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  • Immediately the screen eliminates the darkness!How to change the sleep time on the iPhone [Smartphone Basic Kimono]

Immediately the screen eliminates the darkness!How to change the sleep time on the iPhone [Smartphone Basic Kimono]



Immediately the screen eliminates the darkness!How to change the sleep time on the iPhone [Smartphone Basic Kimono]

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is one of the necessities of living, a smartphone (for short). I know that there are various functions, but I often hear from the Salai generation that I can't use it except for telephone, camera, email, and LINE. Therefore, this time, a professional group "Women's Club JAPAN (・ V ・)", which also performs smartphone courses, will also introduce how to solve problems with smartphones. Just knowing how to do it will make your smartphone very easy to use! The 66th theme is "How to change sleep time on iPhone". When you use a smartphone and put it a little and want to use it again, the screen may be dark. Isn't it troublesome to release sleep and lock again? There is a way to solve it. It is good to change the time of the "automatic lock" function. Let's introduce the method as an example.

Change the time from "Settings" to "Automatic Lock"

Press "Screen display and brightness"

まず、ホームにある「設定」をタップします。そこで出てきた画面をスクロールしてPress "Screen display and brightness"。

Immediately the screen eliminates the darkness!How to change the sleep time on the iPhone [Smartphone Basic Kimono]

Tap this because the item "Automatic Lock" appears.

そして、画面を少しスクロールするとTap this because the item "Automatic Lock" appears.。

Can be set every 1 minute from 30 seconds to 5 minutes

すると、自動ロックの時間を変更することができます。Can be set every 1 minute from 30 seconds to 5 minutes。

There is also an item "None", so if it is troublesome to unlock each time, you may want to select "None".However, if you do not set the automatic lock, the screen is displayed, so the battery is likely to be reduced accordingly, and there is a high possibility that a third party will be used, so there are also security problems.Please note that point.If you are in trouble because the screen is dark immediately, please refer to the method introduced this time!

* Implemented with iPhone SE / iOS14.7.1.Women's Club JAPAN HICARY Women's Club JAPAN (・ V ・) A community media that has been experiencing and solving things and things that girls are concerned about since it was launched as an “iPhone Women's Club” in 2010。There are also supervision and books of smartphone special features in magazines.He also works on smartphone lectures and curriculum.

