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  • Mufufufu site is refreshing.I erased the ad with the iPhone advice "280Blocker" !! [PR]

Mufufufu site is refreshing.I erased the ad with the iPhone advice "280Blocker" !! [PR]




なかでもiPhone/iPad向けの 「280blocker(ニイハチマル・ブロッカー)」はAppStoreで2.Star 4 with 60,000 evaluations.8という圧倒的な高評価を得ているようなので、その性能をチェックしてみることにしました。

280Blocker: Content blocker 280 | App Store *Category: Technology Technology

Verify the ability of iOS ad blocker "280 blocker"!

"280Blocker" has a function that hides banners and textbooks for smartphones, related PR articles, and block tracking (behavioral tracking), heavy SNS buttons, virtual currency mining scripts, etc.

But the most worrisome thing is whether you can display the website you actually use clearly ...?So, let's verify the ability of "280Blocker" on a video site, news site, YouTube, etc.

* The test environment when creating the article is iPhone 12 Pro Max, iOS 15.4 (Beta), "Safari" browser

◇ Block the advertisement of Mufufu video site!

First, I accessed a site known as an adult video hub.

In the state of "280 blocker" off (left), "Live chat with a beautiful woman" is displayed at the top of the page, but when the blocker is turned on, the ad disappears.

As the ads disappear, the thumbnail of the video is displayed exactly for two, making it easier to find your favorite videos.

In addition, "Priror", where advertising videos are played before playing the videos you want to watch, can be blocked.

Normally, as shown on the left, you can forcibly see the ad in the form of "This video can be skipped after ○ seconds", but if you install the blocker, the content you want to see immediately will be displayed.It was refreshing.

When I tested on other Mufufu video sites, I could see that although there were differences such as "white blanks remain in the space where the ads disappeared", the ad was blocked firmly.

◇ You can also use Mufufu advertising if you don't want to see it!

Mufufu videos are enjoyable in private.It would be a problem if such an ad was displayed in the company or train, in front of the family.If you are enjoying an adult video frequently, you may get a little muffle advertisement when you are looking at news sites due to user targeting, so block it.

AppBank.When a NET tech article was opened, a gadget ad was displayed on the top of the page, but there was an advertisement for a chot H manga at the bottom.However, if you use "280Blocker", you can hide both.

◇ Block game ads!

Browser games are perfect for killing a little time, but many people have felt frustrated in the ads displayed in between.If you play with the intention of changing your mind, you will fall down if you say, "I'm frustrated by the advertisement!"Excessive advertisements are comfortable if you shut out with an ad blocker.

ムフフなサイトがスッキリ。iPhone用アドブロック「280blocker」で広告を消してみた!! 【PR】

If "280Blocker" is off, the entire screen will be displayed after the explanation of "How to play", and then the play screen will be displayed.

On the other hand, if you turn on "280 blocker", you can enjoy playing immediately after the explanation of "how to play".

◇ Block the “related articles” ads on the news site!

Many news sites display "related articles" and "recommended articles" at the bottom of the page, but there are many cases where ads are missing.If you are going to read the article and are often guided to an advertisement, you should use an adblocker to collect information and work.

If the ad blocker is off, the advertisement is displayed in four places, but if you turn it on, it will be one net.Only real related articles are displayed, and you can get to the information you want to read.

◇ Block Youtube ads!

"280Blocker" operates as an extension of "Safari", so you can use the adblock function by accessing YouTube from "Safari".

When I actually tried it, I was able to block the video advertisement of "Priror" and the ads under the video.

◇ You can block news app advertisements!

Some advertisements can be hidden by settings ( * Details described later) in news apps other than "Safari" browsers.

In the following example, even if "280 blocker" is used, the "PR" in the center of the page remains, but the advertisement at the bottom of the page has disappeared.

By using "280 blocker" in this way, sites that access from "Safari" can block most advertisements on video sites and browser games, and can reduce the number of advertisements displayed in other news apps, etc.is.

When the advertisement is displayed, the attention may be stuck there, and it may be that "I forgot what I need to do" and "I was disconnected by my concentration and was wasted time."Even though it is an advertisement, it is recommended to use an ad blocker to deal with advertising blockers, as those that are too persistent and excessive are valuable time.

▽ Click here for details and downloads of the app 280Blocker: Content blocker 280 | App Store

Advantages to use the iPhone advice "280 blocker"

Blocking advertisements to be able to watch neat videos, games, news, etc. is as I mentioned earlier, and it turned out that it is effective in maintaining concentration.

In addition, blocking ads can reduce the amount of data downloaded by "Safari" and save communication capacity.If you want to reduce the monthly mobile phone payment, install an ad blocker because you can reduce the so -called "giga consumption".

◇ "280 blocker" is recommended for such people

Five reasons to recommend "280 blocker"

  1. 運営会社の信頼性が高い:「280blocker」を提供するトビラシステムズ株式会社は迷惑電話のブロック・サービスを提供する東証一部上場企業で、警察庁と特殊詐欺の防止に取り組んで来た実績があるセキュリティ企業です。
  2. 追加課金なしの買い切り:「280blocker」は初回ダウンロード時500円の有料アプリですが、その後は費用がかかりません。よくある「サブスク」のようなかたちで追加課金をされないのは嬉しいところ。
  3. 確実なアップデート:「280blocker」は毎月複数回のアップデートを行なっており、その結果は公式のツイッター・アカウント「@280blocker」で確認できます。ブロックルールが適宜アップデートされ、精度が維持されることは「選ぶ決め手」になる重要なポイントです。
  4. 使い方がカンタン:かんたんな設定で正確に広告をブロック。複雑な設定なしでサクサク使えるのでビギナーにもおすすめです。しかも、細かく設定したい上級者向け機能もあるので、トコトンいじりたいという人のニーズにも応えてくれます。
  5. 国産アプリで日本語サイトに強い:純国産のアプリのため日本語の国内サイトに表示される広告の対策に優れています。また、生活の一部となっているスマホだけに、日本企業が提供するアプリであることによる安心感も魅力です。

▽ Click here for details and downloads of the app 280Blocker: Content blocker 280 | App Store

How to install "280 blocker" for iPhone

Access this link, start Appstore with iPhone or iPad, search for "280 blockers", and tap "¥ 500".

Tap "Payment".

When the payment is completed, tap "Open".

The installation is now complete.

◇ How to set up after installation of "280 blocker"

Start "280Blocker" and make sure that the following three toogles switches are turned on (green) on the first screen (if not turned on, tap and set on).

Next, select "Safari" from the iOS "Settings" app (gear icon), display "extension", and turn on the "280 blocker" toogle switch.

You can now block websites and related PR articles, tracking, heavy SNS buttons, virtual currency mining scripts, etc.

◇ Enable advertisement blocks with apps other than "Safari"

In order to reduce advertisements displayed in applications other than "Safari", such as news apps, you need to set up in two places.

First, open "280Blocker" and turn on the "DNS block server" to on (green) from "advanced advertisement block".

Next, open "General" from the iOS "Settings" app (gear icon), select "VPN and device management", and tap "DNS".Tap "280 blocker" on this DNS configuration page and make the check mark in it.

This allows you to reduce the amount of ads displayed even if you use an application other than "Safari".

"280Blocker" is an affordable price and is an application that allows Japanese companies to use safe and high -precision advertisements.If you want to use the Internet comfortably, such as video sites, browser games, etc., it is a must -have tool, so if you are interested, please download it from the link below.

▽ 280Blocker: Content blocker 280 | App Store

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