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Elementary school students waiting at home are a tablet that submits homework for home medical treatment ... Omicron stock that spreads infected [departure from Ehime]



FNN Prime Online

Omicron stocks with prominent infections of the young generation.In particular, infections are also spreading to elementary school students under teens and younger.[Image] While a man waiting at home checks the condition with a pulse oximeter, in Ehime and Matsuyama City, online use has been promoted so that children who need home treatment and home waiting are not delayed.There is.In fact, the family was infected, and the children interviewed Matsuyama City, where children were waiting at home.

自宅待機の小学生はタブレットで宿題提出 家族が自宅療養で…感染広がるオミクロン株【愛媛発】

Children waiting at home due to corona infection

Matsuyama City Matsuyama City, whose family is infected: Yes, then, a child: Matsuyama City, a family infected by the family, has decreased to three people.It's a bit lonely breakfast, but we'll have a breakfast for the bread you got yesterday.Is it delicious? Child: Yeah, good! In this family, my wife and second son are infected and home treatment, and two sons who go to elementary school and kindergarten are also waiting at home.

Utilizing class support apps to study at home

Under these circumstances, Matsuyama City has introduced online learning at home using tablet terminals, etc., so that there is no delay in learning elementary and junior high school students who cannot go to school. A man in Matsuyama City, whose family is infected by Matsuyama: Now, I'm bringing one tablet from school, so I can do something at home, or the teachers are instructed by the teachers in the tablet. When the eldest son of the fifth grade elementary school looked into the actual use ... a man in Matsuyama City, where the family was infected, this is the tablet that is brought back from school, and the teacher will contact you. The eldest son: Yeah. A man from Matsuyama City, whose family has been infected, what is written? Eldest son: I will inform you of the range in one week. Let's do our best in Japanese language, arithmetic, and society for the past week. If you don't know, send it by "Loylo Note". The school where two sons attends uses the lesson support app "Loylo Note" to share the range of learning at home for each subject. In addition, it is said that a system has been used to convey children as needed, using the application "Teams" that can make video calls. A man from Matsuyama City, whose family is infected: I want to bring breakfast on the second floor and a tablet that is brought back from the textbook and the school on the second floor. Hey, his homework is his second son. Matsuyama -shi man who was infected by his family: After all, it is difficult for children to study at home for 10 days, so it is difficult to maintain it, so it is difficult to do that, but I am looking at what I can do at home. I hope that I can do the aspect of studying little by little. Policy to use it for learning. (TV Ehime)

TV Ehime

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