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  • "I got the support from parents" Submission of "SNS Password" in Nerima Ward Junior High School, ask the Board of Education

"I got the support from parents" Submission of "SNS Password" in Nerima Ward Junior High School, ask the Board of Education

Leaflet with a password description column

「保護者からも賛同を得た」 練馬区中学校の「SNSパスワード」提出問題、教育委員会に聞く

Based on the "SNS Nerima Ward Rules" formulated by the Board of Education in Nerima Ward, Tokyo, there was a case in which students provide students with SNS passwords at junior high schools in Nerima Ward.[Tweet] Posting Password submission as a problem, we checked the minutes of the formulated "bullying support and support team" for the history of this rule, and interviewed the Secretariat of the Board of Education.The leaflet on the password was created by the Secretariat of the Board of Education in the first place, but it was realized that it was realized by the approval of parents.The secretariat thinks that while the secretariat will reflect on the use of SNS and the Internet, the secretariat is in mind that it is necessary to make sure that parents can see their children's password at any time.showed that.● What was the problem?Nerima Ward reported the problem on December 3.The Ward Board of Education distributes leaflets of "SNS Nerima Ward Rules" to students to enlighten the creation of SNS rules at home and to confirm the creation of rules created at home.This leaflet had a SNS password entry field.For this reason, the ward board of education had notified each school to submit it without entering the password, but in one of the ward junior high schools, he had forgotten that he did not need to write SNS passwords when submitting to the school., The school could know the password of the submitted student.He received a mistake on November 30 and noticed a mistake, but was already submitted by 276 people.It seems that there were no similar mistakes at other schools.● Parents "It is important that the environment where parents pick up their mobile phones at any time by disclosure of passwords."Utilizing the "SNS Nerima Ward Rules", we are working on preventing internet troubles and working with schools and homes to create independent rules for children and each family.The leaflet, which became a problem, was created based on a meeting after October 8, 2019.Look at the minutes of the time.After the revision of the SNS rules in Tokyo in 2019, the revision of the Nerima Ward SNS rules has become an agenda.The first purpose was to promote the creation of SNS rules "SNS Home Rules" in each family.Therefore, a leaflet draft was submitted to the team.This is created by the secretariat, and the "password" column is already prepared.With the opinions of school officials and parents selected from PTAs, a parent's representative, who has a daughter in junior high school and sixth year in elementary school, said, "Disclosure of passwords is somewhat courageous among children.I think it's a thing, so disclosure of a password is that there is a minimum that you can see all your mobile phones if you do not leave it to your parents. "I think it is important that parents can always pick up the mobile phone. "● "If you have something, you'll be in trouble if you don't open your mobile phone." The next meeting (January 15, 2020), the following corrections were made in the words of the SNS Nerima Ward Rules.(Draft) Understand the child's usage status, and parents will be responsible for when, when, where, and how long to use it.→ (Fix) Understand the child usage status, and manage it responsibly for parents, such as when, where, how much to use, and when necessary.In the previous meeting, "I added the opinion that parents should specify the wording that their children need to release their children's password in case of emergency."The password column remains as it is.At this meeting, a different parent representative said that if the leaflet was "homework", it would be a chance to discuss the use of SNS at home.The parent said that when an acquaintance died, he did not know the password of the mobile phone when his acquaintance died, and he felt serious."I told my kids at that time, but I could check it, but when you did something, you would have to open the mobile phone.That's right, it's good because your parents will cancel, but who will tell you or the information of the person inside. So, if you definitely change your password, please let me know. "Quoted) Because of such an experience, "So, I think this is a great thing, so I think my parents should do it as homework, should I go to school?I think. "● Leaflet is created.Report of distribution and collection status, a leaflet that was decided to be created in the previous meeting has been distributed to each school since June 2020, and on July 22, 95 % of the ward and junior high schools have already distributed SNS Nerima Ward Leaflet.are doing.There was a report at the meeting on July 27, 2020.It was reported that about 20 % of the leaflet was collected and confirmed the entry status of the "SNS Home Rules" for children and students after encouraging the entry of "SNS Home Rules" including passwords.However, from the leaflet submitted as a material at this meeting, the password description column was no longer somehow.In this case, the secretariat explained in an interview with the lawyer dot com news, "This is an erroneous post. In fact, the one with the password description column is correct.By the way, the meeting was questioned for the first time that the guardian representative switched to a new committee and teaching people about SNS passwords."In terms of security, I shouldn't tell people about SNS passwords. Of course, parents, for example, parents know that they are in elementary school.I understand my feelings. But when I grow up, I teach my friends that this kind of security and password is not something I teach.Oh, I'm going to do it. I have had such a pattern for quite a long time. I want to play a game, so lend me, then say what. If you don't change it, you'll be used all the time. "(Quoted from the minutes.") After that, the Board of Education notified that on August 20, 2020, the company was notified that the relevant part would not be described, but the secretariat explained at the meeting on October 21, 2020.rice field."In fact, this is also pointed out, and if you write a password here, there is no point in password. Even more, how to collect this is how to submit and collect it.As you said, it is up to you to explain the field of this field, so I have now explained the material 3. Actually, it has already been printed and distributed, so I will collect it and make it again.That is, it is a report that it is unlikely to be possible within this year, so it has been notified that it will be urgent "(quoted from the minutes), and in November 2021, this time.A problem occurs.● 36 people wrote the password.On December 8, the lawyer dot com News spoke to the secretariat of the Nerima Ward Board of Education, based on the contents of the meeting.The leaflet finally gathered 276 people, of which 36 were listed on SNS passwords.We do not know which SNS is the described password, such as LINE or Twitter.We distributed an apology document to each family for collecting passwords and becoming known.In the future, we will teach students that personal information, such as passwords, is not informing third parties to third parties.There is an intention to create a password description column, etc., to create an opportunity to discuss the rules of SNS in each family.Even if the leaflet was distributed, there was a thought that parents and children would not be able to read them, let alone them.Therefore, it was the secretariat who made the draft in the password description column, but the question was not questioned in the meeting before it was created."Parents also received (supported) opinions (in the case of the leaflet were actually distributed). Not only that, but also the problems that are occurring around the situation, this is the case.The opinion was that I could think that I was thinking in the same way, "(the person in charge of the secretariat), but at the meeting, it was questioned how to tell a third party the password.It was after the creation (meeting in July 2020).Due to the opinions of such parents, the secretariat notified the school after the meeting, saying, "We must avoid gathering passwords intentionally."● Whether to pass the password to your parents should be determined at home. This leaflet was distributed in June last year, according to the number of children in Nerima Ward (about 47,000).It is said that it was printed on paper and distributed to each school.After that, it seems that the data storage location of the leaflet is accessed and the schools are printed as much as necessary.The person in charge of the secretariat apologized to the interview, "There was a part that we could not reach because such a situation was caused as a result."The meaning of it was that we thought it was meaningful. "Of course, the purpose is to manage SNS and Internet bullying.At the meeting in October 2018, a case of a sixth grade elementary school student introduced a case that a child posted a guitar to Youtube and was slandered by a friend.The principal showed that "SNS is an urgent issue in elementary school".The secretariat recognizes that school passwords are inappropriate, but they don't guide their children to tell their parents the password."I think it depends on your age and usage. When giving a smartphone for the first time in elementary school, there are some things that your child can use freely, and parents always see it.I think it is necessary to promise to be able to do so "(the person in charge of the secretariat)

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