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The rent of San Francisco is too high ... Remodeled the van to the Nomad Worker (Business Insider JAPAN) --Yahoo! News



Erica Horn, who works for a tech company, works remotely while traveling in the southwestern United States.

サンフランシスコの家賃が高すぎて…バンを改造してノマドワーカーに(BUSINESS INSIDER JAPAN) - Yahoo!ニュース

* This article is a reprint of the article on July 3, 2021. Erica Horn purchased a used Mercedes -Benz Sprinter for $ 25,000 and set up a kitchen and a bedroom and two beds. [See all images] The rent of San Francisco is too high ... Remodeled the van and Horn in a beautiful place in Arizona, California, and Utah. She doesn't intend to return to the "vicious circle" of a rental house in San Francisco. The 33 -year -old tech worker told Insider that he had just begun to work in a used van, abandoned his high rent in San Francisco, worked on a used van, and had just begun a crossing of the United States. Erica Horn is an account manager of the map box (Mapbox), a platform company that supports development of developers, and has been two years old in the spring of 2020, when the first waves of the new Coronovirus attacked.・ I purchased a Benz sprinter for $ 25,000 (about 2.75 million yen) and decided to renovate it. In July 2020, Horn made a loan for purchasing a van with a mileage of 100,000 miles (160,000 km) from a local bakery. "The couple running a bakery was very good, and they sold at a cheap price because they were excited about my plan," said Horn. With the help of two new businesses and his father, Horn spent about $ 35,000 (about 3.85 million yen) from cash and savings for six months. The van was enough to set up a bed, kitchen, shower, toilet, and guest beds for guests. She said there was enough space for one person to live. But she added that the renovation was a process to continue in the future. "It won't end!" Erica Horn Horn said that the first goal of living in a van was to save money. "I was tired of the vicious cycle of being swayed by the high rent of San Francisco and having the opportunity to own a house, so now I have all the money I used for the rent to savings and retirement." Horn has traveled to Arizona and Utah, and if the climate has become warm and pandemic regulations are alleviated, he will head to Oregon and Washington. "I feel very happy when I look at the mountains and coastline over the laptops during my work," she said. "I like to go anywhere I want to go, and I like the house and my favorite things. The best balance for me who loves being at home but wants to go on a trip. I think she, "she said. She often makes a decision in the day compared to her previous life, looking for water and propane gas, and taking care not to break things in the van while driving. He said. "If you can stay in a quiet and beautiful place, it's worthwhile to run on a bumpy and stressful road," she said. Erica Horn's biggest problem is a stable connection environment. "The fact that being tied to the sales force page and video conferences from 9:00 to 5 o'clock requires a powerful communication environment," she said. She upgrades her mobile phone so that she can buy a wireless LAN router and booster so that she can get a stable communication environment. Loneness is one of the major issues in van life. "It's wonderful to be alone when you need it, but it's hard to call your friends and call home even if you feel social." She will sell or lend this van in the future. Say a possibility. "I don't know when it is," she says. [Original sentence: Sky-HIGH CALIFORNIA RENTS PERSUADED A TECH EXEC TO LIVE IN HER $ 25k Secondhand Van and Work Remotely from Natural PARKS.TAKE A Look at Her New Nomadic Life.] (Translation: makiko sato, edit: toshihiko inoue)

Anna cooban