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President Ukraine, "Missile attack by Russia" and authorities confirm the dead (BBC News) --Yahoo! News



President Ukraine, "Missile attack by Russia" and the authorities confirm the dead

President Ukraine,

The Russian army began military attacks around Ukraine on the 24th.Not only in military facilities, but also in Tygueev, the eastern part of Harukiu, apartment housing was also targeted for airstrokes and was destroyed.Ukrainian President Walodimil Zelensky said the country was attacked on the same day.He said Russia had launched a missile attack on the country's infrastructure and military facilities.In the afternoon, the president announced a break with Russia at a press conference.Ukraine police have confirmed seven people who have killed Russian bombing.Authorities said that six people had killed six attacks on military units on the outskirts of Odessa in the southern port.It is said that there are 19 missing people.Authorities said that one person had died in the eastern Mariopoli.According to the Ukrainian army, the Russian army started "intensive bombardment" in the eastern part of the country.Borie -Spili International Airport and other airports near the capital Kiwu (Kyiv) have been attacked by Russian missiles.In a battle at Hostmel Airport near Kiu, a video of the Russian helicopter shot down by the Ukrainian army has emerged, and the BBC confirmed that the content was true.According to Reuters, Ukrainian Commander Valery Zarginui acknowledged that the Ukrainian army was fighting the Russian army over the control of the airport around Kiu.The Ukrainian Air Force has shot down five Russian military aircraft and one helicopter.In response, Russian Defense Minister said that no aircraft was shot down.According to state -run media, Zelenceky plans to provide weapons to all citizens looking for weapons.Zerensky has called for the National Security Council and the issuance of martial law.After this, an emergency conference is held and the issuance is expected to be decided.In the image capturing the center of Kiu, it seems that black smoke is rising from the Ukrainian Defense Information Bureau Headquarters.The headquarters building is safe, but it is said that a large -scale fire is occurring in the next building.According to Ukraine, a part of the military headquarters was attacked by Russian missiles on the morning of the 24th.In the suburbs of Keyu, at least six people died in a series of missile attacks.In some cases, Odessa reported that the Russian paratroopers had descended, but the Ukrainian army denied it.Ukrainian officials reported by multiple media, and troops in Belarus in contact with the northern borders have also joined the Russian attack.Ukrainian border security authorities have published photos from the southern Crimea, which was annexed by Russia in 2014, that the Army's train had entered Ukraine.Before entering the train, a shell was fired.Ukraine is attacked by a unit stationed in Belarus from the southern and east and from the north to Russia.■ A news organizations such as the BBC such as the attacking BBC in the "high -precision weapon" reported that explosions were heard in eastern Ukraine and key wow.Meanwhile, according to the Russian News (RIA), the Ministry of Defense claimed that the Ukrainian cities were not implemented on Tuesday.He said that he was aiming for the country's military infrastructure, air defense systems, and the Air Force with "high -precision weapons."At around 5:55 am on the same day (Japan Time on the same day), Russia's President Vladimir Putin announced that it will implement a "special military operation" in the Dongbus area of the Ukraine in the eastern Ukraine.According to reports, it was shortly after the first bombardment was implemented for Ukraine.The BBC Sarah Rainsford Eastern European Specialist, who is interviewing the Donetsk in the eastern part of Ukraine, tweeted on the morning of the same day in Japan time, saying, "There was a loud explosion in the Kramatrsk (in the area)."https: // Twitter.COM/SARAHRAINSFORD/STATUS/1496681227897683968 Paul Adams, who is interviewing Keyu, said that he had heard four or five times a fantastic explosion from a distance after 5 am.Shortly after, he heard again and felt closer than at the beginning, but not the center of Kiu.The citizens sounded a siren that informed the emergency in Kiu.The local video shows that the highway is congested in the cars of the accused citizens.Social media posts indicate that panic is increasing.Some say they are running into air defense shelters and basements.The TV video shows the people who are gathering and praying on the street.Many citizens are rushing to the subway station.Some people take the bus to the city.BBC's Nick Beak reporter said that the situation of Kiu on the morning of the 24th was quiet, but the soldiers were more prominent than usual.According to the reporter, a traveler rang the siren of the raid, and after a government warning, he was left out of the hostel.It is said that other travelers are at a loss on the street with their suitcases.The reporter also stated that some complained that the mobile phone was interrupted.There are reports that shoppers are in line at supermarkets.Luke Harding reporter Luke Harding tweeted, saying that few people are outdoors in Kiu.The bank's ATM had a line.According to the BBC correspondent in Rainsford, the residents of Kramatrsk in eastern Ukraine said, "I am scared to be shocked and imagine that it can happen.""Last night, people shaken the Ukrainian flag on the street, and they said they were their own land, they wouldn't go anywhere.I can't do it, "said the correspondent.Mr. Biden and his colleagues said that the United States of President Joe Biden had discussed with Ukrainian President Zelensky.He explained to Zerensky about his efforts to "bring up international accusations."In a statement, Biden pointed Russian attacks as "not provocated and not justified."Mr. Biden also explained that it will discuss with the leaders (G7) leaders on the 24th.The United States and allies said, "Strict sanctions against Russia.""We will continue to provide support and assistance to Ukraine and Ukrainian people."■ Response to NATO's reaction, Secretary -General Jens Streenberg of the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO), was a press conference in Brussels, Belgium, and Russia's "unfair and unreasonable" attack on Ukraine is the life of countless guilty people.He said he was in danger.He also pointed out that Russia has developed terrestrial and special forces with Ukrainian military infrastructure and major cities in many directions, from various directions."This is an intentional and cold -blooded invasion that has been planned for many years."Strollenberg said that Russian leaders will take all responsibilities for this reckless act and lost lives.He called Russia to immediately stop military action, withdraw the army from Ukraine, and choose diplomatic solutions.Strollenberg stated in a statement that Russia was trying to rewrite history using force and deny Ukraine's free and independent path.He also stated that "attack on a country is considered an attack on all countries," and that protecting and protecting all allies is the core mission of NATO.The NATO's highest decision -making organization, Kita Atlantic Board, agreed on April 24 to activate a defense plan for the protection of member countries.As a result, NATO can deploy a corresponding unit in the necessary places.US President Biden has already stated that the US Corps will not dispatch Ukraine."I have to fail," the British Prime Minister British government published a recording speech by Prime Minister Boris Johnson on the afternoon of the 24th.The Prime Minister accused Russia that has begun a "large -scale invasion from the land and sea sky" despite the lack of provocation, and said, "This is not only an attack on Ukraine, but also democracy and freedom in Eastern Europe and the world.It is an attack on. "Then, the Prime Minister said, "Our mission is obvious. Diplomatically, politically, economically, and militaryly, this tremendous and aggressive behavior of Vladimir Putin failed in failure.We have to end it, "he emphasized," said the United Kingdom and allies that it would activate "huge" comprehensive sanctions and "stagger" the Russian economy.Johnson pointed out that Ukraine was "a country that is hardly known, somewhere far away."In the past World War II, in 1938, when Nazi Germany was annexed to the Zdeten region of Czechoslovakia, the reason why we chose the Policy Policy to avoid intervention, "What we are, we are far away.He quoted the famous expression by Prime Minister Neville Chembalen at the time as a "infamous" expression.Furthermore, for ourselves, they promised to support Ukraine people as neighbors and colleagues, and "Russian parents who lost their lives are doing this in your name.Hmm. "(English article UKRaine Accuses Russia of Starting a Full-Scale War)

(C) BBC News

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