctions. .. After the police interrogation, the prosecution will decide whether to prosecute or not prosecute the criminal punishment, and then you will be subject to a summary trial or a formal trial in which the sentence is decided within the day. If you are found guilty in a trial, you will be fined or imprisoned and will have a criminal record. In the case of the above-mentioned overspeed, the violation score will be 6 points when the overspeed is 30km / h (40km / h on the highway). If your license is suspended in one shot as an administrative sanction and you are found guilty of a criminal sanction, you will be punished with imprisonment for up to 6 months or a fine of up to 100,000 yen. * * * At the first trial of the Kinoshita Metropolitan Assembly, it is said that the Kinoshita Metropolitan Assembly answered the question "Why did you repeat traffic violations when you needed to get in the car?" increase. "Isn't it as many as you say? But I didn't recognize it and didn't want to start riding. I was aware that if I violated even once, I would be fined, but I didn't understand that it would lead to suspension of my license, so I did it easily. Regarding this answer, there are many SNS such as "If it is normal, you will not be suspended", "Your awareness of driving a car is too low", "Do you have a sense of guilt?", "This person is not suitable for driving". Opinions have been received.

Next page: What is the disposition for traffic violations such as "ignore signals" and "use mobile phones"?

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