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Share business documents on Windows and iPad, use Office Convenient -iPH: Nikkei Crostek Active


 The first thing that is said to be an office app that creates business documents is apps such as "Word", "Excel", and "PowerPoint", which are known as "Microsoft Office" (hereinafter "Office").Office for iPad and iPhone has been released from Microsoft (Microsoft) in the United States, and the documents with the PC version are very high.When creating and editing a business document on an iPad introduced for telework, Office is an essential tool.

 This time, I would like to introduce a useful technique when using iPad as a Windows PC submachine.

 If you are using an Office app on your computer, the introduction of an Office app will be best on your iPad.The biggest reason is that the layout when opening a document file, which is common in other Office compatible apps, is rarely disturbed, and the content is kept in either, so the main reason is that you can use it with confidence while exchanging documents.。

WindowsとiPadでビジネス文書を共有、Officeの便利な使い方 - あなたが知らないiPh:日経クロステック Active

 On the other hand, it is true that the mobile version, including the iPad, has a omitted function.The macro function that automates the work is not possible or edit as a typical example.In addition, there is a function that can be used in the mobile version, such as the "pivot table" used for data analysis in Excel, but cannot be added.In such a case, it is also necessary to create a document shape in the PC version in advance.

Windows版のWordで作成中の文書。あえてWindows独自フォントである「Meiryo UI」を使用している[画像のクリックで拡大表示]Windows版のWordで作成中の文書をiPad版のWordで開いたところ。レイアウトが乱れることなく、iPadにはない「Meiryo UI」フォントも正しく表示される[画像のクリックで拡大表示]

 If a font that is not on the iPad is used in a document created on a personal computer, it is generally replaced with another font on the iPad side.

 However, in the case of an Office app, there is a function to save the document file in the form of a computer file in the form of a PC file.The "Meiryo UI" was displayed correctly in the above -mentioned document because it used this function.This is called the "embedded function" of the font.

 When using the font embedded function, display "Options" from the "File" screen of each application on the PC side and turn on "Save" in "Save".


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