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  • Cheap smartphone usage is 11.3 %, 17.4 % in the 30s ... mainly used mobile terminal service providers

Cheap smartphone usage is 11.3 %, 17.4 % in the 30s ... mainly used mobile terminal service providers

Mobile terminals represented by conventional mobile phones and smartphones that everyone is now using.What kind of contract are they used?The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications will be confirmed based on the public value of the "Communication Usage Trend Survey" ( *), which announced a detailed value in June 2021.

The following is a result of checking what kind of contract format the mobile terminal used in the main mobile terminal is limited to those who have a mobile device.Is it a contract with major businesses (including PHS) or smartphones (NTT DoCoMo, au, SoftBank, Y -Mobile), or each contract with MVNO (that is, cheap smartphones and cheap conventional mobile phones).I was asked to answer.

Overall, there are 16 people who use conventional mobile phones under major business contracts.6 %, 1 person who is using MVNO.0 %.71 people use smartphones under major business contracts.0 %, 11 people used in MVNO.3 %.82 out of people using mobile devices.3 % is a smartphone, and those who use a cheap smartphone 11.3 %, 17 people who use conventional mobile phones.You can check the actual situation of mobile terminals, such as 6 %, from various perspectives.

By age group, the younger the younger people, the more smartphones are, and as the older age, the number of conventional mobile phones increases.It is only 75-79 years old that the usage rate of conventional mobile phones exceeds the smartphone usage rate.In addition, cheap smartphones have a higher usage rate as younger people, but the peak is 17 in their 30s..Four%.Even if you are 6-12 years old or 13-19 years old, more than 10 % are cheap smartphones.

By household composition, there is a tendency for households with elderly people tend to have more conventional mobile phones.In particular, over 40 % of households only for the elderly are conventional mobile phones.

In household annual income, the value of the conventional mobile phone tends to decrease as the annual income of households increases in a beautiful form.This is probably because the elderly tend to have lower household income in addition to running costs.On the other hand, it is interesting that the value of a cheap smartphone does not show the relationship with the annual income of the household.

This is the only thing I asked about about the mobile device that I mainly use, and those who use two or more combines may be in the form of a contract other than the answer this time.It should be noted that it does not match the ratio of the entire mobile terminal.

Nevertheless, it is still very meaningful to be able to confirm the actual situation of what the main mobile device is used.For example, the demand for various services can be estimated.

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* Communication usage trend survey

In September 2020, in September 2020, "For households, the households and members of the household who are over 20 years old, selected by the two -stage random extraction method selected by the prefectural and urban size as a layered standard.It is performed by distributing and recovering survey forms by mail or online, for companies, "for companies with more than 100 regular employees who belong to public affairs."The number of valid responses is 17,345 households (44,035), respectively, and 2223 companies.Various values are conducted in census and weightbacks according to the distribution of the industry and scale of nationwide companies.

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(Note) This article is partially added and changed to the article published in [Gerbage News].