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Unstoppable online advertising credibility is coming to an era where you can't click on ads? | Business + IT

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    Unstoppable online advertising credibility is coming to an era where you can't click on ads?

    Search is one of the basic functions of the Web. In addition, it can be said that advertising is indispensable for businesses in order to continue services on the Internet. The search results derived by search engines are reliable within the scope of the algorithm, and we utilize the results in our daily lives and work. Advertising about the products and services you want can help you gather information. However, recently, a number of information security incidents that re-question the reliability of the Web have occurred and have become a problem. I would like to think about the future of advertising when this incident, which requires corporate morals and compliance, such as advertisements that mislead or solicit by false display, is used.

    Freelance writer Shinji Nakao

    Freelance writer Shinji Nakao

    Freelance writer and editor. From ASCII book editing to O'Reilly Japan, he translates, writes, and interviews both on paper and on the Web. He has a lot of IT, but occasionally writes in automobile-related media. I've been using the internet (though I didn't say it) since UUCP.

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    In mid-February, a case was talked about when a smartphone was displayed as "insufficient memory" and a message prompting for cleanup was displayed, and following the link led to the download page of the cleanup tool of a software vendor. rice field. What went wrong was that the message that seemed to be an out-of-memory warning was displayed because it was an "advertisement" rather than a legitimate feature or app on a smartphone or tablet. Since it is an advertisement, it does not send a message by checking the remaining memory of the terminal. It's a false message to take you to the download page. According to the software vendor, the ads weren't legitimately requested. It suggests that the agency may have replaced such ads without permission after the contract in order to increase the performance fee for downloads. Alternatively, there is a possibility that malicious advertisements have been mixed into the ad network (described later), but it is unlikely that the destination is a legitimate download site. By the way, in China, in order for malicious agencies to improve the results of advertisements, it seems that there are actually places where malicious agencies do not use advertisements and creatives confirmed with clients and replace them with more radical or fraudulent advertisements like this one. .. Another example is an incident that occurred on the largest page in the country of a search engine. In this case, the function of the ad network is deeply involved. An ad network is a service that provides a mechanism to buy ad slots on media sites in bulk and display advertisements from various advertisers there. The difference from the conventional web advertising agencies is that instead of buying ads for a specific company and a specific page, the ad space such as banners is held together. As a result, the media site can fill the ad space without the trouble of contracting or adjusting with individual advertisers. If the advertiser also contracts with an ad network agency, there is an advantage that contracts and adjustments for each site can be streamlined. The incident that became a problem was that the bank's phishing site was displayed in the search-linked advertisement displayed in the search results of major domestic search sites. This site was supposed to display ads related to keywords at the top of the search results, but it was not clear to what extent it was search-linked ads or search results by normal algorithms (currently improved). Yes). As a result, it is possible that a person who searched a bank site was guided to a phishing site and had their personal information removed. Google and Amazon make it possible to distinguish the results (advertisements) displayed in conjunction with the search keyword by the difference in the background color, but this is still a problem in the United States as it is difficult to understand. There was no color coding on this site, so it was in the form of unintentionally helping the attacker. It is said that the phishing site was mixed in with the advertisement in the search results because the ad network was used for this display. Generally, ad network advertisements are not individually specified or contracted by the site or media side. In other words, the ad network user can only grasp what kind of advertisement is displayed by the content explained in advance by the ad network side. The ad network side also needed to acquire as many clients as possible in order to hold the slots together, and as a result, neither the agency nor the site side was able to check for illegal and fraudulent advertisements. [Next page] In an era when online advertisements are not clicked?

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    止まらないネット広告の信頼性低下 広告をクリックできなくなる時代がやってくる? |ビジネス+IT

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