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  • To protect the children from "Child Grooming" -Movpuri's knowledge![129] -Ryukyu Shimpo Style -A web magazine that makes every day in Okinawa a little fun and renewed.

To protect the children from "Child Grooming" -Movpuri's knowledge![129] -Ryukyu Shimpo Style -A web magazine that makes every day in Okinawa a little fun and renewed.

There is the word "child grooming" * 1 that makes you familiar with your child for the purpose of sexual acts.It's not well known, but even if you know the meaning, you may be able to prevent the damage because you may be aware of "Is this a child grooming?"In particular, damage is spreading through the Internet such as SNS.Online games and SNS can easily set "characters".Some people are impersonated as "adults who are seriously listening to children's worries", and when they gain trust, they invite them to send naked photos and do not come to their homes.

Child -looking adults use various patterns to use various patterns, such as spearing words that are gentle on children, riding a problem consultation, setting the SNS profile setting as "classmates". We are approaching. Recently, there are patterns that use online games with voice chat functions and have a direct conversation. These sex offenders take actions that are "good people" for children, but they are only their strategies, all of which are to perform sex crimes. It is an act that makes the victim aware that it is a crime that makes you think, "I didn't like it." Very malicious, but you can see it everywhere on the Internet. Also, it takes time for the victim to recognize it as a crime, so it takes time for the damage to appear.

Online games and SNS can build human relationships other than school for children and often work positively.Even if you don't go well in school life, if you have a connection elsewhere, you may have the effect of surviving the situation.On the other hand, you may meet a criminal who does child -glooming and your mind and body may be deeply damaged.


The content of the consultation you talked about may be taken by hand and threatened and complained.So, in that sense, encounters online are also high -risk high returns.So, it's most important to tell children that they don't teach personal information even if they think they can trust when they get to know them.

子どもたちを「チャイルドグルーミング」から守るために -モバプリの知っ得![129] - 琉球新報Style - 沖縄の毎日をちょっと楽しく新しくするウェブマガジン。

It is also recommended that you put dummy information in your profile, such as shifting your age or setting residence settings to another prefecture so that individuals are not identified.After that, do not meet someone you met online in the minors.It is important to meet as an adult in the future, but to meet in a place where shops, food courts, people can see, or to meet a certain number of people, such as a large number of people, rather than alone.is.In the unlikely event of a damage, call the one -stop support center " # 8891" * 2 for sexual violence.

* 1 Child glooming ... Grooming is a grooming of animals such as cats, and is used to mean "hand -to -hand".Child glooming adults use sexual acts (seeking naked photos and videos, meeting, touching, touching the body, etc.) to trust the children and trust them.If an adult who is used to child grooming and an unknown child who have started using the Internet interacts, they will be damaged immediately.

* 2 One -stop support center ... Each area has sex violence support centers, but if you call " # 8891 (one -stop)", it will lead to each regional support center.Okinawa Prefecture will be Okinawa Prefectural Violence victims one -stop support center (with you Okinawa).

 The same theme is written for children even on May 23, the elementary and junior high school newspaper "Ryu PON!" Published by the Ryukyu Shimpo every Sunday.Ryu PON with parent and child!I would be glad if it would be a chance to think about how to associate with the Net smartphone, including the Ryukyu Shimpo STYLE.


 Mobile Prince / Shima Bag Kou Okinawa is active as a writer, lecturer and radio personality.Use smartphones and digital gadgets without being bound by specific manufacturers.With a friendly character and an easy -to -understand explanation, information is conveyed to a wide range of generations.

http: // smartphoneokoku.net/
