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What is the review of the Lakers' ALSA? Explain thoroughly from application to loan | Wealth Bridge


Lake ALSA, which is familiar with commercials, how will the screening take place?Let's look at Lake ALSA from various perspectives, such as the characteristics of Lake ALSA, the difference from competitors, and points to be aware of in the screening.We will explain thoroughly in order from application to screening, contract, borrowing.

What kind of consumer finance is Lake ALSA? 


What are the main features of Lake ALSA?

Lake ALSA has three interest -free periods.This is not in other consumer finance, but the biggest feature of Lake ALSA.

Lake ALSA is a card loan operated by Shinsei Financial Co., Ltd., one of the Shinsei Bank groups.

In November 1998, Lake Co., Ltd. has transferred the business rights of the consumer finance business, and in April 2018, we started handling the Lake ALSA for individuals for individuals.

Lake ALSA has been completed on the Internet from application to borrowing, and has developed quick examination and contract with strengths.In addition to the Internet, it also provides appropriate intensive management at the call center, so you can use it with confidence in telephone applications and inquiries.

Not only can you use ATMs nationwide, but if you're a Seven Bank, you'll be able to borrow and repay at any time by using Lake ALSA's official app, e-Alsa, even if you don't have a Lake ALSA card.

However, since Wednesday, December 23, 2020, the use of borrowing using the Seven Bank ATM "Smartphone ATM Trading" has been suspended.The suspension is still continuing as of January 2022.

In addition, you can select an interest -free period according to the user's convenience.Housewives and students can use it with a certain amount of income, and is also characterized by a wide range of users.

Lake ALSA's appeal is that many products are available according to the user's application.In addition to regular card loans, there are "Alsa DE Summary (Summary Loan based on the Money Lending Business Law)", "Alsa DE Business (loan for sole proprietors), life support loan", and "affected areas support loans".。

In this way, Lake ALSA offers a variety of attractive services.


Flow from applying for Lake ALSA to borrowing

How long does Lake ALSA take to borrow?

Lake ALSA can be borrowed in 60 minutes for web application

If you apply for Lake ALSA web, it is possible in 60 minutes from application to contract and borrowing.The usage time is fixed, but I am glad for those who are in a hurry.Even if you apply outside hours, you can see the results of the screening by e -mail or telephone during the next business day.

So what kind of preparation and procedure do you need to apply for Lake ALSA?Let's take a look at the flow from application to Lake ALSA to borrowing.

If you apply for a web, you can get a loan in a minimum of 60 minutes if you complete the contract procedure including screening and confirmation of necessary documents by 21:00.However, on Sunday, it is not until 21:00 but until 18:00.

The screening result is displayed in a minimum of 15 seconds after applying, so you can immediately check the examination result on the spot.However, this service can be used only from 8:10 to 21:50 during the normal time, except for the year -end and New Year holidays, only from 8:10 to 19:00 on the third Sunday of every month.If you apply at other times, the examination result will be notified by email.


How to apply for Lake ALSA's web application?Let's look at the lake ALSA web application and screening flow in order.

If you apply on the web, you can apply when you like 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.If you have a driver's license and a smartphone, the application is completed in no time.

There is no need to copy or mail the identity verification document with a copy machine.You only need to download the contract, and there is no time loss to wait for it to be mailed.It is attractive that you do not have to worry about storing documents, time, or losing.

If you apply on the web, you can eliminate the send of the mail at the time of the contract.If you select "Smart identification verification" or "identity verification by account registration", you can eliminate mailing at the time of contract.


You can only shoot a driver's license and a photo from the front of your face with a smartphone.When shooting your face, you need to shake your head according to the instructions of the arrow on the screen.

It is OK just to register a financial institution account in the name of the user.

To apply, you need three types of confirmation documents.

  1. 本人確認書類
  2. 住所確認書類(一部の条件に該当する場合)
  3. 収入を証明する書類(一部の条件に該当する場合)

Lake ALSA refers to the following five types of identification documents.1 Driver's license 2 passport (if you have not received a driver's license) 3 My Number Card (if you have not received a driver's license) 4 Health insurance card (if you do not have 1-3) 5 residence card/Special permanent resident certificate (for foreign nationals)

Be sure to check if your identity verification documents are within the expiration date or the address listed and the current address.

Lake ALSA refers to the following two types of address confirmation documents.1 Receipt of utility bills …… Gas, electricity, landline telephone (NTT), NHK2 Public institution issued documents ...

Prepare the above address confirmation documents within 6 months from the date of publication.

The address confirmation documents are required if any of the following three are applicable.

  1. 本人確認書類の住所が現住所と異なる場合
  2. 自動契約機で契約するときに健康保険証を使用する場合
  3. 郵送ありのWeb契約で契約するときに、本人確認書類を2点用意できない場合

Source: From Lake ALSA "Documents required for application"

Lake ALSA refers to the following five types of documents to prove income.1 withholding slip 2 Special collection tax Notifications

If you fall under any of the following three points, you must also submit a document that proves income other than the identity verification document and the address confirmation document.

  1. レイクALSAの利用限度額の総額が50万円を超える場合
  2. レイクALSAの利用限度額の総額と他社の借入れ総額の合計が100万円を超える場合
  3. 提出した収入を証明する書類が、その発行日から3年以上経過している場合

Source: Lake ALSA "About documents to prove income"

Proof documents required to be submitted vary depending on the contract method.

  1. 運転免許証
  2. 公共料金の領収書または公的機関発行の書類(運転免許証に記載の住所と現住所が異なる場合)
  1. 本人確認書類のうちいずれか1点(運転免許証の交付を受けている場合は運転免許証)
  2. 公共料金の領収書または公的機関発行の書類(運転免許証に記載の住所と現住所が異なる場合)
  1. 本人確認書類 2点
  2. 本人確認書類1点+住所確認書類1点(現住所記載のもの)
  3. 本人確認書類1点+住所確認書類2点(合計3点)※本人確認書類は、運転免許証の交付を受けている場合は運転免許証を提出する必要があります。
  1. 本人確認書類(顔写真のあるもの)※記載の住所が現在の住所と異なる場合は、公共料金の領収書または公的機関発行の書類のどちらかも必要です。
  2. 健康保険証+住所確認書類1点(本人名義・現住所記載のもの)

Source: From Lake ALSA "Documents required for application"

In this way, when making a contract with Lake ALSA, the required documents vary depending on the contract method, so check carefully and prepare documents.


In the case of Lake ALSA, the screening is a minimum of 15 seconds.You will not be frustrated because you can check the results of the examination immediately.

However, if you want to know the results of the judging in the shortest 15 seconds, you must apply from 8:10 to 21:00, excluding the year -end and New Year holidays and the third Sunday, 8:10 to 19:00.。

Outside of these hours, you will be notified of the results by email or telephone the next day.In this case, it may be difficult to get the results of the screening, but Lake ALSA can check the screening status at any time.Confirmation of the examination status can be easily performed simply by entering the following information on the web.

  1. カナ氏名(姓と名の間には空白を入力)
  2. 生年月日
  3. 自宅または携帯電話番号(ハイフンは省略)

All you have to do is press the "Check the review status" button.You can also check by phone.If the examination status is not displayed even after pressing "Confirm the examination status", you can check over the phone.

However, even after the contract procedure is completed, if the user's declaration content is incorrect, you may not be able to borrow.Enter the declaration exactly.

Lake ALSA's enrollment confirmation may or may not be contacted or not.If you do not want direct mail or phone call, you will basically do not get in touch.These can be selected at the time of application.

However, if necessary at the time of examination, you will be contacted at home or work.In Lake ALSA, it is safe to pay close attention to the telephone of enrollment, and except for the user who is the user, it is safe to use the person in charge of the person in charge.In addition, consideration has been taken, such as not notification or calling from telephone numbers dedicated to transmitting.

The person in charge of enrollment confirmation can also tell which male or woman wants.Hope is not necessarily fulfilled, but it is guided to be considered as much as possible.If it is difficult to contact by phone, it is also possible to handle the submission of documents as a substitute confirmation.

Calls for enrollment confirmation are considered not to be understood by consumer finance telephone, but depending on the size of the company and the status of the business partners, there is a concern that you will be noticed.In such a case, you may want to check other than the phone.In that case, it is necessary to contact and consult in advance from the customer -only toll -free dial.

In Lake ALSA, there are two ways to apply by automatic contract machine and telephone other than web application.

[In case of application by automatic contract machine]


Lake ALSA allows you to apply by automatic contract machine.In the case of applying on an automatic contract machine, the card is issued a minimum of 30 minutes.If you have any questions such as operation, you can immediately consult the operator.

Automatic contract machines can be used at 9-22:00 on weekdays, Saturdays, and holidays, excluding the year -end and New Year holidays, and 9:00 on Sundays.However, please note that the time varies depending on the store.There are automatic contract machines nationwide, and you can search for the installation location from the Lake ALSA official website "store / ATM".

[In case of application by phone]


If you apply by phone, you can apply when it is convenient for users because it is a 24 -hour reception.If you are a phone, you can apply while consulting with the operator, so if you are worried about how much you want to borrow, apply by phone.The phone is toll -free, so you don't have to worry about calling charges.

In the case of applying by phone, the screening results will be sent by e -mail from 9 to 21:00 (9 to 19:00 on Sundays) excluding the year -end and New Year holidays.


How is Lake ALSA enrollment confirmation?

Will the company call the company to confirm the enrollment of Lake ALSA?

In some cases, the company calls for enrollment.If you receive a phone call, you will not be able to know the company's applying for a card loan because it does not claim Lake ALSA.

Lake ALSA will check your enrollment by making a phone call with maximum privacy, so it is safe for users who are in trouble if they are known around.If you are worried about the enrollment confirmation phone, you can consult in advance with a free dial for customers.

Let's take a look at the details of Lake ALSA's enrollment confirmation.

If you are enrolled, you will not claim the Lake ALSA, or you will get a non -notification or dedicated number.It is safe because Lake ALSA has confirmed enrollment in consideration of privacy.

Since the enrollment confirmation phone calls the operator name, it is not known to the person who first picked up Lake ALSA.Lake ALSA is only conveyed on behalf of the user.


If there is a reason why you can't answer the phone, or if you may be suspicious of the surroundings because it is a phone that is named for users from people who do not usually, you will be consulted in advance with your customers -only toll -free dial.will do.If you consult, you may be treated as an alternative confirmation.

You can't make sure, but you can also tell the gender hope of the operator who calls.In that case, it is necessary to consult in advance with the customer -only toll -free dial.


How much is the Lake ALSA screening criteria and difficulty?

Is the Lake ALSA screening harder than other consumer finance?

Lake ALSA's screening criteria are not disclosed, so it is not always difficult.However, Lake ALSA's closing rate is not high, so the screening is not particularly sweet.

As described on the Lake ALSA's official website, "From the Customer Voice", there are users who can contract even if they are borrowing from other consumer finance.

If there is a borrowing at another company, it may be difficult to pass the screening, but it does not seem that Lake ALSA does not necessarily pass.

However, the examination cannot be said to be "sweet".I will explain the difficulty level of the Lake ALSA screening you are worried about.

Considering the contract rate of Lake ALSA, it will be said that it is not sweet to pass the screening.The average of Lake ALSA's one -year closing rate is 34.52 %.* Although the closing rate is not the passing rate as it is, the contractor seems to be the person who has passed the examination, so I would like to consider it as a guide when considering the passage.

The average of Lake ALSA's contract rate for the last year can derive from the following numbers:

"About the contract rate of Lake ALSA"

2021年4~6月36.0 %

Source: "Financial Resolution / Business Highlight 2021 FY021, 221 November"

(33.1 % + 33.8 % + 36.0 % + 35.2 %) ÷ 4 = 34.52 % (3rd place cut off)

You can see that the average closing rate is 34.52 %.

For example, the average value of Acom, a competition from April 2021 to November, was 42.3%.Source: Acom Corporate Information Site Monthly Report

Judging from these things, it can be said that it is not so sweet to pass the Lake ALSA screening.

Lake ALSA has a wide range of applications.

Lake ALSA's official website has a major division of occupations that can be applied.

  1. 正社員・契約社員
  2. 主婦主夫(パート・アルバイト勤務あり)
  3. 学生(パート・アルバイト勤務あり)
  4. 派遣社員(安定雇用)
  5. 自営業

The person who cannot apply is those who have no income.The following two are listed on the official website of Lake ALSA.

  1. 専業主婦・専業主夫
  2. 無職

If you have this income, you can contract even if you are a housewife / husband or student.


The biggest attraction of Lake ALSA is the speed.By satisfying certain conditions, the shortest same day loan is possible.If you apply for a web, you can receive a minimum of 60 minutes from application to screening, contract to loan.It is a highly recommended consumer finance for those who need borrowing right now and are in a hurry, or those who do not want to take time and effort to contract.

Let's take a closer look at Lake ALSA's financing speed.

If you apply for Lake ALSA web, you can get a loan in a minimum of 60 minutes.In the 60 minutes, the screening and confirmation of the necessary documents will be completed.However, excluding the year -end and New Year holidays, it is limited to application from 8:10 to 21:00, and on the third Sunday from 8:10 to 19:00.

To get a loan in a minimum of 60 minutes, you need to complete everything on the Internet.Lake ALSA enables financing in a minimum of 60 minutes from the application by conducting contract procedures from the Internet instead of stores.


The screening result can be seen in a minimum of 15 seconds.If you apply for a screening from a personal computer or smartphone, you will be able to know the results of the screening just by waiting a little.

There are time conditions to use this shortest 15 second screening.Lake ALSA must be reviewed between 8:10 and 21:00, which is usually the normal time zone, and from 8:10 to 19:00 on the third Sunday of every month.Excludes the year -end and New Year holidays.

If you do not receive the examination within the specified time, you can know the results of the examination by e -mail the next day.In the unlikely event that the screening results are not performed within the specified time, or if the screening results do not reach the next day after applying outside the specified time, confirmation from the Lake ALSA official website.can.

If you still can't confirm the results of the screening, contact the customer -only toll -free dial.


The reason why the screening results are coming out is that the screening cannot be performed smoothly.

In order to borrow, you must pass the prescribed screening of Lake ALSA.Companies that handle all card loans, not just Lake ALSA, will conduct a unique criterion.Details of the screening standards are private.However, some of the published application standards include ages and occupations that can be used to borrow.In addition to the items disclosed, it will be finally judged based on the presence or absence of repayment ability and credit information.

Since the examination is performed from various perspectives, if the documents are inadequate or the declaration information may be inconvenient, the screening may be delayed.When applying, prepare the necessary documents and make sure that there is any mistake in the declaration information before applying.

In addition, when the application is concentrated, it may take more time to judge, so if possible, you may want to apply with plenty of time.

In Lake ALSA, if you apply from the Internet, you will receive an email by e -mail after a minimum of 15 seconds, and the next day.Therefore, if there is a problem, such as the results of the judging result, it does not reach the next day, let's check the status of the screening on the Lake ALSA official website or the customer -only toll -free dial.

* Lake ALSA customer-only toll-free dial: 0120-09-09-09

Lake ALSA allows you to borrow and apply even on weekends and holidays.Basically, it is handled the same as weekdays on weekends and holidays.The advantage is that you can borrow and apply according to your lifestyle, as it does not receive time constraints.

However, if you want to receive a minimum of 15 seconds, you need to apply at the following time.

Sundays and holidays other than weekdays, Saturdays, third Sundays ...... 8:10 to 21:00 on Sundays ...

If you don't want to be known to you, check!How to notify the examination result

Is the Lake ALSA screening result on the phone?

In most cases, Lake ALSA can check the screening results on the spot if you apply.Therefore, there is almost no need to worry about what if the screening results come over the phone.However, depending on the situation, the examination result may be called by phone or email.Let's check what case it is.

There are three types of Lake ALSA applications:You can basically check the results of the screening as follows.


* Data is quoted from Lake ALSA official website

Please note that the examination result cannot be confirmed on the spot if the Lake ALSA sets.In that case, you may be contacted by e -mail, or you may be contacted depending on the content.If you are worried about telephone contact, consult with a toll -free number.

[If you apply on a smartphone or computer] You can check the screening results on the spot if it is within the following "Notice Time of Judgment Results".However, except for this time, you will be notified by e -mail on the next business day.

"Depending on the content of the application, you may be contacted over the phone," says the official website.

[If you apply with an automatic contract machine] If you are in the following "application reception hours", the examination result can be confirmed on the screen of the automatic contract machine on the spot.

In the first place, you cannot apply with an automatic contract machine except this time.Therefore, if you apply with an automatic contract machine, a case where a telephone contact comes in may be assumed that the application content is incomplete or there is any problem in the screening.

[If you apply by telephone] If you are in the following "Notice of Examination Results", the operator will tell you the screening result by phone.However, except for this time, the next business day will be notified by e -mail.

In addition, depending on the judging status, it seems that there is a case where the examination results cannot be conveyed on the spot.In that case, the operator will contact you again with your personal name and inform you of the screening results.


You can also select the presence or absence of information on telephone or direct mail when applying.If you don't want to guide you by phone or direct mail, you will hardly contact Lake ALSA.

However, contacting the repayment may be called even if you do not want to call.Keep in mind that there are telephone or email contacts depending on the repayment status, such as delinquent or unpaid status.

Lake ALSA judging and countermeasures

Can Lake ALSA be used if I fall into the screening?

Lake ALSA cannot be used if you fall into the examination.However, if you apply again after a while, you may be able to pass the examination.

Although the screening criteria are not specified in Lake ALSA and other consumer finance, it is considered that each company has its own screening criteria.Therefore, if the user's situation has not changed at all, it will be difficult to pass no matter how many times you take the examination.If you cannot pass through the screening once, it is recommended that you determine the cause of the judging, minimize it, and then apply again.

So what are the causes of Lake ALSA judging?What kind of measures are there?

As mentioned earlier, Lake ALSA's screening standards are not disclosed, so the cause of failing to judge is strictly understood.Therefore, we infer the generally considered "cause of failure to the examination" and introduce the commentary and countermeasures.

If the borrowing amount is high for income, it tends to be easily judged.

Consumer finance, which is the lending side, lends money to those who think of repayment.For users who do not have the possibility of repayment, you must lower the limit or drop it in the examination.Therefore, if you apply for a expensive borrowing that does not match your income, you will be in the worst case.

If you want to borrow even if it is less than the desired amount, it is better to want a borrowing amount that is too much for your income from the beginning, but rather want to borrow.

If you select an application by phone, you can decide the borrowing amount while consulting the operator.If you are worried about the borrowing amount, choose an application by phone.

It is important to note that if you exceed the total amount regulation, you will fall into the screening.

Basically, the borrowing limit is determined based on the total amount regulation, so you will not apply for more than one -third of the annual income exceeding the total amount regulation.In addition, the total amount regulation is calculated in addition to the borrowing amount with other companies.When applying for borrowing, it is important to sum up the borrowing amount from another company and the desired amount of borrowing this time to check in advance that it is not one -third of the annual income.

In addition, if it is a summary loan "Alsa DE Old Summary" developed by Lake ALSA, it is possible to borrow because it is an exception of the total amount regulation.If it is difficult to borrow with a normal card loan, consider using Alsa DE Old Summary.

If the Lake ALSA screening is the first time, it is a good idea to keep the borrowing amount small.

In the case of Lake ALSA, if you apply for a small amount of less than 50,000 yen, you can use a 180 -day interest -free service up to 50,000 yen.Therefore, it is thought that the examination will be easier to pass.If it is 180 days from the day after the contract date, even if you borrow 50,000 yen and return it again, the interest will remain 0 yen.If you don't need a high borrowing at a time, it's best to repeat borrowing and repayment up to 50,000 yen in 180 days.

* If it is the first time, interest -free from the day after the first contract * Normal interest rate is applied after the interest -free period.* Interest -free for 30 days, 60 days -free, 180 days no interest usable.* If the contract amount is over 2 million, it will only have interest -free for 30 days.* From 10,000 yen to 2 million yen for contract amount

If you keep the repayment date properly, you may be able to increase your credit in Lake ALSA and raise the limit.First of all, this is a good way to give priority to passing the examination.

If the repayment of borrowing from other companies is delayed, it will be easy to fall.However, many people wonder, "How do you know that the repayment of borrowing from other companies is delayed?"

You can know the borrowing information from another company by contacting the credit bureau.

The credit information agencies handle the following three credit information.

  1. 申し込み情報
  2. クレジット情報
  3. 利用記録

It is information that credit companies and other companies referred to credit information for judging when applying for a credit or loan.

Credit and loan contract content, payment status, and balance information.

This is a record of credit companies and other inquiries for credit information for judging, such as credit and loans.

By inquiring with "2 credit information" among these credit information, the current payment status can be understood, so you can see the borrowing and repayment status from other companies.If there is information such as delayed repayment of borrowing from other companies, it is highly likely that repayment will not be expected even if you rent it with Lake ALSA.

When entering the application, entering the correct information is the most important thing.Because the wrong information cannot be done correctly.One thing to keep in mind is that there are no mistakes in filling out information or "typographical errors".

There are many mistakes and typographical errors, increasing the number of confirmation, increasing the possibility that the screening will be prolonged.In the worst case, it is judged to be a false content and can cause the examination.Eliminating the incomplete entry is a shortcut that passes the screening.

Of course, it is outrageous to enter a false content intentionally.

If the job is not lasting, it can not be cleared because the Lake ALSA screening criteria are not disclosed.However, in general, it would be more trustworthy to continue doing one job rather than changing the job in a too short period of time.

One of the conditions listed as a condition for borrowing at Lake ALSA is that you have income.There is no problem with a company employee, a part, a part -time job, or a self -employed business, but it is certain that you can not apply if you are unemployed.

In addition, it is possible to refer to one of the information handled by the credit bureau, "Join Declaration Information", for the workplace and the number of years of service.

If you do not confirm your enrollment, you will be more likely to fall into the screening.The enrollment confirmation is done to make sure you are really working for the company.In many consumer finance, you will be confirmed your enrollment by telephone call to the workplace.

Lake ALSA is taking various considerations on the telephone of enrollment.Unless you have any reasons and you can't get a phone call.Be sure to answer the phone.

If there is a reason that you can't get out, or if you don't have to call, call the Lake ALSA customer -only toll -free dial and consult with you to submit your enrollment confirmation instead of telephone.there is.Enrollment is an important confirmation, so let's respond firmly in a way that suits you.

3 items that would have been particularly checked in the Lake ALSA screening

"Does Lake ALSA need a guarantor?"

"Lake ALSA's card loan does not require a guarantor or collateral."

Not only Lake ALSA but also many consumer finance tend to have guarantors and collateral.So, what are the Lake ALSA checked especially during the screening?Let's look at the three items that are considered to be checked.

In the Lake ALSA screening, the information of the person who applied is of course confirmed.This is an item where you can check your workplace and annual income, including the credit information of the person who applied.In addition, as a identity verification material, the driver's license is the highest credibility, and those who have a driver's license will prefer to present a driver's license.

The family is not eligible for judging.This is because disclosure of credit information cannot be done without the consent of the person.

It is believed that the place of work is an important point in the screening.This is because the annual income changes depending on the size of the place of work.In addition, borrowing requires a declaration of annual income, but it is common to declare the annual income more when applying.This is a problem in the first place because it is a false declaration, but it is also important to know that the information of the employer is likely to know the false declaration of annual income.

You may be driven by the urge to declare your annual income a lot because you want to borrow as much as you want to borrow as much as you want, but it is a cause of the fact that it should be passed.It may be possible.Please file the declaration correctly.

Borrowing status in other consumer finance, etc. is revealed in credit information inquiries to credit information agencies.It is obvious at a glance if you look at the "credit information" that allows you to know the contents of credit and loans, payment status, and balance in the information handled by credit agencies.Therefore, it is confirmed that the total amount regulation is not caught or that there is no delay in repayment in other consumer finance.

If it exceeds the total amount regulation, it will not be possible to lend it as a lake ALSA, and if there is a delay in repayment in other consumer finance, etc., it will be judged that repayment is likely to be delayed even if you lend it.Yes.Even if you are silent or lie to Lake ALSA, you can easily understand the situation if you judge.Therefore, it is important to declare everything honestly when applying for borrowing.

Even if you borrow at another company, some users have signed a contract with Lake ALSA.If there is no delay in repayment at other companies without being caught by the total amount regulation, you will not need to worry that borrowing status in other consumer finance etc. will be checked.

What should I do if the screening results do not come from Lake ALSA?

The examination result from Lake ALSA cannot be confirmed immediately.Why?

Most of the Lake ALSA review results can be confirmed immediately.However, if you can not confirm, it may be out of the response time, or the application content is incomplete, or the screening is delayed.

You may be worried if you don't reach the Lake ALSA screening, but don't worry.If you do not receive the Lake ALSA screening results, you can check the review status here.

Lake ALSA has a free dial for customers with free calling charges that you can easily contact.If the screening results do not reach the Lake ALSA, it is possible to call the inquiry window and hear the review status.Don't hesitate to make it a free dial for customers.

* Lake ALSA customer-only toll-free dial: 0120-09-09-09

If inquiries over the phone are troublesome, you can check the screening results from the Internet "Check the Judgment Results" page.


At the time of judging, a telephone call for enrollment may be called to the place of work.In this case, the enrollment confirmation will be completed by the person who makes a phone call so that the operator will connect it, and it will be completed.On the phone, it is safe to call the Lake ALSA for the first time after the person appears.

If you can't answer your enrollment, you may be judged that you can't confirm your enrollment.There is a possibility that the screening will be delayed accordingly.If there is a reason that you can not get a phone call or you can not answer the phone, consult with the customer -only free dial in advance.

Does the use of Lake ALSA affect mortgages?

I am considering a mortgage.I'm using Lake ALSA, does it affect mortgage review?

Even if you use Lake ALSA, it is thought that if you repay it well, it will not affect it.However, if there is a delay in repayment, it may affect it.

The use of Lake ALSA does not affect mortgages from the perspective of total volume regulation.

If expensive borrowing like a mortgage is needed, the total borrowing will surely become more than one -third of the annual income, so it will be "exclusion lending" and will not be included in the total amount regulation.Therefore, even if you borrow at Lake ALSA and the borrowing amount is close to one -third of your annual income, it will not affect your mortgage.

It refers to lending excluded from total volume regulations, such as mortgages and car loans, which are expensive and do not match the total amount regulation.

In addition, borrowing from banks is not subject to total amount regulation in the first place.Therefore, even if you use Lake ALSA, you will not affect your mortgage.

However, this is not the case if it is judged that you have no repayment ability while using Lake ALSA.Even if the total amount regulation is not a problem, the usage status of Lake ALSA may affect the mortgage.

Check out the reviews of those who failed to judge Lake ALSA!

What caused the person who failed to judge Lake ALSA?

Since the criteria for the examination have not been disclosed, it is not strictly known what it fell.However, looking at the reviews of those who have failed in the examination, it seems that many people have had low annual income for borrowing and have caused repayments in the past.

How is the Lake ALSA screening accepted by those who have actually applied for the examination?

The word -of -mouth of the people who actually experienced the Lake ALSA screening was divided between the "fallen person" and the "passed".

What are the voices of the person who failed in the Lake ALSA screening?

Let's look at the voice of the person who went to the Lake ALSA screening.

Some people who could not borrow due to other consumer finance said that Lake ALSA had passed the screening.


How to receive money borrowed from Lake ALSA

"Can Lake ALSA receive money at Bank ATM etc.?"

"With Lake ALSA, you can also receive money at Bank ATMs."

If you are a Lake ALSA, you can receive money at the bank ATM, or a new bank card loan ATM according to the application method.It is important to note that the borrowing method that can be used differs depending on the application method.

Lake ALSA prepares a number of money receiving a number of money considering the user.Let's check by applying method.

If you borrow with a smartphone, you can receive money in the following two ways.

  1. 金融機関の口座に振り込み
  2. セブン銀行ATMで借り入れ

"Transfer to a financial institution account" can be transferred the same day.However, it is limited to accounts in the name of the user.

In addition, it is "borrowed at Seven Bank ATM", but is currently suspended (January 2022).This borrowing method has been stopped from Wednesday, March 23, 2020.With the suspension of borrowing at the Seven Bank ATM, there is actually one way to receive money if you borrow with a smartphone.

If you borrow on a personal computer or phone, you can receive money in the following three ways.

  1. 金融機関の口座に振り込み
  2. 新生銀行カードローンATM
  3. 提携ATM

In the "transfer to a financial institution account", as well as a smartphone borrowing, the shortest transfer is possible if there is an account in the name of the user.

With "Shinsei Bank Card Loan ATM", you can receive money for free at night and holidays.In addition, the use itself is 365 days.The usage time is as follows.

Weekdays / Saturdays …… 7:30 to 24:00 on Sundays, holidays …… 7:30 to 22:00

"Participated ATM" can receive money at affiliated ATMs nationwide.There is a merit that you can find it immediately because it is installed at convenience stores and banks.However, in the case of affiliated ATMs, be careful as a fee will be charged.

If you borrow with an automatic contract machine, you can receive money in the following two ways.

  1. 新生銀行カードローンATM
  2. 提携ATM

"Shinsei Bank Card Loan ATM" allows you to receive money for free fees at night and holidays.In addition, the use itself is 365 days.The usage time is as follows.

Weekdays / Saturdays …… 7:30 to 24:00 on Sundays, holidays …… 7:30 to 22:00

"Participated ATM" can receive money at affiliated ATMs nationwide.The advantage is that you can find it immediately because it is installed at convenience stores and banks.However, in the case of affiliated ATMs, there is a fee, so be careful.


How to repay the money borrowed from Lake ALSA

Can I repay Lake ALSA without going to the ATM?

There are five repayment methods, not only repayment from ATMs but also repayment on the web.Choose a repayment method that suits your convenience.

There are five ways to repay the money borrowed from Lake ALSA.Each has its own characteristics, so it's a good idea to choose a way to receive the services you want to use.The details will be explained while holding down the characteristics of the repayment method.

The feature of repayment in the web repayment service is that you can repay from smartphones, applications, and personal computers, and the transfer fee is free.You only need to select a financial institution from the membership page for the web repayment service.

In addition, since it is not spinning, you can repay freely on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays at midnight.No matter how many times you transfer, the transfer fee is free, so you can repay anytime when you want to make an early repayment.

The feature of repayment by automatic withdrawal is that the repayment fee is free.Automatic debit is automatically deducted every month from the registered user's account, so you don't have to worry about forgetting to repay.In addition, since there is no need to go to ATM, it is a recommended repayment method for busy people and troublesome people.

Automatic withdrawal applications are possible from personal computers or smartphones or by mail.With just one application, repayment will be much easier.


The feature of repayment at the affiliated ATM is that it can be repaid late at night.

The affiliated ATM includes the Seven Bank ATM, Lawson Bank ATM and ENETM.These affiliated ATMs can be repaid midnight, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, so those who do not have time during the day on weekdays can be used with confidence.However, in the case of affiliated ATMs, there is a fixed fee, so let's check the fees for each bank.

The feature of repayment in bank transfer is that you can repay all at once.Even if there is no Shinsei Bank ATM or affiliated ATM in your area, you can repay by transferring to a bank account specified by Lake ALSA.

The prescribed fee will be charged when transferring, but it is a recommended repayment method for those who want to repay them all at once.You can always check the bank account specified by Lake ALSA from the membership page.

The feature of repayment at the Shinsei Bank Card Loan ATM is that you can repay all at once and the repayment fee is free.

If you use the Shinsei Bank Card Loan ATM, you can repay without a Lake ALSA card.At this time, you will need a "registered phone number (home and mobile phone)", "date of birth", and "card PIN".The Shinsei Bank Card Loan ATM can also receive change of coins, so there is no problem if there is no perfect amount when repaying in bulk.

How to increase the borrowed amount with Lake ALSA

How much can you borrow Lake ALSA?

Lake ALSA borrowing varies depending on the amount you are currently borrowed.

The same is true not only in Lake ALSA but also in any consumer finance, but borrowing more than one -third of annual income, except for exclusion and exception lending, is regulated by total volume.

Therefore, the amount that can be increased will vary depending on the current borrowing amount.If you are thinking about an increase in Lake ALSA, start by knowing how much borrowing you are currently, including borrowing from other companies.

Even if you are already borrowing at Lake ALSA, you can borrow additional if you can afford the limit.You can check the limit by logging in to the membership page.

However, even if the withdrawal date has passed, the Lake ALSA has not been repaid during the "withdrawal period", so if there is a balance up to the full amount of use, additional borrowing can be made.If there is a difference from the limit even during the withdrawal period, additional borrowing is possible within the range of usage limit.At this time, the difference must be 1,000 yen units.

Let's log in to the member page.On the membership page of the user that can increase the limit, there is a display "Information on the limit".From there, you will be able to apply for an increase by clicking "Confirm / Apply for Usage Limits".However, if you wish to increase, you may be required to submit documents to prove your income.

In addition to the membership page, it is also possible to increase the procedure from the Shinsei Bank Card Loan ATM and the customer -only toll -free dial.

By registering not only the above procedures, but also the "Great Information Information" service, you will receive an email by e -mail.

Causes that cannot log in to Lake ALSA website

I can't log in to the Lake ALSA website.Why?

Missing login input and suspension of transactions may be considered.If you are uneasy, contact the customer toll -free dial.

If you can't log in to the Lake ALSA website, it's important to know the cause and countermeasures.If you cannot log in to the website, you may be delayed in repayment.

Let's take a closer look at the reasons why you can't log in to the Lake ALSA website.

Lake ALSA's login to the website is locked three times a day.

Lake ALSA's member page requires a card number and a PIN, so if you forget your PIN, you need to reissue your card.When reissuing the card, you must go to the Shinsei Bank Card Loan Automatic Contract Corner after bringing your driver's license, health insurance card, etc., which are identification documents.Lake ALSA does not allow you to contact your PIN on the web.

The reason why you can no longer log in is that the transaction has been suspended.However, if you do not have any trouble, it is unlikely that you will be suspended with Lake ALSA.If the transaction is suspended, it is likely that the repayment is delayed or the declaration has not been filed despite the change in the declaration after the contract.

If you can't solve it yourself or if you don't know the transaction, consult with your customer -only toll -free dial.

Lake ALSA is regularly maintained every week.Various services cannot be used during maintenance time.

If you can't log in even though it's not the maintenance time, you may have a system failure, so try to log in again after a while.Also, if you have to respond immediately, it is recommended that you consult and confirm with a free dial for customers.

Lake ALSA has a maximum interest period of 180 days


I heard that Lake ALSA's interest -free period is advantageous.How is it a great deal?

While many consumer finance set up a maximum interest -free period of up to 30 days, Lake ALSA has three types of interest -free periods, such as "up to 30 days, up to 60 days, up to 180 days" that other companies do not have.The fact that you can choose an unauthorized period according to your own convenience is the great attraction of Lake ALSA.

Lake ALSA has a maximum interest -free period of 180 days.There are conditions to make interest -free up to 180 days.In addition, Lake ALSA has a great interest -free period besides up to 180 days.Let's look at each condition.


The contract amount is 1 to 5 million yen, the interest -free period is 30 days from the day after the contract, the contract amount is 1 to 2 million yen, the interest period is 60 days, the contract amount is 1 to 2 million yen, and the contract is from the next day to 50,000 yen.You can choose three types of interest -free periods, 180 days without interest.

All patterns are limited to the first application.In addition, only if the contract amount is 1 to 2 million yen and the interest -free period of 60 days from the day after the contract is 60 days, web application is limited.

Consumer finance that can choose a non -interest period like Lake ALSA is very rare.Let's take a look at the interest -free period of consumer finance of competitors.

[In the case of Aiful] Aiful's interest -free period is up to 30 days.For the first time, those who use AIFUL and signed an unsecured cashing loan.

[Promise] Promise's interest -free period is 30 days from the next day.Limited to the first contract.After registering your e -mail address, you must select "Confirm writing (web statement) on the promise website" for the option of receiving the document.

[In the case of SMBC Mobit] SMBC Mobit has no interest period.

[In the case of Acom] Acom's interest -free period is up to 30 days from the day after the contract date.Acom is limited to non -secure card loans for the first time.However, this does not apply if Acom determines that it is inappropriate.

In this way, compared to consumer finance of competitors, Lake ALSA's interest -free period is far from the best.It is also a nice service to be able to choose the interest -free period according to the wishes of the user, so if you choose consumer finance during the interest -free period, Lake ALSA is recommended.

How much is the Lake ALSA's una -interest -free interest period?Assuming that you borrow 50,000 yen for "30 days without interest period" or "180 days without interest period", let's check the degree of value of each.


If you borrow 50,000 yen in "30 days without interest period", if you repay properly on the borrowed repayment date between 30 days, the interest will be 0 yen.Of course, borrowing on the contract date or additional borrowing during the interest -free period is OK.However, even during the interest -free period, if there is no repayment date on the first repayment date, a delayed damage will be incurred and the interest -free period will end.

If you want to borrow 50,000 yen without interest, you need to repay 50,000 yen properly on the repayment date set during the 30 days without interest periods.

If you borrow 50,000 yen for "180 days -by -interest period up to 50,000 yen", if you repay 50,000 yen by the repayment date set for 180 days, the interest is 0 yen.If you have an interest -free period, you will not be able to borrow 50,000 yen for additional borrowing after paying 50,000 yen.

However, if you do not repay on the repayment date during the interest -free period, you will have a delayed damage, so repay the repayment date.In addition, the delay in repayment after the end of the interest -free period also causes interest in addition to the delay damage.

The point is to repay the repayment date even during both interest -free periods.If you follow this, the interest is 0 yen.If you want to borrow a small amount up to 50,000 yen many times, it is better to use an interest -free person for 180 days.


After the end of the interest -free period, the regular interest rate is applied.

Normal interest rates are 15.0 to 18.0 % for 1 to 999,9999 yen, and 12.0 to 15.0 % for 100 to 2 million yen for borrowing.The rental rate can be confirmed from the "contract details" on the membership page.

Let's take a look at how interest is applied for each interest -free period.

[In the case of interest -free for 30 days] It will take normal interest from the 31st day from the day after the contract date.

[In the case of interest -free for 60 days] It will take normal interest from the 61st day from the day after the contract date.

[Interest in interest for 180 days up to 50,000 yen] It will take normal interest from the day after the contract date and from the 181st day.

In this way, the timing of interest varies depending on the content of the contract, but at all contracts, the interest rate is applied to normal interest rates.The interest -free period is counted from the contract date, so be careful not to make a mistake.


Q & A regarding Lake ALSA screening

Lake ALSA is a consumer finance that makes you want to borrow after receiving a screening!

Lake ALSA is a consumer finance that is easy to receive judging.This is because you can apply if you earn a stable income.Lake ALSA has a lot of consumer finance with narrow conditions for users.Lake ALSA is possible in a minimum of 60 minutes to lend on the web, so it is also recommended for those who want to borrow now.Another feature is that the interest -free period is very long compared to competitors.If you are using Lake ALSA for the first time, you may want to choose an unauthorized period according to the borrowing amount.

